Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World

Chapter 251

Invasion (4)

Allendia, Kaldris, and Mado Kingdoms.

The elite armies of the Three Continental Powers were destroyed.

The Grand Maze Kaltan, Ice-Flame Forest Hithran, Tower Mountain Rufus, and the Floating Island Avalta.

The ban on the Four Prohibited Areas was lifted.

It wasn’t only that.

The tidal wave that occurred due to the collapse of the floating island was truly enormous. At the very least, it didn’t end with just sweeping Ser Avalta.

All coasts adjacent to the Mediterranean Metis were within range. Most port cities of the Three Continental Powers were swept away by the tsunami.

Everyone realized it.

The Devil Omphalos had invaded this world.

In confusion and fear, the people prayed nonstop.


‘You deserve to be revered, looking down on everyone.’

‘What should we do?’

‘What should we do?’

‘What should we do?’

* * *

“I don’t know…”

Kibie buried her face in her hands.

She knew how Omphalos would move.

But she couldn’t even guess how to respond.

“I have no idea…”

She couldn’t see the future.

The thick darkness, which even the Goddess of Darkness couldn’t see through, was blocking the fate of the world.

A thick, callus-filled palm touched her shoulder.


She looked up.

“… Han-bin?”

With Gigant on his back, Ryu Han-bin quietly spoke.

“Let’s move.”


No matter how strong they were, Han-bin and his party weren’t enough.

She didn’t even know where to start.

“I don’t know.”

Han-bin also admitted that fact.

“But we need to act. We can at least save the people around us.”

“And those we can’t reach?”

Leon Hart, Effir, and Artis approached Kibie.

“I know, while we’re saving one, hundreds of people will be dying.”

“But just because you can’t save everyone doesn’t mean you don’t have to save anyone, does it?”

“It’s better than letting go.”

Ryu Han-bin laughed hard, holding Kibie’s arm up.

“Let’s at least save as many as we can.”

* * *

The Alien monsters ran out of the Four Prohibited Areas and swept through the middle of the continent.

There was no purpose in their movements.

They just crawled, charged, and continued their slaughter by instinct.

But there was a definite goal for the apostles and angels of the Devil.

The Three Continental Powers were the most powerful countries in Latna.

They had rendered the trio useless by destroying their regular armies.

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Now it was time to undermine their power.

Medis Lata, the capital of the Kaldris Kingdom.

The city, which had deployed every soldier they had to the battlefield, had become a deserted mountain. The angels that covered the sky ravaged the entire capital.

Its walls collapsed, Its warriors were killed, and the citizens just ran away, not knowing where to go.

Even the royal palace was no exception.

Long after the collapse of the North’s Regent Palace, the entire fortress was engulfed in flames.

In the thick smoke, the royal guards shouted.

“Put your life on the line!”

“We must protect the King!”

“If your Majesty is safe, Kaldris can be revived!”

Knights ran through the flames escorting a boy. Soldiers fought against the angels who followed their formation.

“Long live Kaldris!”

“Millenium Kingdom, forever!”

It was beautiful to see them lay down their lives in their infinite loyalty to the nation.

However, only a few of them acted like that.

It had already been a long time since the majority of soldiers abandoned the royal family and fled.

Dozens of troops at the most tried to hold the angels’ ankles.

A terrible scream tore their ears apart.



The boy turned around and cried.

“They… They…”

The knights pushed the boy’s back.

“Don’t look back, Your Majesty!”

“You need to get out of here now!”

“Don’t let their sacrifices be in vain!”

The current king of Kaldris, Tepes Hall Kaldris, continued to retreat. He never stopped, but he constantly asked questions.

“What happened to the regent? What the hell is going on in the world?”

A golden angel wearing silver armor came down.

“Strong people.”

Catilon of Light swung his golden sword.

“Sleep in the mercy of our Lord.”

It took about 10 seconds for all of the king’s escorts to become bloody corpses.

Standing in the middle of a crimson pool, Tepes Hall Kaldris prepared himself for death.

But Catilon didn’t kill him.

He just took his sword back and spread his wings again.

“Kill me, too, you monster!”

The young king shouted.

“Rather than surviving as a cowardly king and making the people suffer, I will die proudly!”

Catilon raised one eye. He then questioned him, finding his words unexpected.

“… Are you the king?”

Tepes’s expression hardened. He didn’t seem like one.

The armored angel shook his head slowly.

“You’re just a kid.”

At that moment, the young king realized that to that angel of the Devil, noble blood, great ancestral feats, the authority of the secular world to rule a country meant nothing.

“Survive, or die on your own.”

For him, Tepes was just a level one boy.

“The weak don’t deserve to die at our hands.”

* * *

Tasmaral, the capital of the Mado kingdom.

It also met the same fate as Kaldris.

He, like the other apostles, led tens of thousands of angels against it.

Like the Kaldris and Mado Kingdoms, it had already sent most of its power to the battlefield.

Allendia, too, should have no power to stop the attack of the Devil.

But now, Ectos of Earth was under unexpected resistance.

At the blood-stained central palace of Allendia, the Fairy King Sormel Ciaran Allendia was running frantically, escorted by Fairy Knights.

“Your Majesty, this way!”

“They’re coming… Argh!”

The knights who fought against angels bled to death.

Sormel used his spiritual arts.

“Fire of Yessen, purify their wounds!”

Unlike the boy king of Kaldris, he was a level 35 Spiritist. He was weak when compared to the Three Continental Powers but quite strong by Latna’s standards.

“Your Majesty…?”

“At a time like this, hurry up and take refuge…”

“I don’t intend to leave you behind!”

Sormel yelled.

“My family wasn’t even a royal family! Why should I survive by selling the lives of my own kind just because I’m the king?!”

The knights were touched by him and trembled.

But the angels were not impressed at all.

The hard-working prey stopped running when the hunter was doing nothing. It was a very happy occasion for them.

The angels surrounded the Sormel’s party with loud flaps of wings. Holding the spears and swords high, they began to sing an ode.

“Praise, O Lord…”

“Omphalos, you deserve to be revered…”

Sormel’s eyes widened.

“I know! I’ve heard enough of who the fuck you guys are!”

The angels attacked. The knights, though shivering, charged forward.

The victory or defeat was soon determined. Fairy blood splattered all over their vicinity.

Sormel shouted.

“Kill me! Damn it!”

At that very moment…


A huge red flash came in.

It penetrated the roof, broke the pillars, and swept away the winged angels in unison.


The winged beings were torn into shreds with a grotesque scream.

A big muscular man jumped through the fluttering feathers.

Eerie eyes shone under behind messy black hair.

Those who survived burst into cheers despite their wounds.

“Sword King Felard!”

“You’re alive!”

Looking back at Sormel, Ryu Han-bin was slightly surprised.

“Hey, Fairy King. You’ve got a big mouth, don’t you?”

Sormel smiled with a sigh of relief.

“My people are naturally very coy.”

Han-bin smiled bitterly as he recalled Seira.

“… Yeah, you’re probably right.”

The joy of surviving didn’t last long. The Fairy King’s expression hardened soon.

“What’s going on here? What about the Thunder King? The Archmage?”

“It’s a long story.”

Ryu Han-bin held his Gigant firmly, and he stared at the other side of the sky.

“You need to survive first. Get to a safe place, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

A lot of angels charged in.

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