Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Yi-Han would have normally noticed the crisis right away, but his mind was dull from removing artifact curses during the day and casting numerous enhancement and healing spells on many people in the evening.

So he realized it a step later than Nillia.

"...Could it be someone from Einroguard?!"

"If it were me, I think it would be."

Nillia muttered in disbelief.

How could someone like Yi-Han fail to immediately notice something that even she could discern?

'No. It's probably because he used too much magic.'

Nillia suddenly felt worried and looked at her friend. As if sensing Nillia's gaze, Yi-Han whispered.

"Don't worry. Even if the professor drags me away, I won't mention your name."

"...I wasn't even worried about that! You jerk!!"

What do you take me for!

The Dark Elf professor with the most exhausted face in the world dozed off, nodding her head while supporting herself with a sword.

Her appearance looked so utterly fatigued that the adventurers didn't dare speak to her.

"Professor. We've finished over here."

"Professor. We're done on this side as well."

"Professor. This side too..."

Professor Alkasis nodded her head.

"This time, we handled it among ourselves!"

"If you've managed to provide emergency treatment to that extent before coming up, of course you should handle it yourselves. If you had called for me, you'd be nothing but a bunch of thieves."


The disciples were moved to tears by the warm encouragement from their gentle mentor.

It was true, but...!

"So. Am I going crazy from overwork and lack of sleep? Or are the adventurers spouting nonsense? Or is it what I'm thinking?"


The disciples kept their mouths shut.

Honestly, they were confused too.

-The ones who were treated are coming out now, but are the priests still inside?-

-There's a mage down there!-

-Just one? Only one??-


-One person treated this many people like this??-


-Adventurer, are you sure you're not hallucinating?-

-...How dare you! No matter how much of a healing mage he is, I won't stand by if you insult Mr. Wardanaz!-

"The only Wardanaz we know is... that... 1st year student... Could it be a misunderstanding?"-

"That's right."-

Phil and Chil stepped up to make excuses for Yi-Han.

And honestly, they couldn't believe it either.

No matter how outstanding their junior was, to save and send out this many people.

And he didn't even receive help from others.

Securing the dungeon passage, casting enhancement magic on the adventurers, doing all of this while also performing healing magic?

It seemed more likely that another mage from the Wardanaz family happened to pass by, saw this tragedy, and helped out.

"As far as I know, other members of the Wardanaz family don't help out for such reasons."

"Then, did the adventurers really mistake...?"

Before the sentence could be finished, a familiar 1st year junior came out with the adventurers, looking tired.

The junior looked around at the healing mages and sighed with a resigned expression.

Knowing what that meant, Phil and Chil sighed deeply from their hearts.

'You should have done moderately well...!'

Before the junior could escape, the recovered knights surrounded Yi-Han.

The knight, Burhirg, shouted on behalf of the subjugation knights.

"Here, we have an honorable mage. We express our sincere gratitude to Yi-Han, the mage of the Wardanaz family!"

"Thank you. Mr. Yi-Han!"

"Thank you!!"

The collapsed knights shouted as if tearing their throats.

It was a rare sight to see proud and self-respecting knights expressing their gratitude like this. Excited adventurers stomped their feet and whistled.

"If it weren't for Mr. Yi-Han, we wouldn't have been able to save our lives. Once again, we are grateful for that amazing magic..."

While the knights were talking, the adventurers had a separate conversation behind them.

"He managed to bring everyone back without leaving a single one behind."

"This is what magic is, I thought. I once admired a mage who shot flaming arrows, you know? From now on, I don't think I'll ever do that again."

"But why does the mage look so gloomy?"

"Tsk tsk. Do you think the mage is someone like you? He must be uncomfortable receiving praise while there are so many injured people."

"I-Indeed. He's truly on a different level..."

If there was a difference between Professor Beavle and Professor Alkasis, it was that feigning illness worked in front of Professor Beavle, but not in front of Professor Alkasis.

The moment one claimed to be sick, Professor Alkasis had the ability to immediately heal them.

"It was very impressive."

"Thank you."

Yi-Han was sitting, no, tied to a chair in front of Professor Alkasis with a tired face.

It seemed like he was somewhat tied up, but it was just a feeling. No ropes were visible anywhere.

The disciples who had accompanied Professor Alkasis, in other words, Yi-Han's seniors, were divided in half and engaged in a heated debate.

The topic of the debate was Yi-Han's punishment.

-With that level of skill, we can really take him along starting from the 2nd semester! No, with that level, we should definitely take him along! I vomited several times yesterday due to lack of mana! That junior alone is handling dozens of injured people!-

-You conscienceless piece of trash! Can you still call yourself a noble after saying that! No matter what, do you really intend to take a 1st year junior along starting from the 2nd semester? Do you want to see the junior wither away and die?-

"There were many things said about having you participate in the field starting from the 2nd semester."

"Professor. I dislike special treatment."

Yi-Han spoke seriously.

"If it's something that would be a burden to you, Professor, I'm fine..."

"But if you saw what happened today, those who said that would want to rip out their tongues."

'I don't think it's to that extent.'

"You have a genius-level talent in healing magic."

"Yes... I might have vaguely thought that."

"There's no need to let that talent rot away by taking time. Take my hand. I will make your talent blossom."


Yi-Han became quite curious about what would happen if he took the professor's hand.

Specifically, he wondered if he would become like the seniors behind him.

