Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

This Shit ain't Over Yet

A strategy to link the mafia with the Black Shadow, turning them into more of a challenge for Leo and the rest.

The recipe for that was quite simple.

1. Prepare eight mafiosi.

2. Add two Black Shadow members, clad in mafia outfit.

3. Mix and stir well.

4. Attack!

In fact, there was no elaborate strategy to speak of.

There was no need to matchmake the participants, and there was no need for them to be trained together.

The mafiosi were just cover to hide the daggers of the skilled assassins.

This was the reason why I gave the mafiosi knives instead of guns. Because the cover wouldn't be anywhere as good if they kept their distance and shot from afar.

The skill gap was far too large for the mafiosi to successfully attack Leo's party anyway. That wouldn't change whether they used knives or guns.

In other words

"Make some noise! Never stop moving, and keep pushing them!"

This chapter was about the mafia, but the mafiosi were just a smoke screen, and the core of the attack was the group of assassins.

The Black Shadow executive said I was pampering the mafia too much, but it was the opposite. Because I just thought of them as meat shields.

And this strategy was wildly successful.

Just looking at the scene unfolding right in front of my eyes


"Kill them!"

"These little bastards!"

Leo and Kiriko could not blow away the mafiosi at once despite being dogpiled from all directions. Because every time they tried some big move, a hidden dagger would fly in.

In fact, Kiriko who was being wary of the assassins had already allowed a mafioso's blow to land several times, and Leo had even gotten his cheek scratched trying to block a dagger meant for Siana.

We're seeing blood already that's pretty good for Black Shadow.'

It wasn't as if Siana couldn't carry her own weight, but she still didn't know how to protect herself. Until she developed her unique abilities and became a full-fledged fighter, she was just a burden.

And so


"Are, are you okay? Blood, Mister Kiriko, there's blood"

"Im alright, so just stay behind me or Leo."

Such climactic scenes of crisis' were bound to appear several times.

To be honest, I wondered why the author hadn't used this method in the original.

Because this was a way to make the attack of the Black Shadow members even more intimidating, and at the same time created a much more colourful scene.

And sometimes

"They're annoying. Those guys hiding in the back."

"They must be the core of the mafia."

There were even lines that made me grin.

The author and I knew that there were assassins mixed in among the mafia, but Leo and the readers did not.

In other words, the Black Shadow assassins would also be treated as mafia until the scheme was revealed.

Making my status, the dark secret hiding behind the mafia, higher and more impactful.

Hmm, it'd have been better if I could get some intermediate-ranked assassins.'

I knew I was being greedy, but it was still a bit disappointing. Otherwise the mafia chapter could have become significant enough to rival even the Black Shadow chapter.

That was then

"You guys be careful. Because I'm really mad now."

Click .

Kiriko suddenly pulled out a revolver from his waist.

And on top of that

Crackle .

Sparks of electricity began to emanate from Leo's body as well.

Oh, already? Isn't this too fast?'

This was an unexpected development.

The emergence of a unique ability meant that a new phase of battle was about to begin. Even though the first chapter of the mafia arc hadn't even finished yet.

Originally, they would use their unique abilities around the beginning of the last chapter of the mafia arc, [The Destomb Mafia (3)]. A chapter about Leo and his party catching the Seven Rings', the final dark secret behind the mafia.

Looked like this happened because of me taking on the role that Seven Rings' was meant to play, but to be honest, I was feeling a bit embarrassed right now.

This meant that as many as three chapters were being consolidated and completed in one go.

Developing faster would be a good flow for the readers, sure, but it would be quite burdensome for the author. Wouldn't the plot progression become unstable?

No, that's not my problem.'

I decided to focus on the immediate situation.

Anyway, since this was happening, the current flow was meaningless. No matter how much cover the mafia had laid out, those low-level assassins didn't have the ability to compete with Leo and Kiriko, who had activated their unique abilities, on even ground.

If I didn't get to work right away


"Oh, I cant see anything!"

"R-, run away!"

Yeah, everyone was going to be annihilated.

I quickly diagnosed the current situation.

The outcome of the rapid development was no different. The ending was also being rushed.

Presumably, the chapter would end as soon as this fight was over.

Then, the mafia's turn would be over, and the leading role would be completely handed over to the Black Shadow.

