Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Readers' Comments

"I have one last question for you."

"Yes, please say."

"I heard that the first adventure quest from the association cannot be refused."

"You can refuse. If you want to become the association's enemy."

The woman smiled, a smile that was somehow reminiscent of Haka.

"Then do I have a choice? Are there a list of quests to choose from?"

"Well there arent really any strict rules around that. But"

After a moment of silence, the woman continued speaking.

"But it'd be better for you to just accept it. It's a gift from the Adventurers' Association to all those who've passed. In particular, the missions assigned to the top-ranked adventure groups have been meticulously prepared by the Association, to achieve the maximum results according to the teams' abilities. Naturally, the quality of the missions differs with ranking."

" Is that so."

But I couldn't help but feel a little queasy. Because it was a mandatory mission.

Well it doesn't matter.'

Since I couldn't remember the mission that Karl Zayed got assigned in the original work, it probably hadn't been very special. Probably similar to the one Leo's party had received.

"Any more questions?"


"Then let me ask you one last question."

She fell silent for a while.

Seeing her calmly fermenting the mood with grave eyes, this question seemed to be very important, unlike the rest.

Finally, she slowly spoke.

"Mr. Hiro. What kind of adventurer do you want to be?"


For a moment, I almost ended up laughing.

Not because the question itself was funny, but because it was so different from what I'd been expecting.

I'd thought it might be a question about whether I'd like to work for the association, or whether I'd like to meet some powerful member of the association.

But really, this was the kind of question that better suited a shounen manga.

Even so, actually hearing it felt a bit cringey.

" It's simple."

I answered comfortably with a smile.

It was a question with a set answer, anyhow.

"One who survives to the very end."

The interview with the veteran adventurer ended well without any major issues.

Although I'd entered the final stage of the qualification test, it was not a place to show off the abilities of the team. The personality' test, instead of testing the strength of your ability, was actually the time to verify your personality.

In the first place, the fact that only I, the captain, and not the whole team, had been called, meant that it wasn't a very important stage.

As I was returning, the long-awaited message arrived via hologram.


[Chapter 16 Official Adventurer Qualification Test (2) has ended]

[Attracts the author's attention]

[The author's favourability has decreased by 30]

[Reappearance probability has increased to 100%]


  • Name: Hiro (Enigmatic Squatjaw)
  • Characteristics: Very strong, Bluffing, Chatterbox, Secretive, Turned out he was a pretty boy?, Leadership.
  • Awareness: 59,259
  • Author's favourability: 27
  • Reappearance probability: 100%


[The final evaluation of the character has been calculated by the author]

[Hiro is the subject of a preliminary appearance in the next chapter]

[Character points deducted 3000p for the fall in the author's favourability]

[Character points paid 1000p for the rise in the reappearance probability]

[Additional 1000p character points paid for achieving 100% reappearance probability]


There was no reward at all, and the author's favourability also greatly diminished.

Well, I'd expected that to happen. In fact, I never even showed my face in this chapter, so it was impossible for the readers to support me, and since I completely destroyed the character the author had so ambitiously prepared before even his first appearance, it was inevitable for favourability to fall.

But it didn't matter. After all, the next chapter would be flooded with huge rewards.

It's just 30'

To be honest, I'd expected it to get cut a lot more than that. The situation had to have been supremely annoying for the author.

The character called Karl Zayed was already half-destroyed.

After appearing brilliantly as a surprise first place, he would've built himself up by achieving even more great feats in the future, but he stumbled at the starting line.

What's the use of those OP abilities? The more he proved his strength, the higher my reputation would get.

In a way, it was the opposite case of Cocoa. Cocoa never even got to appear in the original, but I'd taken her hand and brought her to the limelight; and yet when Karl Zayed was just about to come out on stage, I'd slammed the door shut in his face.

Now the author had no choice but to reduce his potential compared to what his abilities deserved. No, maybe he was already in a lessened state. Might the author have subtly downgraded his level?

"Should I apologize"

Thinking about it, the sequence of events was pretty bizarre.

At first, I had been the one who took Haka and Cocoa along to somehow make the author like me, but now I myself was ruining the characters the author had painstakingly prepared.


It felt like I had to say something.

Going to the window, I gazed up at the sky.

"Life's got its turns, doesn't it? Let's just move on. You never know, maybe the manga would turn out better because of me?"

Well, I probably wasn't in any position to be listened to[1], right now.

That was then



A holographic message arrived.

I was nonplussed for a moment.

