Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 11 - If You Dont Have Spare Pants, We Will Lend You Spare Skirt!!

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Jin entered the class, the first person he saw was Sia and he could not help but gloat at her misfortune while smile at his success. Because he was too occupied, Lu Jin did not notice the thin layer of gum on his seat and directly sat on it.

Throughout the class, Lu Jin could not hide the faint smile on his face and he would keep turning back to look at Sia and gloat at her. Seeing the laters reaction Sia could not help but feel amused.

'Why is he soo happy for such a small thing?' she thought

When the later saw Sia, he nearly misunderstood her expression and thought that she was still unaware. Thinking of this, the laters eyes glowed brightly and could not help but imagine Sia's expression when she finds out that she was stuck to the chair.

When the first two periods were done and it was time for them to have a break, Lu Jin hurriedly looked at Sia, anticipating to see her reaction. The four boys also naturally saw Lu Jin's action. puzzled, they turned to look at the direction Lu Jin was looking at curiously. The girls also could not help but look at Lu Jin and Sia curiously.

Feeling Lu Jin's eyes, Sia did not immediately get up but instead stretched her hands and neck lazily and tried to get up but then pretended to not be able to able to get up.

As soon as Lu Jin saw this, his eyes burned brightly but before he could smile wide, under his shocked gaze, Sia got up from her desk with no effort and there was no trace of gum on her desk nor behind her dress.

Shocked, When Lu Jin was about to get up, he suddenly felt he was stuck and was not able to get up from his desk. Just then he saw Sia's mini act of changing desk and after changing how she sat back like a queen. Finally understanding the outcome, Lu Jin's eyes suddenly turned wide and he looked at Sia in shock. After seeing Sia's mini act, the others also finally understood what happened and could not help but laugh out loudly.

Furious, Lu Jin pointed at Sia and stuttered "You-you...you changed the desk?"

raising her voice, Sia rebuked sarcastically "then what? do you think I'm a fool to fall in your trap even after knowing it..huh?"


Before Lu Jin could speak, Sia grinned widely and asked "How's it, little brother? is it good to get stuck?"

"You...how dare you?"

"hehe...Little brother, look at what you have done to yourself! I told you to not mess with me but you...tsk tsk, now look what you got into for offending your elder sister? So, I advise you to stop playing these childish games and grow up...you know, these kind of things are too boring"


"Well, since you are my little brother, I will forgive you this once. Ah and also, next hour we are supposed to go to the auditorium. So, it's not good to miss the classes on your first day so, get up fast and run to your dorm, if not I'm afraid that someone will see your embarrassing look...Good luck Kid, sister will see you around" Sia said. just when she was about to walk out, she suddenly stopped and looked back and said in sarcasm "Ah, little brother, if you don't have spar pant then tell me, we girls have a spare skirt with us" with that said, Sia no longer turned back and walked out of the room.

"...." 'this girl....who the hell needs your skirt'

Not willing to see Lu Jin's embarrassing look, An Ran and Xiao Li hurriedly walked past them but when they turned back they saw Su Yan still standing there looking at Lu Jin with her face full of anticipation. Seeing this not only the boys but the two girls were also embarrassed. Hurriedly walking back, they pulled the shameless Su Yan and dragged her out of the classroom.

"...." 'What kind of girls are they?' Lu Jin thought. Shaking his head off, when he turned his head he saw the four boys looking at him with their face full of sarcasm. That smile was enough for him to understand what kind of thoughts were undergoing in his mind and his face suddenly darkened

not ready to let go of such an opportunity to tease his brother, Shen Yi said with a gloat "Brother, are you not going to get up or...do you want me to bring a few people inside to see your embarrassing look?"


"haha brother why don't you ask Sia to lend you a skirt? I'm suddenly curious to know how do you look wearing a skirt?" Si Ming teased

"Curious your ass, go and wear yourself if you want, I'm not going to wear it...never in my life. I would rather stay naked than wear a skirt"

"Oh really?" Yang Jie asked before turning to look at his remaining friends and said mischievously "Si Ming, the room key is with you, right? go back to the hostel and hide his pants. Let's see how will he stay naked"

Furious, Lu Jin pointed his finger and stuttered "You--how could you guys be like this? Not only are you not helping your youngest brother but instead you are even teasing me"

"Hoho, who asked you to provoke the trouble? you deserved it" Shen Yi retorted sarcastically with a gloat on his face.


"Okay okay, now enough of this, fifth bro, you better hurry up or else someone might see you"

Pouting his lips in displeasure, he held his brother's hand while the other helped him to hold the chair. Exerting a little force, he pulled his ass off from the glued desk, a piece of his clothing was torn and stuck to the chair.

as soon as the boys saw this, they started to laugh loudly making Lu Jin turn bright red.

"haha...you deserve this man...haha" the others teased.

Not willing to stay there any longer, with a hmph, Lu Jin covered his back with his bag pack and hurriedly ran away from there leaving his brothers who laughed even hard at his action.


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