So, there was only one conclusion that could be drawn.

The character evaluation settlement that I had expected across three chapters, had to be completed in one shot.

In other words, the number of points I could sweep in had decreased drastically.

Of course, as long as I didn't get run over by these guys right here, I could still appear in the future.

However, there would be no more chapters with me as the main role.

Slowly, a sense of urgency creeped in.

I had to show something special to get more points. Because I still hadn't given anything to the readers other than doubts and questions'.

At this rate, I might end up following the trail blazed by Haka in the original. The questions would remain, but I would become a character that nobody really wanted to see more of.

I had to properly decorate the , at least. Something gorgeous and impressive. In a way that the doubts' about my character could be transformed into curiosity' and interest', even charm'.

" Its earlier than expected, but theres nothing I can do about it."

Of course, I had already prepared something for this.

I just didn't know if it would go well.

As soon as I made up my mind, I immediately called out to the mafioso waiting behind me. A very ugly-looking guy.

"Come here."

And then,

"Yes, senior."

The boy approached quietly with his head bowed.

It was Chinuavi, who had transformed into a mafioso.

"Remember what I said?"

"I do remember, but this seems a bit different from what you said."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that these guys would even show their unique abilities here. Can you stop them?"

"Well. To be honest, I failed the Brawler Goblin Test 20 times in the past."

"No, no. Just stop them once."

"I can't guarantee about the gunslinger. But the lightning user might work, if it's just once"

"Once is enough. The important part is that you have to block it lightly. Looking relaxed. As cool as possible, like you're showing off, as if someone outside is watching. Got it?"

"I'll try my best, but please understand that I'm not used to such behaviour. I avoid rash actions and am always polite"

I knocked him on the forehead.



"You're chattering a lot. Trying to pretend you aren't already excited? Goblin, who loves roleplay."

" Senior. How did you you're like a spirit."

"Okay, you can transform as soon as I drink the potion. Have you erased your presence?"

"Yeah, probably no one here is conscious of me. Unless there's someone with eyes as good as the little lady."

"Even if there were, no need to worry about it. Its so crowded here."

"By the way, do you still remember the details of our transaction? If I can make it happen, you have to tell me a secret"

"Yeah, so focus. Start right away. The mafiosi will all be annihilated soon."

Then I immediately drank the invisibility potion I had prepared.

And as my image gradually faded, Chinuavi transformed into me.

I immediately screamed out loud.

"Get out of the way, everyone! I'll deal with these guys!"

And then,

"Do it."

I whispered in Chinuavi's ear, and quickly scarpered.


Leo lowered the mafioso he was holding by the neck and looked ahead.

Squatjaw, who he hadn't seen for a while, was coming forward.

The mafiosi were retreating fast like the low tide, but there was no time to worry about that. Because the enemy's captain had jumped out in front of him.

A carefree face that had no trace of tension.

Squatjaw looked relaxed, as if he was out for a walk.

Leo also took a step forward, towards him.

He had a lot of questions.



Just when he was about to ask a question

"Huhu, nice to meet you."


"Hmm wait a minute. What was it again?"

Squatjaw started saying some strange words.

"Oh, right. I want you to stop fighting."

" What?"

"How about stopping here?"


It wasn't funny.

Leo groaned.

"It was your side who attacked first! The moment we entered the city!"

"Oh, did we? Anyway, that's good. We were the ones to start, so you be the ones to stop. What do you think?"

Leo snorted.

"Once we stop, won't you fix yourselves up and come back again? Do I look stupid?"

"No, you're wrong. We the mafia will no longer attack you. We would be the ones to suffer more if we do. Because you guys are strong."

"Hmmmm, thank you No, no, wait."

Leo shook his head and voiced his doubts.

"By the way, who are you really? I thought you were a good guy, but suddenly you came with the mafia. Kiriko says you are some kind of agent? And your tone suddenly became strange."


"Tone? Ah Ahhh! That's right. My mistake. Ummm well, let's just skip all that."

Squatjaw was once again showing a strange reaction.

Either way, he was a suspicious guy.

"Anyway, I cant let it go. I haven't beaten even half of you guys yet. If I don't subdue you all here, won't you attack us again?"

"Oh, no, no. I'm telling you, the mafia won't attack you from now on."