Ah, no way'

Was this a response to what I'd said just now?

Upon closer inspection, luckily, it wasn't.



[The results of the first character popularity poll will be announced before the next chapter begins]

[Different rewards will be paid according to the popularity poll ranking]

It was an equally astonishing news.

Popularity poll? Ah, I see.'

I vaguely remembered. It seemed that the 1st Popularity Poll Questionnaire had been published around this time.

The timing was just right, because this Adventurer Qualification Test arc marked the end of the initial introduction. From now on, the plot was going to start full steam.


Hah, but, isn't notifying it now a bit excessive?'

It was absurd.

If you're going to do a popularity poll, you have to tell people that beforehand. What, were you worried I might go overboard trying to show off?

" How unlucky."

Soon after,

How is the ranking?'

Suddenly, my heart started pounding.

To be honest, I had no idea at all. I was a character that originally didn't even exist in the first place. Besides, my identity was vague, same as my goals, and I was a character full of riddles.

However, it was also true that there were quite a few things for the readers to gush about.

Not too many characters had been introduced yet, and I might not get a chance to rise higher in the future.

I considered what rank might be best for me.

The higher, the better, but to be honest, getting into third place would be a little burdensome. An eyesore upstaging my own kids? I wouldn't have been happy either, had I been in the author's position.

No, am I just counting my chickens before they hatch?'

The first, second and third places were probably Leo, Kiriko, and Siana, in that order. The fourth place was uncertain, but it was probably Yan. The readers weren't fed up with him yet. Besides, he must've awakened once during the adversary stage. Maybe I was just overthinking it.

Now, I think the next place might be good'

I thought about whether there were other people who could come up in the rankings, but no face came to mind.

The problem was the readers' reaction. There had to be people who liked me, but certainly there were others who thought some strange-looking guy kept disturbing the plot.

Just then,

Ah! Reader comments!'

I remembered something I'd forgotten.

I could just see with my own eyes. What was their reaction to me?

I quickly opened the shop window.

[Currently held points: 202,773p]

Letting out a smile,


I immediately opened the [Chapter] category.

You can check the details by touching.

1. Explore the next chapter information 1,500p

2. Go straight to the chapter progress area once 2,000p

3. Browse the main characters revealed up to the current chapter 5,000p

4. Read last chapter's reader comments 8,000p

5. Check the chapters main character 12,000p


The prices could make you hurl.

With tears in my eyes, I clicked [Read last chapter's reader comments].


[Touch the chapter to view comments]

  • Newest / Registered
  • Chapter 16 Official Adventurer Qualification Test (2) 8,000p
  • Chapter 15 Official Adventurer Qualification Test (1) 8,000p

An absurd screen appeared.

"What is this Pay per chapter?"

A curse word escaped my lips.

"No, how could you need 8,000p to read a few comments?"

This was troubling. The backgrounds had already risen so much in price that I needed to save points for the future.

Although I considered giving up, it was true that checking reader feedback was also advantageous for my survival, so I decided to purchase a couple in the end.

Actually, I was curious too.

I bought two chapters.

1. [Chapter 15 Adventurer Qualification Test (1)], where I'd been active from the middle as the main point of view, and

2. [Chapter 13 Mimic Acrobat], where I'd played the main villain.

I opened chapter 15 first.

[Chapter 15 Adventurer Qualification Test (1) Reader Comments]

arbans Squatjaw pov!

Mane It's a solo pov, so he's like a deuteragonist!

qudcks53 Adventurers, go~~~!

Kyaokyao That Viking hahaha

van1298 I can't stand Vikings lol

Barrel Oh, it's a manga, so anything goes, hahahaha

kirper03 I was dumbfounded when I saw those exam questions


The reactions weren't too bad.

They were generally favourable, even, and didn't seem to much care about my identity.

My image is fine, huh?'

Despite opposing the protagonist, there were many supportive comments. Reading them, I gradually started getting excited. It felt like I was being cheered on, good job, good job!', from the sidelines.

My initial purpose had been just to figure out my next steps, but now I really was having fun with it.

Next up was the Mimic Acrobat chapter.

Personally, the reaction to this chapter was what I'd been the most curious about.

Although as a villain, it was still the first chapter where I'd appeared as the central character. A lot of effort had gone into it, and at the end I'd even declared myself the protagonist's rival.

I wondered if readers had recognized the true meaning behind my declaration.

