Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 22 22. Regret

"Natasha, Am I a cold-hearted woman?"

Alia suddenly looked up front as if seeing the last straw of hope, She asked Natasha, Who was in the driving seat pretending to be dead.

Natasha didn't know what had suddenly happened to her eldest miss. One moment Alia was looking at her phone and the next moment she started crying.

There was a soundproof partition in the middle of the passenger and driver seat and one small transparent window in the center. So she didn't hear Alex's song but only saw the reaction of Alia.

Natasha seconds ago just casually glimpsed in the rearview mirror but the sight that she saw scared her shitlessly.

Her ice-cold miss, Who didn't even blink when putting the whole family to death, Was crying. Even she who was with Alia since childhood couldn't fathom, What is happening.

'Is the world going to end?'

She couldn't help but think that, After all, Alia, crying is equivalent to the sun coming out from the west.

Then she heard that question. There is no right answer to it. If she said Alia is cold-hearted then it's not unthinkable that she will end up on the bottom of the river until the morning, and If she said Alia is not Cold-hearted then that would be a lie, Which is the 2nd taboo of Alia, So no matter how she answers it. There will be a dead end.

"That- Miss how about you tell me what's wrong, I might be able to help you."

To save her life, She had to harden her heart and said these words. These words also touch Alia's bottom line, After all as being a control freak, She didn't like it when others didn't listen to her words but at least there will be no immediate threat of death.

But an anomaly happened. Other than being angry and giving her a cold death stare, Alia just looked at her with little hesitation before she spoke.

"I want him."

Like always there were few short word answers but this time her tone was not cold or demanding but requesting.

This change shook Natasha to the core. She even thought that the woman in front of her was not her miss but someone pretending to be one but the bone-chilling cold aura, Which unconsciously released from Alia's body , rejected that idea.

The woman in front of her is indeed the famous Ice Queen of the city, A infamous black rose in the business world, Alia Miller. Who at this time looks like a traveler without destination, Helpless.

And this condition of hers seems to happen because of a man. If this news comes out, She don't know how many people will be shocked to death.

"If you want him, Then miss the best option will be to use force, First conquer his body then his heart."

Natasha, A 25-year-old virgin gives dating tips to 24-year-old virgin Alia, So of course, she will suggest something like this one. As for it was a crime and all didn't matter to them.

Rules are for the weak, People in real power create rules, Anyway She understands the "Him" Alias mouth is Alex. A money hungry man. Just throw a few bundles of cash on his face and he will lay himself down on the bed for her miss.

She was just happy that her miss is not into scissors.

"Is that going to work?"

Alia, hearing that there was a chance, became excited. She didn't know much about romance and all things. She hated love and romance thinking it was a waste of time.

But the story she heard in that song captured her heart, She wants that love, She wants that love story. The happy moments mentioned in the song resonated with her.

She felt a tingling sensation in her stomach, Her heart felt bubbly, and for the first time, She genuinely felt happy. She didn't have to pretend.

But as the song comes to an end, That feeling also turns into distress. She wants that feeling back, and for that, she can go to any extent.

"It will work miss, Just make sure another party is drunk. After the deed is done, He has to agree with you, Then use the money to win his heart. Just send some expensive gifts. After all, which man doesn't like a gift? Then add some loving words, Then he will be yours."

Natasha said in so much confidence that it felt like she did a master's in this field.


Seeing her confidence Alia is also affected by it. She started thinking about how to approach Alex, So she can do the "deeds". After that just starts a barrage of gifts and some love words, She knows how much Alex loves gifts.

And then with some romantic words, She will win his heart, Then she surely will get that feeling back.

'Wait! He has to be drunk.'

Suddenly Alia looked toward the top floor of the building, Where Rose's apartment is located.


After looking at an apartment for second, Alia didn't waste any time. She opened the car door and came down from the car, then headed towards the lift.


[Ding! Hosts gain the affection of the opposite sex...

30 raider points are received...]

[Ding! Hosts gain the affection of the opposite sex...

60 raider points are received...]

[Ding! Hosts gain the affection of the opposite sex...

90 raider points are received...]




System notification kept ringing in his mind, There were thousands of people viewing his stream, Most of them were women. So there was a constant system notification. It was so much that he had to close the notification window for the time being.

"Goodbye ladies."

