Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The Taming of the Shrew (2)

Inside a warehouse where an indescribable stench wafted about

Two men were looking around, frowns on their faces.

One of the two, the fat one, muttered as he wiped the sweat ceaselessly flowing from his brow.

"She left."


"I was just wondering why."

"Idiot. Assassins came visiting, why would she still stay here after that?"

While he was talking, the other man who looked thin like a rake was constantly observing the nooks and crannies.

To obtain information by examining all remaining traces. This was an old habit of his. Even if it wasnt really necessary.

"By the way, werent those assassins pathetic enough to shame their profession?"

"Even so, the princess made the right decision. Rather, even after dealing with a pathetically weak enemy, she did not succumb to pride and moved by assuming thered be other enemies coming next. That shows how formidable the princess is."

It sounded logical.

"Hmm, by the way, how strong is the princess?"

"Well, its hard to judge just by looking at her."

The slender man paused for a moment, then continued muttering softly.

"But, at least, I think I understand why the request came to us."

He kicked aside the pile of straw piled up on one side of the floor.

A clear dent in the shape of a footprint lay revealed.

"Whoo, what a brute."

The fat man groaned at the sight.

Simply leaving a mark on the steel plate in and of itself shouldnt have been that surprising. Because it wasnt much. Even if it was achieved not by a blow, but simply by the force of a footstep, that didnt change. Because it was easy for those famous for their strength.

The important point was that this floor was not normal steel plate.

One of the main characteristics of this ship, inviolability.

This was a characteristic that Cormier the Designer' had emplaced upon this ship after several days and weeks of effort, and it greatly strengthened the durability of all the structures and frames that made up the hull.

In other words, this floor was so hard that an ordinary person couldn't scratch it even if they died and resurrected.

"Is it a unique ability?"

"Well I think it might just be pure force."

The fat man blurted out in surprise at the thin ones words.

"No, this is just pure power!?"

"I cant say for sure. But the possibility is there."


"That rumour might not be a completely exaggeration. That the soul of Bayar Khan is in the body of the second princess of the Mainin Kingdom."

Bayar Khan.

He was one of the most famous emperors in the long history of the Skull Empire, said to have the strength of a thousand warriors.

"Anyway, well have to find her soon."

"Are we really going to hunt her down?"

The reason the fat man asked this question was simple. Because it wasn't their turn yet.

"Couldnt we leave it till the end of the voyage?"

"Idiot. Are you going to lose your prey? We're here to work, not to enjoy the ride."

"But theres no difference in pay anyway. Even if the prey is finished before our turn, theyve promised to pay the reward in full."

The slender man shook his head.

"Pathetic. How many assassins do you think are involved here?"

"Huh? Do you mean, in total?"

"At a guess, at least ten assassins are aboard this ship."


"A dozen assassins, but only one target. And shes even royalty. Reward? That's not the problem here. This is a matter of pride. Youll become a laughingstock if you just stand still."

The fat man had a look of sudden realization on his face.

" Right.

"We can grab her for now and finish her off when its our turn. I don't know what kind of plan is behind it all, but it's not just a matter of hunting the princess. Maybe well end up with a battle royale between all of us assassins."

"Got it. Which way is the path?"

"Ive already seen it. Right next door."

The duo immediately left the stinky warehouse and headed for an empty cabin not far from there.


The fat man asked as if puzzled.

Of course, he was well aware that just because a path was seen didn't mean itd lead directly to the destination. But this place was still a bit questionable. First of all, it was too close by, and compared to the warehouse just now, it had almost no traces.

"We have to find those who stayed here. That is the path leading to the princess."

"Didnt the princess take her only maid on board? Was there another party?"

"I dont know. Maybe it's another assassin, who knows. Anyway, blindly guessing wont help. The important thing is to follow along. Until another clue emerges."

To his surprise, the slender man found another clue right away.

" Three people."

"How do you know?"

"Fallen hair. Weve got three different colours, here. These guys weren't that thorough. Not like assassins."


"How long have they been staying here? I can still feel traces of warmth. And a little kid or a dwarf was mixed in among them."

The fat man didn't question the thin ones words this time. Because he, too, could clearly see the tiny shoe prints left in a corner of the cabin floor.

"Can you find them soon?"

The slender man didn't respond.

However, the fat man accepted this as assurance. Because there was no denial.

And, in most cases, that meant affirmation.

He touched the dagger hidden in his arms.

It wasn't like he was going to use it anytime soon, but nevertheless, whenever his work showed signs of progress, the fat man always repeated this behaviour. For him, this was a ritual wishing for success.

As long as nothing else happened, the battle would take place within the next two days.

"Can I help you with anything? Can I make a meal reservation for you?"

"Oh, no, its fine."

It seemed that the way I was standing around in the middle of the hallway looked suspicious.

When I handed a few bills as a tip along with a ticket proving my status as a first-class passenger, the manager quickly nodded and disappeared with a smile. Leaving a message that I could call them anytime I needed.