[Chapter 13 Mimic Acrobat Reader Comments]

Scars That sunset sure is far away, kek. Its far away, but its funny lol

kirper03 There're two amusement parks!

To roll is the way That squatjaw fairy tho

skfro560 The squatjaw fairy, erm, yeah ;;;;

Wallet Warrior Put your jaw back on, Squatjaw

Chakatapa Yeah, that squat jaw is part of his charm.

I was perplexed when I read it.

No, what the hell are you guys talking about?'

How confusing. Was this really alright?

Because the chapter was long, there were a lot of comments and a lot of content.

But, to my surprise, this time, too, the reactions were mostly in my favour. I felt a sense of friendly approval. Even though my character kept viciously beating up the protagonist and his companions.

Of course, there were also quite a few questions and negative reactions to my actions. But very rarely did that lead to direct animosity towards me.

Most of the cursing was headed straight for the author.

xxxx The author's an idiot.

xxxx There goes my suspension of disbelief. Dropped.

xxxx If either the author is a dumbf*ck or the character is, then the money's on the author.

Even if Leo behaves like an idiot, it's the author who gets cursed at.

Even if I take a lot of incomprehensible actions that violate plausibility, it's the author who gets cursed at.

I felt a little apologetic. Was he right to hate me after all?

But soon,

No, I just did what I normally do.'

I shook my head.

You reap what you sow, you bastard.

Anyway, things weren't bad overall.

No, they were even a bit too good. That's why I was even more concerned.

In particular, some of the comments

Deeo Mom, I'm gonna have a big squat jaw when I grow up!!!

Gauul Squatjaw Punch! Adventure King Punch! He(i)ro Punch!

q2qer O Great Squatjaw! Defeat the protagonists!

It made me tilt my head and question their tastes.

At this point, I was again getting worried about the popularity poll.

What if I rose higher than the main characters? The author might see that as crossing the line.

If the popularity poll had happened after the awards ceremony, I might've really been in danger. Because that chapter would be my stage.

There shouldn't be a problem.'

What I felt after roughly looking at the comments, was simple.

I was doing well.

I felt I should just keep on going like this.

Then, it was time to finish exploring the comments and move on to the next category.

A phrase at the bottom suddenly caught my eye.

[Attached fanart]

Oh, was this here?'

Apparently, you had to purchase the readers' comments to see the fanart.

I opened the fanart list with a pounding heart.

" Oh."

That sure was a prominent jaw.

It might or might not have been my face. I thought I looked a little better than this, though?

Seeing myself painted in a picture was a pretty strange feeling.

I could feel myself being supported from the back.

But the fanart of the Mimic Acrobat chapter did make me a little puzzled.

I made such an impact by transforming into a pretty boy, but all the drawings were about my jaw. Of the five fanart, four had the jaw, and one was half pretty boy and half jaw.

How unfortunate. I was trying to change it around, but maybe I should wait a while?'

In fact, I'd been planning to find the witch' who'd caused this background as soon as possible. I could guess her location to some extent, and I couldn't live with this appearance forever.

But I had to go with the trend for now. The reactions didn't seem that bad.

That was then


I heard a voice calling me from somewhere.

It was Cocoa.


"There's gonna be an award ceremony for those who passed!"

" Okay?"

I'd thought there was some time left before the next chapter started but it was earlier than expected.

Was it going to start with a slow pace?

I moved forward with a pounding heart.

Those thousands of test-takers had already disappeared somewhere, and there were only a few gathered at the venue.

There was silence in the hall, but not a tense one. Everyone looked relaxed, probably because they thought it was all over.

Just then,

"Ah! The Squatjaw Adventurers!"

The veteran adventurer who'd conducted the interview recognized us and approached.

"The top prize winners can sit in the front."

"Oh, yes."

Leo and the others were already sitting at the very front. As if they hadn't yet gotten the news that they weren't number one.

Hey, don't get surprised later.'

I was just about to sit down with a smile.


[The final result of the popularity poll is out]

  • Press to check the result.

It came.

Nervously, I checked it.

And then,

" This is gonna blow up."

I was enveloped in a very, very strange feeling. Extremely discomforting, but somehow not very distasteful.

1st place Hiro (The Enigmatic Squatjaw)

2nd place Leo

3rd place Kiriko

4th place Siana

5th place Unidentified horned boy

6th place Yan

7th place Little Pierrot

33rd place The enigmatic man who became the shadow of a pencil

Editor's Notes:

[1] (lit. seeds are not eaten), idiom meaning even a small request might be rejected.

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