Why were those seniors with the professor during the break?

"I'll go to the mansion and think deeply..."

"...There's no need for that. It's a talent that doesn't require such consideration."

"Come to think of it, I have something to discuss with the priests..."

"I'll send my disciples to tell them to wait a moment."

"On second thought, I also had something to tell the hunters."

The professor's disciples formed a human wall to block the hunters' approach.

The two hunters were at a loss for words at the absurd interference from the healing mages.

What kind of obscene...?

"What are you doing?"

"S-Sorry. We're just following orders."

Yi-Han pondered whether he should break through the professor's pressure head-on.

He would likely be taken by the professor in the 2nd semester anyway, so did he really need to be taken during the break?

'Even if I face some retaliation in the 2nd semester, it's better to protect the break.'

Yi-Han strengthened his resolve while looking at the swords Professor Alkasis was wearing.

No matter how strong she was, Yi-Han was also someone who had undergone rigorous training.

He wouldn't back down easily.

"Are you done?"


Yi-Han turned his head at the familiar voice of another professor.

Professor Beavle was waiting, yawning, as if he had arrived at some point.

"When... did you arrive?"

"I went to check the dungeon after hearing about it at the temple, and I came after the event had ended."

Professor Beavle seemed to have no interest in the commotion that had occurred near the dungeon.

He didn't even change his expression despite the injured people lying down with bandages.

"By any chance, did any artifacts come out of the dungeon?"

"As far as I know, there aren't any."

"Really? Then that's fine. Let's go. We have work to do."

Professor Beavle naturally dragged Yi-Han to the carriage and departed.

The remaining people were all at a loss for words and could only stare blankly at their retreating figures.


'Is he crazy???'

The students of Einroguard specializing in healing magic couldn't help but shudder at Professor Beavle's behavior.

Even Professor Alkasis didn't seem to be to that extent.

The hunters asked Nillia in bewilderment.

"But... shouldn't he rest? Didn't he just mention work?"

"Well... yes. He's a bit peculiar."

"Even so, that's too much."


Nillia shouted inwardly.

No wonder even the priests of the Presinga Order were whispering about it.

Yi-Han returned to the mansion, finished his work with Professor Beavle, and collapsed.

And then he slept for nearly a day.

"...I thought I slept in the morning, but why is it still morning??"

"You slept for a day."


Yi-Han looked out the window with a bitter face.

Professor Beavle was struggling on the carpet.

'I should pretend I didn't see it.'

"But Young Master... another guest has arrived."

Yi-Han momentarily pondered whether he should put up a sign saying "No Guests Allowed" in front of the mansion.

At this point, he couldn't distinguish between guests and scoundrels.

"Is it a professor?"

"No, it's not."

"Is it a friend?"

"No, it's not."

"Could it be a crazy person... No. Then you would have said it was a professor. Who is it?"

"It's Prince Bogajun."

"Ah. That..."

He was one of the royals whose life was saved thanks to Yi-Han defeating the Basilisk at the previous royal gathering.

They seemed to have talked about many things, but what he remembered was...

'Did he say he tried to solve the Cleudran Village plague incident but failed?'

Since the royals were so lively in criticizing each other, the only thing that remained in his memory was their criticism of one another.

"Lord Yi-Han of the Wardanaz family! I heard the rumors!"

"Are you referring to subjugating the Basilisk?"

Yi-Han asked, half giving up.

Even if he called it an accident, people would hear what they wanted to hear, wouldn't they?

"Ah. That's not the rumor I was talking about."

"Is it about the subjugation of the King of Ghouls?"

"Did you subjugate the King of Ghouls? Please tell me about that story in detail as well."

'Damn it.'

Yi-Han was furious at Granden City.

Why were there so many rumors spreading that the person speaking had to worry about it?

"Then what rumor are you..."

"I heard you saved the knights of the Crimson Lotus Forest subjugation force! I was truly moved."


"There are many mages in the empire, and among them, there are outstanding ones, but to jump into a dungeon and risk your life to save the injured..."

"I didn't risk my life. It was a small dungeon where I took all my escorts, and the monsters were almost wiped out."

Prince Bogajun was so intoxicated with himself that he didn't hear Yi-Han's words.

"...How many people would be able to save them? Even Professor Lagrinde praised you highly. She said you have the qualities to become a great healing mage."

Yi-Han smiled bitterly.

He wanted to tell the prince, 'Telling a pig on a farm that it has gained weight isn't a compliment,' but he felt there was no point in saying it since the prince wouldn't understand anyway.

Yi-Han composed his emotions and smiled hypocritically. Then he opened his mouth.

"I'm just flustered by the excessive reputation attached to an incident I got involved in by chance."

"What are you saying... Reputation is a reflection of the soul. You have a vessel of a soul worthy of such a reputation."

Prince Bogajun looked at Yi-Han with deep and profound eyes and spoke.

"Lord Wardanaz. I have a proposal."

"Please go ahead."

'I must refuse no matter what.'

"There's a gathering this time, and with me..."

Knock knock knock-

A servant carefully opened the door and entered.

"I apologize. Young Master. Another guest has arrived."

"Who is it?"

"It's Prince Gainando."

At the servant's words, Bogajun showed a deeply shocked expression.

'As I thought...!'

From the moment he saw Gainando hiding his claws at the previous mansion, he felt suspicious, and it turned out to be true.

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