Surviving The Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 7: The Chosen Son Is A Neighbor (1)

Chapter 7: The Chosen Son Is A Neighbor (1)

Adrian brought a few earth elements to help carve the magic circle line the next day and began to engrave the magic circle conscientiously. It is said that he saw the earth element family running all over the ground and almost choked with jealousy.

The way elemental produces offspring was to split itself into a small elemental light sphere. Most of the earth elemental here would devour a large amount of soil from the three mountain ranges to split once, and the number of families almost doubled. The little elemental separate from their parents and naturally signed a contract with Hill. Hill didn't want to restrict their movement. The little balls of light had just grown their limbs, and there was no danger in the territory. So, he allowed them to run all over the ground.

Hill spent a lot of time meditating and learning new spells every day. He intended to complete the basic earth spell first. He mastered 'Earth into stone' and 'Stone into earth.' And the nature of the land could be changed with just a thought. It was even easier for him to demolish a house or make an earthquake.

The Warlock's problem was never about the power of the spell but more about the stability of the spell. He didn't want to be unable to control the range of his spells. Accuracy and precision were the principles carved into his soul. He felt that having learned and used all the earth spells accurately would definitely make his innate spells more powerful.

Every night, Hill went to pick up Adrian, and by the way, he used up all his mana and helped carve the magic circle. The Archmage's body was always in communication with the external mana, and there would no longer be exhausted of mana. Hill envied this the most. Although the mana of the Warlocks was stronger than that of the wizards of the same level, forget the matter, the mana consumption was also extensive. Hill always held his breath when casting the spell, but it still consumed too much. The precise control of magic power was probably because of his distress.

With the magic tower as the core, starting from the three mountains, a large pentagram with five magic circuits was carved 30 meters below the territory. The magic circle on the outer wall was directly connected to the magic tower, and the control center of this combined magic circle was placed in the earth element hall to be firmly protected.

Hill was glad that the core of his magic tower was at the level of an Archmage and had a powerful ability to absorb the mana. Otherwise, his mana spar would probably not be able to keep it. Liszt also saved more than half of it to prevent accidents.

Hill's Magic Tower was built very traditionally. The top floor was Hill's place, the master bedroom, the parlor, a small study, and two guest rooms, with a small warehouse attached to the study. The 8th floor was an indoor botanical garden used to grow some magic plants. The wood elements occasionally came to play, but they still preferred to live outside and get in touch with nature, and the Treeman will never leave the ground.

On the seventh floor was the library, and Liszt had copied and put all the ordinary books in it. Hill wanted to build a complete library, so the entire floor was filled with bookcases except for a few reading rooms. But the books still need to be collected slowly.

The sixth floor was a spare place, and Liszt sealed it up, waiting for an archmage to open it one day. On the fifth floor was the alchemy workshop. Now it was mainly used by Liszt to make some low-level alchemy products.

The fourth and third floors were reserved for future mages and apprentices. It was a pity that everything else was locked except for Bonn, who occupied a room on the third floor.

Lina's family lived on the 2nd floor with a few maids; the rest area was the kitchen and large dining room.

Most of the ground floor was made into a warehouse by Liszt, and the outermost of the warehouse was Liszt's exchange center. But at present, only Bonn takes the magic book he copied to exchange things with Liszt. Hill didn't bother to care because they were both enjoying it.

Specific types of mana would spawn where elements were gathered. Hill's magic tower had almost a siphon effect on the mana of earth type. When Adrian set up the core of the defensive magic circle on the ground, it was expected that in less than 10 years, an earth mana ore vein would begin to form underground of the Magic Tower. After Adrian came up, he warned Hill not to let anyone else go down from now on.

Hill could only give a silent glance, complaining in his heart that he was not stupid. Adrian, as an alchemist at mage level, almost engraved 'rich and generous' on his forehead. This kind of magical mine, which would be generated for hundreds of years, couldn't move Adrian's heart at all.

Translator note:

I've edited the previous chapter so that most new terms inside were connected, or at least I hope so.

Honestly, Chapter 0007 was difficult to translate because there were many new terms that were often inadvertently misinterpreted by me.


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