Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World

Chapter 75 – The Alchemist (4)

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 75 – The Alchemist (4)

“Do you want to comprehend the mysteries?”



Arkamis made a sound again.

Her eyes were filled with bewilderment.


The sensation felt from Ketal.

The aura and force he exuded were clearly beyond human.

It was hard to believe he didn’t know about the mysteries.

“Do you want to comprehend the mysteries?”

“Is it a different concept of language?”

Ketal tilted his head.

Being asked three times made him think so.

“I’m talking about things like aura and mana. I want to gain that power.”

“…Wait a moment. Let me check something.”

Arkamis closed her eyes.

Ketal watched her with interest.

“Is that how you comprehend someone’s mystery?”

“Because there’s a mystery imbued in the body.”

If one reached a certain level, they could sense whether someone possessed mystery.

She briefly said as she sensed Ketal’s body.

As a result, she could tell.

Ketal didn’t possess any mystery.

Arkamis’ pupils widened.

“…Are you truly human?”

“Then what did you think I was?”

“A dragon?”

“A dragon?”

Ketal frowned.

“It seems there was a misunderstanding.”

Ketal and Arkamis conversed.

After hearing Arkamis’ story, Ketal stroked his chin.

“Do I give off that kind of aura?”

“Haven’t humans been afraid of you?”

“They have, but…”

He thought it was fear of his appearance, but it seemed that wasn’t all.

“Probably because they can feel intimidation and pressure from you. However, it might not be that strong once they get used to it. But I’m an elf, you know?”

Elves are beings of nature.

They live harmoniously with it.

Their sensing abilities are far superior to humans.

Arkamis looked at Ketal with a peculiar gaze.

“The aura I sense from you… isn’t that of a being in harmony with nature.”

No matter how strong a human is, they are still a part of this world.

Ultimately, they are born from and live with nature.

This is an inescapable natural order for humans.

But what she sensed from Ketal was different.

A deviation from the natural order.

That was the sense Ketal gave off.

“At least, it’s not an aura a human can exude.”

It’s closer to that of a predator.

There was unmistakable fear in Arkamis’ eyes as she said this.

“Is that why you thought I was a dragon?”

“Dragons are dominators, not harmonizers. So it didn’t feel strange.”


After thinking for a while, Ketal asked.

“Are all barbarians like that?”

“If they were, they would have dominated the world.”

Arkamis answered immediately.

Meaning no.

‘Is it a characteristic of the White Snowfield?’

Is it a peculiarity of the barbarians from there?

Or is it a trait unique to his existence?

The answer was unknown.

Barbarians of the White Snowfield don’t come out.

Ketal muttered softly.

“Is that why the elves attacked me?”

“What? Elves? What do you mean?”

Arkamis asked, surprised by Ketal’s words.

Ketal answered appropriately, explaining he met an elf village, and they attacked him.

Hearing his story, Arkamis nodded.

“To them, you are an incomprehensible monster. Humans would attack if a bear intruded into their village, right? It’s like that.”

“Is that so?”

Ketal’s face turned slightly gloomy.

Does that mean he will always be in a hostile relationship with elves in the future?

‘That’s sad.’


Arkamis’ face hardened after a moment of thought.

“Then, did you…”

“No. We resolved the misunderstanding and had a conversation. As an apology, I received this.”

Ketal took out a red jewel from his pocket.

Arkamis’ eyes turned wide like a rabbit’s upon seeing the jewel.

“World Tree’s Tear?”

“Is that its name?”

“How, how did you get that?”

Arkamis was visibly flustered upon seeing the jewel.

Ketal explained.

“I met the elf queen. She gave this to me, inviting me to visit their sanctuary sometime.”

“The sanctuary?”

Arkamis was extremely flustered.


“Well… that shouldn’t be given to outsiders.”

After a moment of being flustered, she finally composed herself.

“I guess it’s not my business. Anyway, receiving that means you didn’t harm the elves.”


Ketal put the jewel back in his pocket and spoke.

“I am human.”

That fact will never be shaken.

“What I ask of you is alchemy. And to comprehend the mysteries.”

“Hmm. Hmm. Got it.”

Arkamis organized her thoughts.

This barbarian is indeed very intimidating and frightening, but he is just a simple barbarian.

A human.

There’s no reason for him to lie after coming all this way, so it’s almost certain.

Moreover, seeing that he doesn’t even know this fact himself, it’s probably innate to his birth.

As she thought this far, an idea flashed through her mind.

‘…Then there’s no need to be afraid?’

This barbarian does not know the mysteries.

In other words, he is not a strong person. Without understanding the mysteries, it is impossible to grasp strong power. That was common sense.

‘A barbarian who wants to become stronger!’

She reached a conclusion.

A barbarian who wants to comprehend the mysteries and become stronger.

In hindsight, it had been like that from the beginning.

Ketal had asked her to teach him alchemy and help him understand the mysteries.

It was only her who got scared and fell into all sorts of delusions.

‘I got scared for nothing.’

Arkamis regained her composure.

A smile returned to her face.

“Hmm… well, alright.”

Without prejudice, Ketal was not a person with significant issues.

On the contrary, he had perfectly complied with her unreasonable demands.

Thinking that he did everything to learn alchemy and understand the mysteries made him seem cute.

It seemed fine to teach him for fun.

“I am Arkamis, an alchemist who deals with the Empire. Barbarian. I will teach you what you want to know.”

Ketal noticed the sudden change in her attitude.

‘She’s looking down on me a bit.’

But it didn’t matter.

What mattered was obtaining what he desired.

The misunderstanding was resolved.

But a new misunderstanding arose.

The conversation continued with misunderstandings stacked upon each other.

* * *

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

“So, you want to comprehend the mysteries. Have you tried to understand them?”

