Suzuki is Cute Even In A Savage World

Chapter 5.4: Awakening (4)

Vol. 1 - Chapter 5.4: Awakening (4)

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Just as Leelou's letter for Takashi had said, Serphiano, the Demon Lord's Chief Advisor, paid a visit to Leirune shortly after noon that day.

Takashi had attended the meeting between Serphiano and Nephira as her familiar. Because the Thunder-Lance Charge had killed the king and conquered Leirune with lightning speed and swiftness, the reception hall of Syness Castle was still furnished with priceless artwork and furnishings as they were in their original glory.

Around a long, horizontal table sat Serphiano, Nephira, Takashi, and the twin demons, the Meru-Kiru sisters. Nephira addressed Serphiano, who was seated directly in front of her.

"The time was very sudden. If you had let us know in advance, we would gladly have made arrangements to welcome you."

All three of Serphiano's eyes turned to Nephira.

"As a matter of fact, my third eye had detected a disturbing presence. The shadow of a human other than Suzuki moving in the midst of the Thunder-Lance Charge...."


The air around Nephira became tense at once. Takashi was inwardly worried, thinking that this must be about his master.

"Therefore, I visited without prior notice. However, by the time I arrived here in Leirune, the unsettling presence had already vanished."

At the same time, Takashi was relieved and amazed at Leelou's skillful execution. How in the world had she detected the arrival of Serphiano, who possessed Clairvoyant Eye, when she claimed that her only skill was the ability to transform?

(I don't understand it, but Master Leelou is really amazing!)

Serphiano let out a small exhale with a fuu and sipped the cup of tea in front of her.

"Perhaps it was just my imagination. It is not humanly possible to instantly disappear from Leirune upon realizing that I've been watching with my third eye. However... If there is a person who can do such a thing..."

Below her eyebrows, Serphiano's eyes sharpen sharply.

"...Former Imperial Strategist, Leelou Dimension"

"Impossible! She should have died in the last great war!"

"My intuition can't help but feel that she is still alive out there somewhere."

While listening to Serphiano and Nephira's conversation, Takashi swallowed hard. She is the most intelligent person in the Demon Lord's army. She is aware of Master Leelou's survival. Takashi realized once again that Serphiano was no ordinary woman.

"The empire has fallen. But the remnants of the Imperial Army are still scattered all over the world. The world is almost in the Demon Lord's hands, but we cannot be too complacent."

Serphiano drank her tea. When the conversation came to a close, they took a short break, and Kiru spoke to Takashi in a loud voice.

"Come to think of it, Suzuki! What happened to that conversation? The matter of those human slaves!"

"Ah. I'm supposed to have a face-to-face meeting right after this."

"It's amazing, isn't it? You have five slaves all of a sudden!"

Suddenly, the place went quiet. Her sister Meru elbowed Kiru.

"H--Hey Elder Sister---! Don't talk about that right now---!"


Kiru suddenly noticed and gave an embarrassed expression. Although Takashi had become a Bronze-rank soldier, he could normally only hold a maximum of three slaves at his rank. However, Takashi wanted to save as many slaves as possible. So he asked Nephira to allow him a special limit of five slaves.

Takashi nervously looked at Serphiano. After returning the tea to the plate, Serphiano firmly stated.

"The rules are only meaningful if they are strictly enforced. That's how disorder begins in a corps unit!"

"Y--Yes, that's right! My bad, Suzuki! As expected, you can only have three slaves!"

Hearing Nephira's words, Takashi was disappointed. However, suddenly Serphiano blew out the tea she was drinking from her nose and mouth with a "buh-buh".

"Da--Dame Serphiano?"

Everyone looked at Serphiano, tea dripping from her face. Serphiano then wiped her face with a napkin and smiled beautifully.

"Even so, it is fine if it is Suzuki! He is so cute!"

(I--I'm glad. It was a bit risky, though)

Depending on one's perspective, the presence of Serphiano, the Chief Advisor of the Demon Lord's Army, might be a chance for Takashi to make his various requests known. Takashi hesitantly asked Serphiano for help.

"Eh-uhm. I'd also like to have as large a territory as possible... Can I?"

"Suzuki! That's a bit presumptuous of you!"

Nephira rebuked him. But after that, both Nephira and Takashi silently looked for Serphiano's reaction.

"What Nephira said is right! The territory should be within the limits set by the rules of the corps."

Suddenly, Serphiano began to tremble and mutter incomprehensible words. And then, her eyes peeled back.

"Dame Serphiano!"

But as soon as Nephira shouted, Serphiano changed her mind and smiled gracefully.

"A large territory is fine. Because Suzuki is so cute!"

(All right! This might be a good idea!)

If Serphiano, the Chief Advisor, approves it, surely no one will complain. Takashi took the initiative and attacked.

"Ma--Maybe you could do something like, completely freeing all the slaves...!?"

This caused not only Nephira but also the Meru-Kiru sisters to turn pale.

"I--Idiot! Suzuki!"

"Th--That's absurd, no matter how you look at it---!"

"Uh-huh. It's outrageous!"

But for the time being, everyone stared at Serphiano and waited for her reaction.

"Yes. That's right. If the adorable Suzuki says so, then let's take the plunge and free all the slavvvvvv, ofwashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"

Suddenly, Serphiano was bleeding like a fountain from her nose, ears, and mouth.


Takashi shouted in horror at the sudden slush of blood.

"Dame Serphianoooo!?"

Nephira also shouted. Serphiano planted her face on the table, twitching and spasming.

(Serphiano's "inner rationale for maintaining discipline and her desire to give me special treatment" are at odds with each other! So--Something seems to be wrong! I think I should stop!)


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