Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

"Will that be enough? It doesn't even look tasty."

"It's, it's delicious though..."

Rowena spoke with a slightly discouraged voice at Yi-Han's harsh criticism.

Not all elves insisted on being vegetarian, but some elf families were crazy about vegetables. Yi-Han knew that too, so he didn't blame Rowena.

"I take back what I said about it not looking tasty. But considering the remaining schedule, it would be better to eat something more filling."

With those words, Yi-Han snatched Ctran's plate.

When the plate, which had thick pancakes soaked in honey and syrup, three types of fruit tarts, and a crispy three-layered meat pie stacked up like a work of art, was taken away, Ctran made an expression more painful than when he broke his ankle during the last ball game.

However, the Princess's face brightened slightly.

Yi-Han placed the plate in front of the Princess and held out the green plate to Ctran.

"Ctran. You eat this."

"...Can't I just go and get it again? Wardanaz?"

"Then do that."

Ctran anxiously got up from his seat again, praying that the pancakes wouldn't be all gone. Rowena, seeing that there was no plate in front of Yi-Han, said,

"Wouldn't it be better to eat at least something?"

"I'm fine with this, so you should go and fill your plate instead."

"I'm also fine..."

"What did you say? Princess? You're worried? You're the one I'm worried about."

The Princess looked at Yi-Han in astonishment while putting a pancake in her mouth, but Yi-Han ignored it as if he hadn't seen it.

Rowena got up from her seat as if she understood.

"By the way. Are you really okay with that plate?"

"It's fine."

Yi-Han didn't particularly like Rowena's vibrant green plate, but he wasn't hungry, and above all, Yi-Han was used to rough food.

Even when his friends from the Blue Dragon Tower were complaining about the hard black bread, Yi-Han could swallow it down his throat without any problem.

"As expected, Mr. Wardanaz, you like vegetables."

"That's not... No. Just go and fill your plate. The break is almost over."

Yi-Han sent Rowena away from her seat as well. Then he said to the Princess,

"Are the followers bothering you?"

The Princess coughed and choked while eating. Yi-Han handed her a glass. The Princess took a sip of fruit juice and slowly answered,

"...No, they're not."

"Are you sure? I've been thinking about it since we were at the academy, but I think they're kind of bothering you."

The Princess was silent for a moment. She seemed to be choosing what to say.

"They don't have bad intentions... They're just a bit... overly enthusiastic..."

'Gainando should see this.'

Yi-Han admired the Princess's efforts to not badmouth her followers as much as possible.

If it were Gainando, he would have immediately blurted out, "These jerks won't let me eat when I want to eat, won't let me play when I want to play, and force me to study when I don't want to. What kind of followers are they?"

"Can't you tell them to restrain themselves? They would understand with just a word."

At Yi-Han's words, the Princess shook her head.

The princess shook her head and explained that acting arbitrarily towards her supportive followers would be irresponsible as a royal and would shatter their expectations.

As a royal receiving support, there's a responsibility to meet the followers' expectations.

Rather than saying "I'm not the kind of person you think I am" to each and every one of them, a person who silently nods their head without saying anything tends to be perceived as more charismatic.

'No, what?'

Yi-Han was not just amazed, but appalled.

To think she had such thoughts.

Of course, there could be people among the imperial family members who had such a sense of responsibility, but it was surprising to compare her to Gainando, whom he had been hanging out with.

'Could she be about five years older than Gainando?'

"But the number of your followers shouldn't be that many yet, so wouldn't it be better to persuade them from now on? How many followers do you have?"

Yi-Han thought of the followers of Bogajun, Judrantas, and, though slightly embarrassing to compare, Gainando's followers as well. 

According to the city's rumors, those considered as Bogajun's followers were a medium-sized earth element mage guild, a fairly well-known adventurer party, three merchant groups, two banks, a ball game team, and about five city noble families. Those considered as Judrantas's followers were a tower established by mages from Baldurguard, a large leather guild, a magic tower specializing in carnivorous plant research, two swordsman guilds, and about three knight families.

If he had to forcibly pick out those considered as Gainando's followers, it would be the owner of a candy store or a toy store in Granden City?

Of course, the Princess's followers would be more than Gainando's, but if it was at the level of Bogajun or Judrantas, it would be worth trying to persuade them one by one and gain human support.

"The Palm Tree Knight Order, the Accumulated Rain Mage Tower, the Western Imperial Union Merchant Association, the Cross Brothers Swordsman Guild, the Ollodo Party..."


However, from the Princess's mouth flowed a list completely different from Yi-Han's expectations.

The Palm Tree Knight Order was an honorary knight order formed by the great nobles of the Empire. Although their military power was weaker than real knights, their reputation was enough to crush several knight orders. The Accumulated Rain Mage Tower was a magic tower established by mages from Einroguard.

The Western Imperial Union Merchant Association was a huge capital group formed by the merchant groups and merchants of the western region joining forces. The Cross Brothers Swordsman Guild was a prestigious swordsmanship guild that had produced many excellent swordsmen. Some knights even went there to learn swordsmanship, so there was no need to say more. The Ollodo Party was an adventurer party that even Yi-Han had heard the name of a few times.

'Was it to this extent?'

He had thought that their names frequently appeared in the imperial newspapers, but he didn't expect such big shots to already be supporting her.

Moreover, that wasn't the end, and there were more left.

Yi-Han understood why there were so many people among the freshman friends who supported the Princess.

'Even I would want to support her.'

To that extent, wasn't she the most likely to win in the Empire? Even Yi-Han felt like supporting her.

The Princess stopped talking and looked at Yi-Han.

