Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 338: 336. How To Train Your Dragon III (R-18)

Chapter 338: 336. How To Train Your Dragon III (R-18)

Alex, seeing that Liora did not know what to do next, decided to help the poor desperate woman.

He reached out his wide soft hands and grabbed her soft fleshy bubbly ass, Which was like a soft smooth cushion making him feel like he dug into her cheeks like a sponge do to water. But he did not stop to appreciate such an excellent craft nor did he try to fondle and mold to his heart's desire, Rather he just held it firmly to halt her actions of moving her pelvis on his already erected crotch from over his soil pants.

Even he though reluctant not appreciate such an top class buns and their bakery but he had take care of the fire in the oven first if he do not take care of it soon, there is a risk of letting blowing everything over.


Liora who was already in the extreme heat desperate to find the solution to quench her unyielding thirst.

So she quickly looked down at him pouting her rosy moist lips in anger trying to show him that she is not happy with his action

Though rubbing herself onto him was not helping rather it was making fire in her go even wild but moving herself doing something was making her a lot better then to stop and be tortured by the surge of pleasure in her body.

If not for the fact she didn't learn about the basic huwoman reproduction, Innocent Alex would have long since fallen under this big bad hungry wolf.

"You really tainted the innocent soul of mine."

Alex seeing her such a cute action couldn't help but speak out.

Liora is beautiful that is no doubt but he has also been with many such and more beautiful women like Alia and Helen.

Yet when it comes to the Liora, Her pure raw aura and unfiltered emotions just carry a unique charm to herself.

It was even competing with Sandra's charm, The proper Female lead of her own plot.

So with the beauty of a top class heroine with added touch charm compared to a Female lead was a fatal combo for anyone.

Even Alex was enchanted by her beauty with her such small actions.

'If she is such a beautiful woman then how beautiful would her cousin Belladonna be?'

While appreciating the beauty of Liora, He couldn't help but think of Belladonna, who is said to be lethally beautiful.

'Wait!? What am I doing? I had Liora begging to be eaten yet I was thinking of that far away scourge, Which can't be eaten.'

Alex quickly snapped out and crushed the dangerous thoughts of bending that Nightshade.

If he really dared to bend her, Then it would not be long that he would be bent and stored into a small dark place as her beloved fiance.

Because that flower is beautiful but can only be appreciated from far away, At least for now. Plus why would he yearn for something he can't touch yet, When he was surrounded by the beauties throwing themselves onto him?

So he put the thoughts of Belladonna back at his head, While putting his focus back on Liora who looked at him with slight guilt with a touch of resentment.

"Okay, Okay, Jeez don't make me look like I stole candy from you."

First thing Alex saw was that Liora with her misty eyes staring down at him waiting for him to do something but he didn't make any move.

This really pissed her off, As the moment his suddenly unusual warm hands grabbed her back side.

It sent shivers through her body, Her front hole also quivered making her restless.

She might also have slight liquid discharged and not knowing what it was she of course assumed she peed on him making her even more embarrassed.

It's just that she could comprehend what happened. The sensation of thousands if not millions of fire ants marching in her delicate place and biting down spread throughout her body.

But surprisingly she was not feeling something bad rather for some reason she quite enjoyed this feeling and more knowing Alex was gonna do something, It just made even more pleasurable for her.

It's just when he didn't make any more move aftermath, She thought he was once again teasing her, making her more angry and desperate, racking her mind to think of a way make him agree to do something with itchiness for the southern reason of hers.

"....Can you move a bit? I can't do much if you plan to sit on me all day."

Alex seeing he is really pushing her too much, So much that if do any more he would have starred in the crime documentary as until it wasn't voiceover on an inverse photo of his as victim.


Liora just stared at him, refusing to move, rather she clenched her big thighs around his waist, clearly stating she would not move from his crotch.

She has even become alert, ready to fight like a beast defending her territory.

"*Sigh* Okay don't move but can you at least unbuckle my pants? You know it's

uncomfortable being like this."

Seeing the firm look of hers, Alex really didn't want to use strength against her.

Because first he can't out perform her in it, As she no normal S-Rank, If he try to do it then even in this form of hers she would overpower him.

2nd thing being the one that she related to the Belladonna, And so has their unique traits like hers.

If he really made her do something she didn't want, Then she might just snap out and in frustration destroy the whole city.

She would not hurt him but that's only because of her affection towards him now. For other huwomans, She has the same level of empathy as we do to that 0.01% remains of germs, close to non-existent.

So there is a very high chance that she would wipe out this city from the map just because he didn't give her what she wanted.

She threw such a tantrum befores, Though she did it in the forbidden land, It wiped out huge chunks of forest.

Hence why he didn't want to take any risk. He can tease her as much as he wants when he fully trains this beast of a woman but until then he is paying with his body for the greater good for



Liora, hearing his words, readily agreed with a fearful look in her eyes.

Don't be misunderstood, That fear of hers is not fear of strong rather fear of making him angry at her as she already did a big taboo of going against the wishes of her man. After all, even if she didn't know about the basics of reproduction, she still remembers what her mother told her before that the key to a happy relationship is to keep your man happy. Even in her chaotic mind she knows she fucked up when she strongly undermined his wishes, Which would leave bad impression of hers on him especially this being their first meeting making him angry at her.

So when she heard no anger or dissatisfaction from his words, She sighed in relief and without any questions just agreed, After which she reached out below her before she quickly unbuckled his pants and by instinct slid it down.

*Plop* *Smack*

Just as the boundage of pants were lifted up, His manhood popped out like a released spring smacking directly on the smooth flat stomach of Liora.

"Ho-how come it is this big?"

(A/N: Sorry guys for the delay, I would post the full reason in discord if you wanted the reason

for it.

But in summary I decided to take a break on Sat-Sun two days of week while making sure

there would be 10 chapters (2 per day) from next Monday. Hope you're gonna like this new


Like always thank you for reading and have a good day [].)


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