“I have. But I couldn’t feel anything.”

“It’s originally difficult to do alone. You need someone to assist you.”

A talented person might comprehend the mysteries alone, but usually, it’s impossible.

Typically, someone who has already progressed guides them.

But Ketal shook his head.

“There was someone. But it didn’t work.”

“There was? Who?”

“A Sword Master.”


Arkamis paused.

“A Sword Master guided you?”

“Is there a problem?”

“No, not exactly.”

A Sword Master is a rare existence, even in a kingdom.

They are incredibly strong, rare, and treated accordingly.

Generally, they are not someone you can meet.

Did such a being help a barbarian comprehend the mysteries?

Pondering over this incomprehensible statement, Arkamis reached a conclusion.

‘He must have been deceived by a fake pretending to be a Sword Master!’

Ketal doesn’t know the mysteries.

If a top-level warrior exudes aura, one might mistake them for a Sword Master.

Top-level warriors are not weak by any means, but the gap between them and a Sword Master is immense.

He was likely deceived by a top-level warrior.

Arkamis looked at Ketal with a sympathetic gaze.

“Let me check. Sit here.”

“Is it possible? Even a Sword Master couldn’t do it.”

“Who do you think I am? I’m an alchemist. In this field, I’m much superior, okay?”

Even if he were a real Sword Master, she wouldn’t lose.

Ketal, finding her words interesting, sat down.

“Then please.”

Ketal closed his eyes.

Arkamis cautiously approached and placed her hand on Ketal’s back.


And she unintentionally let out a groan.


It didn’t feel strong because there were many muscles.

In the purest sense, it was solid.

It had high strength and hardness.

She doubted whether this body was truly made of flesh.

Arkamis, surprised for a moment, closed her eyes and focused.

Her mana extended into Ketal’s body, seeking the path to the mysteries.

And she soon realized that she couldn’t find the path of mystery in Ketal’s body.


She focused her mind even more.

Her mana delved deeper into his body.

But she couldn’t see it.

She couldn’t reach it.

It was like trying to find a specific fish in the depths of an ocean with no visible bottom.

After a long search, she finally withdrew her hand.

Ketal looked at Arkamis with hopeful eyes.

“What happened?”

“…I can’t find it.”

Arkamis’ face was filled with confusion.

She couldn’t find the path of mystery in Ketal’s body.

‘What is this?’

Not being able to sense it at all was unexpected.

Disappointment lingered on Ketal’s face.

“Is it impossible after all?”

“Let me just say, it’s impossible even for wizards. They need to verify internally, and you can’t even do that.”

Not being able to sense the mystery at all was a first for her.

“Does that mean I can never obtain the mystery?”

An alchemist and a Sword Master couldn’t find the path of mystery.

She said it would be the same for a wizard.

Coming to a fantasy world and not being able to learn the mystery was very sad.

Ketal became depressed.

“That’s not it.”

Arkamis shook her head and said confidently.

“Who do you think I am? I’m an alchemist. I’ve made those who don’t know the mystery into superhumans.”

Even in a situation like Ketal’s, it wasn’t completely impossible.

“The path of mystery should exist in your body, so we can create a catalyst to activate it. I’ve helped quite a few people comprehend the mystery this way. It’s not impossible.”


Ketal’s eyes sparkled.

“Is it possible?”

“It is possible. It’s just a hassle.”

Normally, she would have refused.

There was no reason to do such a troublesome thing without any compensation.

But this time was different.

She was an alchemist.

Not one who wielded power, but one who researched.

That body was special.

It was an anomaly she had never seen before.

It was worth researching.

Arkamis’ eyes glimmered with interest.

She nodded.

“Alright. I’ll help you.”

“Thank you!”

Ketal smiled brightly and grabbed Arkamis’ hand.

“Thank you so much! If you ever need my help, just let me know. I’ll be happy to assist!”

“Okay, okay! Let go of my hand!”

Arkamis pulled her hand back, her face flushed.

On the surface, it looked like a woman nervous about holding a man’s hand in an innocent situation, but the reality was different.

‘I almost attacked reflexively.’

Even though her perception of Ketal had changed, the sense of intimidation she felt didn’t disappear.

She felt a momentary sensation as if a carnivorous animal was pouncing on her.

She calmed her excited heart and spoke.

“The method is simple. We use a catalyst to infuse the path of mystery within you with mystery. After that, I’ll assist in circulating it. In the end, we need a catalyst… but the materials for it are quite expensive and rare.”

“Can’t we just ask Milena for it?”

“Do you think it’s that easy?”

Arkamis grumbled.

The reason for requesting the materials was Ketal’s personal need.

If she asked Milena for the catalyst materials, Milena would scrutinize the reasons and necessity.

She had often been rejected during this process.

‘So it’s for personal use, Arkamis. While I support you, I have no intention of funding such frivolous endeavors. If that is what you desire, please create a more useful artifact first and then we can talk.’

Arkamis involuntarily shivered.

Milena’s cold eyes from that time were still etched in her memory.

Thinking this far, Arkamis suddenly smiled.

“Ketal, you need this, right?”


“Try persuading Milena yourself. Who knows? You seem to have a good rapport with her, she might agree.”

Ketal nodded.

Then, they went to Milena and explained the purpose of the catalyst and the materials required.

Each of the materials was extremely expensive and rare.

Even for the Akasha family, these were a significant burden.

They weren’t something that could be handed over lightly based on mere acquaintance.

Arkamis naturally thought Milena would refuse and scrutinize Ketal coldly.

She was looking forward to watching that unfold.

Milena spoke lightly.

“Understood. Since Ketal needs it, I will get it for you.”


“Arkamis? Why are you glaring at me with such an aggrieved look…?”

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]


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