As I again stood in front of the door to my room, I made a decision about my kidnapper concept' that Id been pondering over.

I did need to make some changes.

To be honest, I didn't really think much of it at first. Couldn't I just act according to my looks, like Villain 3' would? I thought it might be a good idea to induce the princess vigilance.

But now that Id thought it through, I had a strong sense that something was wrong with this approach.

A neighbourhood gangster fixing a princess' temperament? First of all, this was close to a serious configuration error. Even I wouldnt have listened to me if I were in her place. No matter how much force I threatened her with, Id only be ignored like garbage.

Besides, I had to admit to myself that my reactions had been a little bit off when Id brought her in. Id been too nonplussed by her decision to follow me so docilely.

At this rate, there was a possibility that the current theme would be insufficient.

Therefore, it was time for a complete change in concept.

How should I convince her?'

There was no need to be vicious and ruthless.

I'd simply ask the princess,

<ol type="1">
  • Don't move and stay here.
  • Do you want to get married?
  • Just these two. Overdoing things would only have the opposite effect.

    Besides, even the talk about marriage might be premature right now. Knowing the future developments, I was only guessing whether the next linked quests would come out like that, but in reality, my current task was simply to take the princess to the Adventurers Association.

    So, my concern was simple.

    What concept could convince the princess by adjusting to the situation?

    First of all, it has to have some gravitas, and I think it should be a little secretive'

    After thinking for a while, I was able to arrive at a rough concept.

    <ol type="1">
  • Cool to the max!
  • Full of riddles.
  • Combined with a fairly luxurious, wealthy image.
  • A high-scale, big boss-type villain feel.
  • "Alright."

    The newly acquired first-class cabin was also quite appropriate for this new concept.

    Of course, this room was a result of my adventurer flex, but it nevertheless suited the concept quite well. At least it conveyed the luxurious image that I wanted to project.

    There was, however, one hurdle.

    My looks.

    To be honest, I had no choice but to admit it. My face was a bit too far from luxurious. Also, for a big boss-type villain, perhaps it looked a little too shabby?

    Who knows.'

    I couldn't help but hope that the princess was a person who didnt have many preconceived notions about appearances.

    I took a couple of deep breaths.

    And then

    " Let's go."

    I opened the door.


    As soon as I entered, the princess sitting still on the bed was the first to catch my eyes.

    It seemed that she was already awake, but she was surprisingly calm. She wasnt tied down or anything.


    "Youre here, sir."

    Chinuavi greeted me very politely.


    It was a very appropriate scene for the newly established concept.

    I responded with a silent nod.




    If only she werent in the room

    So I asked Chinuavi to take Cocoa to the next room.


    "No. Ill stay here."

    Cocoa clung to me.


    I really wanted to grab her by the collar and throw her in, but I managed to stop myself. I couldnt allow my new concept to self-destruct in the first three seconds.

    When I have a meaningful glance to Chinuavi

    "Miss Cocoa, come inside for a moment. I have something to tell you."

    "What is it?"

    "Lets go inside first"

    Fortunately, Chinuavi somehow understood my intention and forced Cocoa to leave.


    I immediately approached the princess. I didnt want to give her time to think.

    At that moment, her eyes, as they recognized me, began to tremble.


    I asked slowly, keeping my voice as soft as possible.

    "Are you awake?"

    "Who are you?"

    "It doesnt matter."

    I carefully peered into the princess's eyes.

    What kind of reaction was she going to have?

    She didnt speak up. I was wondering what to do if she asked about the sudden one-eighty in my behaviour, but I was lucky. It seemed that she didnt notice my rapidly changing concept, probably because her memories of the kidnapping itself were vague.

    I started talking in a light manner.

    "I have only one request. That you quietly go to the Skull Empire."

    "What if I dont want to?"

    "Things arent that simple. Youll have no choice but to die here in that case."


    After a while,

    "Then are you on a different side from those who attacked me and tried to kill me?"

    The princess asked in a slightly muffled voice.

    "I don't know who attacked you, but they have nothing to do with us."

    "But your request is questionable If youre not on the side of the first prince, why would you want to hand me over to the empire"

    "It is not just the Skull Empire and the Mainin Kingdom that are interested in this wedding. How about broadening your vision a little?"

    The princess was silent at my words.

    She seemed to have begun exercising her brain to find out who I was.

    And it was a very fortunate response. In fact, there was no better outcome than this. I just wanted her to think for herself and come to a conclusion on her own.

    Soon after,

    "Is it the Hazard Federation? Do you plan to prevent the Skull Empire from using me as an excuse to devour our kingdom?"

    The princess gave the answer herself.

    Hazard? It was my first time hearing the name.

    But it seemed like a good enough reason.

    "It doesnt matter what you think."

    At my meaningful smile, the princess' expression became more and more confused. Bowing her head again, she began to immerse herself in her own thoughts.

    How long had it been?

