Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 121 - He Is My Boyfriend!!

On the other side, John continued to whine as Sia dragged him by his ears mercilessly but their path was obstructed by an unwanted guest.

Pausing on her steps, Sia looked up at the young lady who was obstructing their path with a frown.

Sia was surprised when she identified the person standing in front.

With a smile, she raised her hand and greeted "You, Ms...Uh-Ms. Uh---"

initially, Sia wanted to greet the young girl who was standing in front but when she did she realized that she actually did not recall her name.

Nudging his waist with his elbow roughly, she asked in a whisper "Hey, what's her name?"

Clutching his waist which was nudged roughly by Sia, John winced "How will I know that?"

Turning to John, she asked again "You really don't know who is she?"

Shrugging his shoulder, John shook his head and replied "I really don't know who is she"

"Oh..." nodding her head in understanding, Sia turned to the red-faced Rosy and asked apologetically "Sorry but who are you? I mean...what's your name?"

At the moment, Rosy was almost on the verge of bursting out after Sia questioned her. Though Sia asked John in a whisper, Rosy still heard them and she felt so angry.

As arrogant as she was, Rosy has never been questioned about her identity, and what she hated the most was when people didn't recognize her identity. According to Rosy, not knowing her identity was equal to trampling her pride.

Once just because an employee working under her father did not recognize her, Rosy felt so humiliated that not only did she fire the employee, she even turned their family into nothing and from then on Rosy's name and deed reverberated throughout the company and high society. After that employee, no one ever dared to ask her about her identity but now she was once again questioned about her identity that to second time from the same girl.

This was one of the most humiliating experiences for Rosy. Though Rosy had the urge to beat up Sia and scream her identity loudly but her ego did not let her do that. Looking down at Sia, Rosy turned her face and harumphed arrogantly "Hmph...such a low-class person like you doesn't have the privilege to know about my identity"

"Oh..." nodding her head in understanding, Sia turned to John and said "John, Ms. XYZ thinks that we don't deserve to know her identity so let's not force her. Come, let's go"


just as Sia and John wanted to walk past Rosy, Rosy suddenly stopped them and glared at Sia before turning to John with a sweet smile, she apologized hurriedly "Young master John, please don't take her words into your heart. What I said weren't meant to you"


"Uh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself" moving a strand of her hair behind her ears, Rosy smiled shyly "I'm Rosy from the Richard family. It's my honor to meet you"

"Oh...I See" John nodded his head awkwardly.

Standing at the side, Seeing Rosy's shy demeanor, Sia almost had the urge to puke. Until know Sia thought that foreigners were two-headed snake but now after seeing Rosy's behavior she felt that foreigners were less when compared to Rosy.

"Young master John, guess you have forgotten but we met each other in a charity gala previously" Rosy reminded kindly

"Oh...sorry, I have a bad memory" John smiled apologetically

Rolling her eyes, Sia muttered to herself "Bad memory your ass. With your girlfriend watching you closely how would you dared to look at other girls"

Not knowing Sia's thought, Rosy continued politely " Young master John, next week the Richard family is going to arrange a charity gala. When the time comes I will personally invite you. I hope you can accept the invitation and attend the banquet"

"Uh...thank you Miss" John replied with a forced smile, not knowing what to say

Seeing Sia from the corner of her eyes, a glint flashed in Rosy's eyes.

Clearing her throat, she pretended to be hesitant but herself to say "Uhm, Young master John if you don't mind a piece of kind advice. It's better to keep your distance from low-class people especially from gold diggers like her. Young master John, you may not know this but this ugly girl was eagerly running behind Mu Jun but after you appeared, she is now eager to hug your thigh" seeing that John's face was slowly turning dark, Rosy smiled inwardly but pretended to be indifferent outside and continued to advise kindly "Young master John must already be aware that these kind of people are up to nothing so it's better to keep them away as much as possible"

Having waited for enough, Sia could no longer keep quiet and asked hurriedly "Are you done? if so can you move? I'm in hurry"

Glancing at Sia, Rosy sneered "What are you? I never stopped you from getting lost"

"Yeah but are stopping my boyfriend" Sia replied indifferently

"Boyfriend? haha....why don't you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you even deserve a boyfriend?" Rosy rolled her eyes and sneered before turning to John "Young master John, see I told you. These kind of people are up to nothing good. She even dared to claim you as her boyfriend, how shameless"

"What, are you jealous?" Sia asked with her eyebrows raised

"Jealous? Do you even think you deserve to be envied? Stop bluffing you can never be his girlfriend" Rosy sneered disdainfully

"Oh really? then do you want me to prove it to you? Hmm...let's see, how should I prove my words...should I hold his hands?" Sia said and intervened her fingers with Johns "Or should I hug him?" she said and hugged him tightly "Or, should I kiss him?" Sia said and was just about to kiss John's cheeks when a big hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere and covered her mouth and pulled her back, causing Sia to stumble into a warm embrace.

With a frown, when Sia looked up she found that Mu Jun was covering her mouth.

Trying to pull his arms, Sia glared at Mu Jun and asked incoherently "Hey...What are you doing"

Not replying to Sia, Mu Jun glared at Rosy coldly and said "Scram" before dragging Sia along with him

"Hey, hey...where are you taking me? let me go, I haven't kissed John yet" Sia protested in his arms

"Stop causing trouble and come with me. I need your help with something" Mu Jun said in a gentle tone

"Huh? wait...what? hey, can you stop pulling me by my neck and...can you step back, you are awfully close. hey-hey-hey...are you even listening to me? Hey---MU JUN!"


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