As the top student of the year who had accomplished numerous things even during the break, she expected him to give brilliant advice on the current situation as well.



"Hang in there."


The Princess glared at Yi-Han.

His words had changed from before.

"...Didn't you tell me to try persuading them?"

"Hmm. On second thought, sometimes dignity might be better than persuasion. There's a saying that silence is more precious than gold. Look at Gainando over there."

When he cunningly used Gainando as an example, the Princess couldn't refute.

Until the very end of the event, Yi-Han didn't let his guard down, but there were no unusual attacks.

Seeing the skull principal exchanging greetings with the city nobles with a gloomy look in his eyes, Yi-Han let out a sigh of relief.

'I survived somehow.'

"By the way. Mr. Wardanaz. There's something I'd like to ask you before you leave."

Yi-Han was puzzled by Rowena's words.

"Is it a proposal to do an adventurer mission together?"

During the break, some of the White Tiger Tower students who heard the rumors would always propose to Yi-Han whenever they saw him, saying, "I found this mission, and if we succeed, we can all sit on a pile of gold coins."

However, in Yi-Han's view, most of them were all absurd requests. They were so unlikely to succeed that no one had touched them to the point where the color of the mission papers had faded.

"Ah. I'm sorry. I haven't heard any new missions about subjugating an existence on the level of the King of Ghouls."

"...Rowena. First of all, I'm not someone who only goes around looking for beings like the King of Ghouls."

"You're being humble."

Rowena smiled as if she would let it go for now. Yi-Han thought that the White Tiger Tower guys were really all annoying.

"So what did you want to ask?"

Rowena took out a thin booklet from her bosom. The cover of the booklet read:

To the honorable Princess Adenart, may this riddle alleviate your boredom.

"Isn't this truly rude?!"

"Uh... huh?"

Yi-Han couldn't keep up with Rowena's indignation, so his reaction was a beat late.

Rowena belatedly explained.

Among the Princess's followers, there were those who actively believed in and supported her like Rowena, but there were also those who compared, tested, and probed her.

These were individuals with considerable power in the empire, powerful enough to indulge in such balancing acts.

The riddle received this time was sent by one of the imperial dukes. It was called a gift, but from the receiver's perspective, if they couldn't solve it, their reputation could be damaged, so they had to be very cautious.

"That's definitely rude..."

"The Duke has sent such riddles before too! Doing it repeatedly when once should be enough! No matter how much he rewards with gold coins, if he keeps doing this..."

"Gold coins?"


"Didn't you just say gold coins?"

"Yes. I did, but?"

Of course, since the other party was an imperial family member, they didn't just send such riddles and end it there.

If the riddle was solved correctly, it was the nobility's honor to send a huge gift as a celebration, along with an apology for testing them.

Hearing that explanation, Yi-Han felt immense jealousy towards Adenart.

'I'm envious!'

Yi-Han could also diligently solve such riddles, so why didn't other great nobles send them to him?

In fact, Yi-Han knew the reason well too. It was okay to send such things because she was an imperial family member and one of the Empire's successors, but sending such things between fellow great nobles was just the provocation of a madman.

"Wait. Gainando is... No. Forget it. I almost asked something unnecessary. Anyway, so you're all pondering over this riddle together?"


"Did you all ponder together last time too?"


"Did the Princess keep all the gold coins received?"

"No. She shared them with us, but?"


Yi-Han seriously contemplated whether he should have befriended the Princess instead of Gainando.

Of course, he was quite satisfied even now, but hearing the stories of the Princess's followers, he had a bit of regret...

"Isn't this the mage from the Wardanaz family?"

Yi-Han, who was lost in thought, raised his head. The owner of the familiar voice was surprisingly Duke Icaldoren.

"What a pleasant coincidence. It's been quite some time since we last met. To meet like this."

Of course, it was a lie.

The reason Duke Icaldoren appeared in this area today was to make contact with valuable students from the magic academy.

And if it was the boy from the Wardanaz family, he could be considered the most valuable card.

'To be together with Princess Adenart. Could it be that he supports the Princess? I heard he was close with Prince Gainando?'

Duke Icaldoren had numerous thoughts and concerns even in that short moment.

"It's a pleasure to see you. Your Grace."

"If it's alright, shall we have a brief conversation?"

Rowena openly showed a displeased expression. Yi-Han poked Rowena's back, signaling her to manage her expression.

-What's wrong?-

-That Duke is the one who sent the rude riddle!-

-Really? Come to think of it, last time, he also sent a huge Basilisk egg…-


-It's nothing.-

Whether the Duke kept trying to test the Princess or not, it wasn't important to Yi-Han.

And if it was the Duke who gave the riddle, he had to approach him even more. That way, he might be able to find out some hints.

Right at that moment, an eerie energy flowed out from the alley. It was a dangerous energy mixed with blatant murderous intent.

Duke Icaldoren's escorts were startled and rushed forward.

"Please step back, Master!"

"It's fine. I will handle it."

Yi-Han sighed and picked up his staff.

At that absurd confidence, the escorts were a beat late in reacting, not knowing whether to be shocked, stop him, or get angry.

"What on earth... Mr. Wardanaz. I know you're a mage from Einroguard, but this is absolutely not a joke..."

"I said I will handle it."

Yi-Han looked at the alley.

Then he shook his head. He thought the skull principal's prank was going too far.

He should have ended it inside the banquet hall. Doing this outside would cause outsiders to get involved like this.


Yi-Han felt something strange.

The energy emanating from the alleyway was growing stronger, decidedly not feeling like a mere prank.

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