Alex didn't wait for others to recover from their shock and shut off the stream. This way he let others savor their emotions in peace and leave a good after taste in their mind.

"That was quite easy. Now I am free to open a harem and people will not even blame me for being a scumbag but only sympathize with me."

After Alex was done, He stretched his body, He stretched his body. Too much happened today. He traveled, Received the system and found out he was a villain, Saw that legendary heroine, and many more.

He needed his well-deserved break, Plus he was super drunk, and He need to sleep to let his body rest as god-level acting also took a toll on his body.

Now that he finally broke all of the connections with Alia, He didn't have to worry much about people's gossip, People only sympathized with him. All blame will be shifted o Alia making him this way.

'Hahh~ System, Tell me about Harem protection halo and god-level singing '

When all is done, He goes into the bedroom of Rose and jumps on the bed, While laying down in a comfortable position, He asks the system about those things.

He didn't get a chance to check their details before, Now that he had time he wanted to know. See if this halo will help him with the threat of the protagonist to the heroine and to see what else OP skill he unlocked with god-level singing.

[Ding! The description is like the following...

Harem protection halo : Every man's dream is to have a harem but they are afraid of being green or fear of not being there in time of need.

Not anymore, This Harem protection Halo is made for this thing.

Effects :

• You can't put a green hat by your harem.

• Harem members will somehow survive any fatal attack as long they are in the harem and the host is alive.

(Note: It will not protect from internal friendly fire, So choose harem members carefully.)

• No longer be affected by protagonist Halo.

God-Level singing : Your singing not only affects the mind but the soul of the listener.

This creates vivid events in your song in other's minds and makes them feel like they were the ones who experienced the events from 3rd perspective.

Sub-Skill : Soul Resonance

•Soul Resonance : This skill will not have any rsstrictions of body of listener beingthe physical capability or incapable to experience events in the song.

If a singer sings a song for a specific party then that party will experience all the events in the song to a higher degree of 1st perspective like real life.

(Warning : Do not target a person and sing death and other depressing things in it, Because of real-life experience if the targeted party didn't have a strong soul attack resistance, They will die in real life.)

(Note: The only thing like harming others is considered a soul attack can be resisted by protection of artifacts or other skills but this things can't have any effect on the experience of the soul resonance.)]

'Can this also work on this protagonist?'

Alex's sleep faded a little and he forcefully activated god-level acting to ask this question. If he used soul resonance on the protagonist, wouldn't he be able to kill him?

Then he didn't have to worry about the protagonist anymore, Just sing him to death.

[Ding! There is no limitation to this Sub-skill, As long as there is no soul-resistant skill or artifact, The host can kill or injure anyone.

But it's highly recommended not to kill the protagonist this early or the host is going to have a hard time with others.]

"Wait!! What do you mean by others?"

Alex became a little sober because of this statement of the system. He ran with full power to stay awake. He wanted to answer the statement of the system .

As travel benefits, Hee received the whole plot of this novel in his mind but from start to end, There was only one protagonist in the whole book, The at the end he became so powerful that he with his harem transferred to the higher world.

And now the system says there is more than one monster like those? He already has a headache dealing with one of them.

[Ding! Host this is the novel world, So by the rules of the novel, There has to be at least one protagonist all the time.

Nathen Gayler is the prime protagonist in this world but he is not the only one. There are others as backups to maintain rules in this world.

The moment Nathen either dies or loses his protagonist status, The heavenly will activate those other ones.

But the host doesn't have to worry, As most of the protagonists were low-level ones like the son-in-law or Shenhao. They do not have strong combat power.

So it's recommended that the host should steal all the opportunities of the current protagonist because if the host kills the protagonist first, Most of their opportunities will disappear from the world and the host won't be able to enjoy the benefits of the Netori system, While raiding the heroines.]

".....Fuck It!!! Just deal with them when they come. Anyway, I don't have to worry about finding them, I as villains surely are the first to be targeted by them."

Alex is in no condition to worry about this thing, He will think about it tomorrow morning. So he finally let his body relax. A result of overuse of god-level acting and strong intoxication was that just as he relaxed, Drowsiness overwhelmed him and he quickly fell asleep.

*Click* *Creak*

Alex, who had fallen deep asleep, wasn't able to see the figure that sneaked into his room.

(A/N : I am working overtime, So there will be one or two more chapters today.

Don't forget to leave power stones.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day �.)


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