Surviving The Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 18: Archmage Hill (1)

Chapter 18: Archmage Hill (1)

People were amazed to find out, The undead that came this time was at least the level of professional mages and Knights.

Although some of this undead were a little unruly and everything they did was a mess. But the 100,000 professionals led by the Heavenly Knight turned into a super tornado that completely blew the entire northern region.

Edward, who was far away in the capital, hadn't reacted yet, and the winner in the north had been decided.

William directly raised the king's flag. Then, claiming that Edward murdered his father and was considered a traitor, the nobles and the Church of Nobility were the masterminds, and that the foolish Charles was an accomplice.

Many small nobles who originally wanted to bet on Edward were all silent and behaved honestly.

Because there were too many undead coming.

Frank told Hill that many Archmages and Heavenly Knights in Salar were currently neutral.

After all, the death of the old king was indeed problematic. As for the professional, no one wanted to publicly support a person suspected of murdering his father, and between the two gods, at least for now, the God of Time and Space had shallow requirements for believers.

After all, the virtues of the undead could be seen at a glance during this period of time.

There were quite a few people among the undead, who were in chaotic-neutral and chaotic-good, but they still hadn't lost their God's favour.

But he hated evil very much. Many claimed they had seen lawful evil undead punished by God and killed directly by lightning. Then, when it appeared a long time later, they had turned chaotic-neutral.

Hill thought silently: The red name punishment seemed to be quite heavy.

After William's army occupied the entire northern border, they stopped to rest and showed no signs of taking the initiative to enter the capital.

Bystanders suspected that he was waiting for higher-level assistance.

After all, in addition to Charles and Edward in the capital, several Heavenly Knights and Archmage were standing on the side of the Church of Nobility.

Hill understood very well that until players had a chance to be high-levels, now they could only seize this time to level up and did some liver task.

Time was of the utmost importance to William, and the longer Edward delayed, the better for him.

However, people did not expect that Edward's army had been organized for a month and had yet to set off.

He declared that he would take the lead and fight for Salar, but he never set out.

Adrian suspected that Edward wanted to wait for the higher-level arrival of the Temple of Time and Space. At that time, William's side and the professional of the Temple of Nobility, both of them would lose, and he would be able to sit firmly as a king.

Frank also thought the idea made sense.

Hill felt it was too early to put the carriage before the horse!

The senior members of the Church of Nobility were about to go crazy with anger. Under their desperate urging, Edward made his request: I hope they could get Helen out, block Charles, and preferably put Charles under house arrest.

The Church of Nobility did not want to give up a Sky Knight, but Edward's actions made them desperate.

Adrian almost excitedly told Hill that the senior leaders of the Church of Nobility probably wanted to kill Helen directly. Still, Edward refused to give her up and even threatened the church to protect Helen.

Moreover, in addition to the priest, there was also a paladin guarding the Church of Nobility in the capital of Salar.


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