Suzuki is Cute Even In A Savage World

Chapter 7.7: Promises (7)

Vol. 1 - Chapter 7.7: Promises (7)

That night. Nephira was waiting for Suzuki in her room at the Castle of Syness.

She looked at her hand. Today, she held hands with Suzuki.

(Held hands, I did it, ufufufufu!)

Nephira shook her head widely, almost at ease.

(Suzuki is cute. He's so darn cute. The cutest ever.)

However, Nephira also had her own reputation as the commander of the Thunder-Lance Charge to take care of. She believed Suzuki was planning to tell her not to kill humans from now on.

(There are some things I can listen to and some things I really can't. It doesn't matter even if it comes from Suzuki!)

Among the demons, there are also human flesh dealers. A prohibition on killing humans could lead to riots. In the first place, could a demon that doesn't kill humans be called a demon?

There was a knock at the door. As expected, Suzuki appeared with a serious, determined expression on his face. Nephira used her chin to point to the table. Suzuki sat down in his chair without saying a word. Nephira sat down opposite him.

At any rate, she decided to strike first and give him a stern talking-to.

"Suzuki. You are my familiar. And yet you are imposing your opinion against your master."

"N-No, I'm not giving you my opinion. I came to ask for a favor."

"A favor? You don't mean to tell me that you want me to stop the killing of humans, do you?"

Suzuki remained silent. As expected, she had hit the nail on the head.

(I'm sorry, Suzuki! But I have no choice but to do this!)

After a few moments of silence, Suzuki's voice came out as if he was trying to squeeze it out of him.

"I-I don't mean humans from all over the world, just people from this town,"


"I refuse. There are demons in this town who make a living selling human flesh."

"Then! Then you, at least! Nephira, please don't kill humans!"

With moist eyes, Suzuki stared at Nephira.

"Please, don't kill..."


Nephira snorted and turned away. She couldn't look directly at Suzuki any longer.

(Kyaaaaaaaaa!! So darn CUTEEEEEEEEE!!)

He is a little tearful. That was also unbearable.

Nephira's hearts were starting to shake. She wanted to see more.

(More! More and more of Suzuki's cuter expressions, haa haa!)

Despite her inner excitement, Nephira's voice was firm and cold.

"It's all too one-sided. How can you expect me to listen to such a request?"

"D-Do you want me to get down on my knees and b-beg for it?"

With her heart pounding, Nephira got up from her seat and sat down on the bed.

"Come here."

Then she beckoned to Suzuki. Fearfully, Suzuki approached and sat down next to Nephira.

"Show me proof of your loyalty!"

"Proof of my loyalty?"

"That's why, here. K-Kiss me with your lips."

Nephira presented her hand to Suzuki.

"I-I understand!..."

Nephira was thrilled as she stretched out her arm to show the back of her hand. But Suzuki put his own face close to Nephira's, and then------

(Eh--. Wait. That's. Unbelievable!)

Suzuki's lips touched Nephira's cheek. At that moment---


A strange noise, which she had never uttered before, escaped from Nephira's mouth. Nephira fell into the bed just like that.

"W-What's WRONG!?"

"Ha-Ha-Hand, I thought it would be in my hand...!"

"EH!! Is that so!? S-Sorry!!"

"N-No, it's fine. It's totally fine. It's very fine..."

Nephira stared at Suzuki, fidgeting. Suzuki speaks with a shy tone.

"Uhm, well, you see... Will you do me this favor now?"


"Nephira won't, kill humans anymore?"

"Uh-huh. I won't kill them."



Suzuki smiled happily and got up from the bed. Nephira quickly grabbed the hem of Suzuki's clothes.

"Hey. Are you leaving already?"

"I'm going to have a meeting with Excella and the rest to discuss Suzukiland," Suzuki answered.

"Boo... Don't leave..." Nephira muttered while staring at Suzuki.

Suzuki tilted his head slightly in puzzlement.

"B-'Boo'? Did you, just say 'Boo'?? Nephira, what's with your unusual tone of voice? You sounded like a typical girl..."

She was surprised at what she heard. Because of the kiss on her cheek, her usual voice didn't come out the way it usually does.

Nephira felt her face heat up beyond her boiling point.

"Who sounds like a typical girl aaa-aaa-aaaa-aaaa!!"

In her embarrassment, Nephira raised her foot and slammed it down on the floor. The floor that was stepped on boomed with a "BOGOON" from the tremendous power of her legs. The bed on which they had just been sitting tilted up significantly with the force of the quake.


"Get ouuuuuuuuuuuuuut!!"

"I-I-I'm sorry!!"

After that, Suzuki left in a hurry. In her room, where it looked like a magical beast had gone wild, Nephira gently stroked her cheek with her fingers.

(K-Kissed me...! Suzuki... likes...! I wuv him...!)

Wrapped in the sheets of her tilted bed, Nephira writhed in secret.

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