"I cant believe you. I should grab you too, actually."

Immediately, Leo emitted lightning.

"Be careful. This could burn you into a crisp."

"Really, this guy. Can't you understand people when they talk?"

Leo rushed forward. Without a shred of doubt that his fist would hit his opponent's face and blow him away in an instant.

But at that moment

Bump .

His fist was stopped with one hand, in his opponent's grasp.

" Huh?"

The lightning sparks on his fist were gone like they'd never been.

Oddly enough, his hand felt like rubber.

"What how?"

"How rash. Why would you come this close to your opponent without even knowing his abilities?"

And then



He got hit by a fist and flew away.


No power?'

There wasn't any damage. Almost as if he'd been pushed, instead of struck.

When he looked up in amazement, he saw the guy winking slightly.

Leo fell into confusion for a moment.

What is that guy?'

At that moment,

"Okay, so lets all stop here for today. Again, the mafia will no longer attack you. So please go get some rest."

The guy took a step back and said so.


It didn't seem like he was lying. It was a simple feeling, but his eyes had been strangely clear from up close.

But then

"Yeah, but dont relax too much. Because this shit ain't over yet. You've got something even bigger waiting ahead of you. Look forward to it! Hahaha!"

Surprisingly, the guy looked into the air and shouted. As if something invisible was gazing at him. It was terribly creepy.

Who was he really?

"Its completely ruined."

It'd been a mistake to trust that stupid goblin.

Well, there was no other way.

If I had my unique ability, I would have taken care of the situation myself, but it would be unreasonable right now. Even if I used all of the special potions I had right now, there was nothing that could properly stand up to [Lightning that Destroys Calamities], and even if there had been, it would not have had the desired impact to make the readers enthusiastic.

So, I had thought of Chinuavi.

As a race that appeared in the mid-to-late parts of the original, the goblins were pretty cheatlike when it came to basic stats.

They not only had unique abilities, but also many other abilities as their hidden characteristics, one of which was transformation. Of course, it couldn't imitate abilities like [Mimic Acrobat], but at least it could imitate the appearance.

In addition, the goblins also possessed a number of skills that, in the right occasion, could pack quite a surprise. For example, the five elements wine', that could make a tree rise abruptly from the ground with just a splash.

Such a talented guy would pretend to be me and show a wonderful and amazing performance. That had been my original plan.

I hadn't really thought about the aftermath. Even so, although the author would know anyway, the readers wouldn't. Same way they wouldn't notice the Black Shadow hidden inside the mafia.

And most of all, because the situation had been urgent.


It'd been hard to stay quiet watching the whole process.

Instead of being cool, it was close to retarded' in the bad meaning.

Even when his way of speaking was pointed out, he didn't try to use any skill to make up for it, and then finished it all off by looking at the air like a theatre actor monologuing to the audience

If there were any parts that could be praised, it was that he could block Leo's fist with plenty of leisure.

But honestly, I couldn't help but regret it. The original scene I'd drawn in my mind wasn't anything like this.

And just in time,

Tiling .

The report card arrived.

[Chapter 9 The Destomb Mafia (1)' has ended]

[The character evaluation of the Enigmatic Squatjaw has been updated]

[The support of many readers followed]

[Awareness increased by 6,759]

[Attracts the author's attention]

[The author's favourability has decreased by 20]

[Reappearance probability has increased to 60%]


  • Name: Enigmatic Squatjaw
  • Characteristics: Strong, Bluffing, Chatterbox, Secretive.
  • Awareness: 8,259
  • Author's favourability: 81
  • Reappearance probability: 60%


It was a pretty interesting result.

First of all, the popularity rose significantly more than I'd imagined. It seemed that the readers considered Chinuavi's behaviour cuter than I'd have expected. Or was it just that their curiosity about my existence shot through the roof?

The more interesting part was at the author's end.

I caught the author's attention. However, the favourability decreased instead.

He was expressing his resentment towards me for accelerating the plot and drastically shortening the arc length.

Even the bigshot author can be this cute.'

It sounded like a warning not to be too reckless, but there was nothing concrete that he could do. Because this was the best result for me.

"Anyway, thats a big deal"

I scratched my head.

It wasn't all over yet.

Editor's Notes:

None for this chapter.


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