    The princess, whod been busy thinking for a while, suddenly began to laugh.

    "Hey, one way or another, it all ends with my death, so what does your identity matter?"


    It was a bit of an unexpected statement.

    "Why? If you get married, won't that save your life?"

    "They are sending assassins all the way here, so why wont they just target me in their front yard? Even if I accept the marriage, wont the assassination attempts continue until the actual ceremony begins?"

    This was reasonable.

    I agreed with the princess, too. If they killed the princess and spread rumours that shed ran away, the result would be the same. War.

    That was then.

    Huh? Wait a moment.'

    A certain premonition popped into my mind.

    This woman later became the emperor of the Skull Empire. That was a planned development.

    Is this is my request connected to that? How about getting this woman married safely? And laying the groundwork for her to become the emperor?'

    All of a sudden I was feeling a rush of embarrassment.

    No, even for an A-class request, it still started as a missing person search. Isnt this going too far?'

    As the number of events increased, the period of stay here would also naturally increase.

    And that, I had to avoid. Because I had a set deadline for returning.


    However, this course of events would be extremely fortunate for the princess in front of me.

    I looked at her and muttered softly.

    "Well maybe you wont die after all. Maybe new opportunities will open up."

    But my words didnt seem to reach her.

    "Of course, I have no intention of dying without resisting. Not at their hands"

    In an instant, the princess jumped off the bed.


    "And not at your hands either."

    And she suddenly lifted the king-size bed up in the air. With one arm.

    An abrupt and outrageous action.

    "What are you doing?"

    "If I make a scene, people will come running, right? Then wouldn't things become difficult for you?"

    I was planning to subdue her in a hurry, but her strong gaze changed my mind.

    "Put that down. Dont make a fuss for nothing."

    "I can do that. Instead, I have some conditions."

    I knew it.

    It was a sudden move, but it didn't feel like she was just going crazy.


    "There is one more thing I want to check properly. Once I confirm that, Ill follow you without causing any trouble."

    "What do you want to check?"

    "Your power. I only listen to people who are stronger than me. Well, Ive hardly ever met any, though."

    Then she gently stretched out an arm.

    "How about a bout of arm wrestling?"


    It was a bit disconcerting, but it was a good suggestion. Simple, and effective.

    Hopefully she isnt gearing up for a sneak attack'

    I nodded.

    "Okay, lets put down what youre holding, first."

    The princess gently lowered the bed, which shed been holding up with one arm, to the floor.

    She was just showing off at this point, but I didnt dare scoff at her.

    After a while,

    "Do it properly. Dont hold back."

    The princess and I set a table and sat facing each other.

    "That would be unreasonable. My power is beyond you. I'll wrestle you with three fingers. You may use both hands."

    I provoked her to give a little stimulation.

    "Alright, lets try it that way."


    It was a mistake. Id thought she'd tell me to do it fairly and not be rude.

    Soon, we were struggling against each other.


    Her strength surged like a boar.

    As soon as we started, I almost got my fingers broken.

    It was frustrating. She seemed to be getting stronger. Or maybe she hadnt revealed her strength before.

    "What's the matter? Are you slowing down? Is this the end?"

    " I was just holding on because I thought this isnt your all. You haven't even used both your hands yet."

    I wasnt going to abandon my concept if even if it killed me.

    "Okay, then let me use both!"

    The princess immediately added her other hand, and started pushing my three fingers away.


    Surprised by her surge of power, I really did my best. Because things would really go wrong if I didnt.

    The more I thought about it, the more amazing she appeared. A woman who hadn't even appeared in any chapters yet, had this much power already.


    I could resist her into a stalemate. But that wasnt enough. Because I had to win.

    I clenched my teeth. Then I pulled out all the power Id been saving.


    Now it was follow the concept or die.


    "Ugh, ugh"



    And finally,


    I pressed down the princess' two hands, or rather her entire body.




    Moments passed in silence.

    I hurriedly came up with a way to restore the concept.

    The princess had fallen and still couldn't get up.

    The thought of being contrary had to be running through her head. Now was the time to reinforce my concept.

    "Hmm, dont be so contrary. This is the natural result"

    That was then.


    The princess' body suddenly began to shake.


    First her arms, then her legs, then her whole body.

    From trembling to full-on convulsions.



    " Huh?"

    It was weird. It just wasn't normal.

    Did she go into a seizure or something?

    Then suddenly,

    "Ah! What are you doing, old man! Lay off!?"

    She started talking to himself.


    The surprise didnt stop there.

    "Heh, let me use it for a little bit."

    An old man's voice came out of the princess's mouth.

    What, what?'

    "You dont even care if I die or not!"

    "Im not interested, you little bint. But this squat-jawed guy here looks pretty fun."

    The princess turned her head sharply towards me.

    "Hey there, little baby. Want to have a match with me too?"

    Both her eyes were gleaming red.

    Editor's Notes:

    None for this chapter.

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