Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 100 - Love You Father-in-law!!

When Mr. An and Sia walked out of the room, they saw An Ran standing in front of the door.

As soon as Mr. An saw his daughter, he could not help but recall Sia's words, and his eyes turned moist slightly.

Stepping forward, he pulled his daughter into a hug and sighed "Why didn't you tell me about these things earlier? do you know how bad dad felt after hearing about those things from Ms. Sia?"

Startled, An Ran turned her head and looked at Sia with a questioning gaze.

Nodding her head, Sia smiled.

Biting her lips, An Ran sighed and apologized "Sorry daddy, I didn't want to scare you and make you worried so--"

Pulling his daughter form his embrace, he looked at his sweet daughter and accessed her cheeks before he said gently "Silly girl. If daddy doesn't worry about you then whom should he be worried about hmm? From now on no matter what happens don't hide it from daddy okay? No matter what happens, daddy will always be by your side and will try his best to protect you okay?"

Nodding her head, An Ran smiled widely and said "okay, from now on I won't hide anything from you"

"That's my girl" after a pause, he continued "I know girls have things that cannot be shared with their father so when that time comes you can share it with Ms. Sia, I'm sure she will help you out"

Nodding her head, An Ran sniffed "I Know, she will be next to me....since I cook well..hehe" An Ran giggled

"Come, show me that fool who is wagging his tail around you...I have something to ask him" Mr. An said with a smile.

Chuckling at her father's description about Lu Jin, An Ran hooked her arms around her arms and said "Okay, let's go"

with that said the father and daughter duo walked out and made their way towards Lu Jin.

Sia naturally followed the father and daughter pair out of the house but when they were in the garden she suddenly changed her mind and took a detour and made her way to the bartender to get herself a drink.

Just as Sia finished ordering out her drinks, someone called her from behind "Ms. Sia"

Turning around with a frown, Sia called out in surprise "Oh, it's you"

On the other side, Lu Jin and the other guys were busy chitchatting with each other when they saw An Ran and Mr. An walk towards them.

As soon as Lu Jin saw Mr. An, he was shocked and his body turned stiff like a statue.

With his eyes wide, he watched as his wife and future father in law walked towards them.

Not noticing Lu Jin's reaction, An Ran hugged her father's arms and exclaimed excitedly "Daddy, they are my friends. This is Su Yan, this is Xiao Li, brother Jun, brother Yi, brother Ming, and brother Jie"

Nodding his head, he shook his hand with An Ran's friends and greeted them politely.

After introducing her friends, An Ran moved to Lu Jin and blushed a little and spoked shyly "And this is....M-my boyfriend, Lu Jin"

When Lu Jin heard An Ran's introduction, he was pleasantly surprised but he did not forget to greet his future bather in law. With a bow, he called out stiffly "Mr. An, I have heard a lot about you and its really my honor to meet you"

Raising his eyebrows, Mr. An looked at the handsome young man who was speaking to him like a robot and said "Are you sure you haven't asked about me but instead heard about me?"

"Uhm...this--" not knowing how to answer, Lu Jin stood there stiffly, looking at his future father in law anxiously.

Just by looking at Lu Jin's expression, Mr. An knew the truth and he did not know whether to laugh or cry at his daughter's boyfriend.

Waving his hand, Mr. An spoke "Forget about it. Lu Jin, answer me honestly...Do you love my daughter?"

"Yes...I love her very much, so much that I have already considered her as my wife" Lu Jin blurted out without a second thought but then after speaking the last sentence, his legs wobbled and he regretted running his mouth without thinking.

Amused at Lu Jin's honest answer, Mr. An did not know whether to laugh or cry. While at one side he was satisfied at Lu Jin's honest answer, on the other side he could not help but growl. 'This bastard, how dare he claim my daughter as his wife right in front of me? I haven't yet agreed your relationship but here you are already thinking about your future'

With a frown, Mr. An stared at Lu Jin and asked again "Then, if I give you my daughter's hand will you take good care of her just like I did and never make her cry?"

"Huh?" shocked, Lu Jin stared at his future father in law dumbly and stuttered "Wh-What did you say just...now?"

"I asked will you take good care of my daughter and not make her cry?" Mr. An repeated his words patiently

Stunned, Lu Jin suddenly laughed loudly and nodded his head excitedly and said "yes-yes, I will definitely take good care of her, I promise"

Rubbing the space between his eyebrows, Mr. An sighed "Fine! Since my daughter loves you very much, I will force myself to agree to your relationship but...if you dared to make my daughter cry then you are dead" he warned sternly

Nodding his head simultaneously, Lu Jin suddenly pounced on his father in law and hugged him before he said loudly "Thank you...thank you so much father in law"









Hearing Lu Jin call him father in law, Mr. An almost coughed blood. 'This damn brat, how dare he call me father in law? I haven't agreed for your marriage yet you daughter snatching thief' he scolded inwardly.

Just as he wanted to speak he realized he had stopped breathing due to Lu Jin's sudden action and he started to cough loudly.

Realizing that he was too abrupt, Lu Jin released his father in law and looked at him apologetically.

Patting his uncomfortable chest, Mr. An glared at Lu Jin and called "This brat...cough"

Rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, Lu Jin smiled like a fool.

Watching his foolish Fifth brother, Mu Jun sighed.

Not noticing Sia around, Mu Jun frowned and asked "Where is Sia?"

"Oh...she isn't here? where did she go?" Yang Jie asked while looking around...

As soon as he saw Sia speaking with a man, he exclaimed "Oh..she's over there"


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