Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 340: 338. How To Train Your Dragon V (R-18)

Chapter 340: 338. How To Train Your Dragon V (R-18)

"A-Alex, I-I wa-no need it."

A lustful desperate voice rang in Alex ears making him hurriedly looked towards Liora who was with that desire filled eyes grasping his manhood in her quite soft warm hands.

"Hey hey, wait a minute Liora. Let my little friend go. It's not a stress ball to squeeze it like that, We can talk about it, You let it go first."

Alex, seeing what Liora was holding, broke out in cold sweat. He even ignored how soft and comforting her hands were, grasping around his tool is feeling, which was surprising as most of the time she spent in the wilderness.

But he didn't pay any attention to it, Rather he focused more on the fact what she was doing with his manhood.

She did not know what to do with the sudden hot hard thing hitting her stomach.

So she just grasped it, warping her delicate fingers around it and was using it as a stress ball squishing it with her both hands trying to quench down the blazing inferno inside her.

Though the strength she was using was not that much but it was steadily increasing with each second clenching it like an iron claws.

Yeah he kinda likes the sensation of her action but if this goes on, She might just yanked out from his body out of fustrstion.

Even if there is "D Protection" which would make it impossible for that to happen but physiological impact just imagine she trying to yank his precious treasure was too much for him to allow it.

So he not only spoke up in panic but also caught her wrists with his both hands in fear she might do something out of spite because that's her core nature.

If she can't get it by asking then she has no problem with taking it by force either.


Like Alex feared Liore's first reaction of him stopping her was that to overbearingly or at least trying to sound overbearing with her current gasping husky voice deny it.

Alex was even feared that if he was not holding her wrists down she might really try to pull it out.

It's just for whatever reason, She changed her mind mid speech and then in a low nearly inaudible voice actually agreed to his demand.

'Mother said not to disagree with my mate when his pants are off because doing so is not right.'

Liora complies with Alex's demand as she remembered her mother saying to her a long time ago.

Though her mother did not spend that much time with her but little time they spent was imprinted on a simple mind of hers.

She even in her excited state remembers the forbidden state by her mother.

Which was not that many things either, It just revolves around don't disagreeing with her man especially when they are in a vulnerable state for you.

There was also a reason why her mother told her to do that. It was something related to fulfilling the last wishes or something but she currently doesn't have any mental capacity to think about it.

"Huh...Well okay, Now let me make something clear before we proceed further, And that is you are the one who forced yourself upon me, so you have to take full responsibility for it afterwards."

Alex breathes a sigh of relief when Liora actually agrees with him other than throwing a tantrum.

Though confused he didn't dwell on the subject much as he decided to make sure to let Liora take full responsibility here.

After all, She technically forced herself on him. It didn't matter that he was the reason she did that as no one was going to question it.

"Okay I agree, I take full responsibility for this."

Liora, unknown to the fact that the man she was taking responsibility for is the fiancée, The obsession of her most feared and diabolical cousin Belladonna, just agrees with it without even a giving single thought.

"Hey you said it, You are not allowed to go back."

Alex quickly spoke up, grasping the jail free card so generously given to him by her. How can he let go of the license to do whatever he wants without any consequences?

If that women came to ask him explanation about it, He can just point it towards Liora and let these two cousins sort it out on their own. After all it is their family matter.

"I-I am the woman of my word, I would never go back from it- "

"Okay then come here"


"Kyaah!~ Mummmhhhh!!"

Liora straightens her chest showing the riches of twins as those firm ones jiggle with those two erected cherry's adding more charm to her confident aura.

It's just that the moment she spoke it, Alex smirked with a devilish grin as he quickly pulled the unprepared Liora downwards towards him by the wrists was holding.

Liora suddenly being yanked like this out of nowhere once again released that high pitched cute shriek which was completely opposite to her confident overbearing personality. Which is quite embarrassing to her as he made her do this 2nd time. This time however she wanted to complain to him about it.

She is an S-Rank on top of being the noble birth, When she was treated like such?

But when she parted her rosy lips to speak, A warm soft thing sealed hers off.

She opened her eyes in shock, Just to see that breathtaking face in front of hers making her unable to hold back the flame of desire losing all control over her remaining sanity.

Her misty eyes quickly closed as she try to respond to the unexpected welcome guest charted through her delicate mouth breaking her fragile defenses.

She, not knowing what to do, acted like a thirsty beast, going rough, sticking her own pink tongue to greet the invader colloiling with it, savoring the addicting taste.

Her two hands were not ideal, They frantically venture around Alex's smooth cheeks, to his neck to back to his luscious ebony hair like a maniac.


Liora moned as Alex left hand pushed her down into a passionate deep kiss, While his right hand glide on her smooth back sending shivers of pleasure throughout her whole being making her more and more restless.

Her plump naked body twisted and turned laying off to his half naked one trying to quench the itching she was feeling in her dripping lower lips.

Moving her waist and so her bubbly buttocks lying on top of him.


(A/N: Sorry for the delay guys, I am really going through some stuff these days, But don't worry like I said before, I would do my best to upload 10 chapters a week (2 chapters per day)


Sorry for not informing you about the delay as I thought it's better to give a updates then to give the promises which I am having a hard time following through these days.

I would try my best not to let this happen again, And once again sorry and thank you for your patience with lazy and unreliable author

On another note lets just enjoy the R-18 of raiding the tiger or dragonor maybe bothz alright?


Like always thank you for reading and have a good [].)


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