Survival Records of 3650 days in the Otherworld

Chapter 293 - To the vast world (2)

Chapter 293: To the vast world (2)


Cannons fired into the skies and the monster seagull screams could be heard.


Then, gunfire followed. Tens of giant seagulls fell with blood streaking out of their bodies and the sea quickly turned red. The aggressive attacks forced the surviving seagulls to flee.

“Quick! Gather those seagulls from the sea!”

“Get the ropes!”

Soldiers began hauling the seagulls onto the ship.

“Oh no! It’s coming! Hurry up!”

A soldier shouted as he looked at the sea. Something was approaching them at a terrifying speed and it looked like a torpedo had been fired at them. Jinpok, who had been watching it silently, got up.

“Get your harpoons ready!”

The soldiers picked up their harpoons. Jinpok stood in front with a large harpoon in his hand.

“It’s here!”

As the monster revealed itself from the sea, its large fin first surfaced. That fin itself was at least three meters long. It was a great white shark, or something similar. And it was huge.


Jinpok threw the harpoon with all his might towards it. The shark jumped but the harpoon still penetrated it. Some soldiers then started shouting

“Be careful!”

“It’s dragging us in! Tie it!”

“No! The ship’s being pulled in!”

The shark tried to dive back down and the ship began to pull into the sea. Similar happenings were going on around the boat as the sharks trying to pull the boat in different directions.

“Kraken incoming!”

“Kraken! Let’s have an octopus party today! Get it!”

A giant squid surfaced and snatched up the giant shark. Soldiers began to fire cannons at the Kraken, cutting off its tentacles each time. The soldiers looked excited. Joonbum looked at them and smiled.

After a long fight, the deck was filled with the bodies of seagulls, sharks, and parts of the Kraken. Soldiers began to process them quickly and cut out their flesh while Jinpok ripped out a huge chunk of the Kraken as he returned to his seat.

“Oh, you’re ready.”

“Of course.”

Joonbum pointed at a large pot with boiling water and Jinpok handed over the Kraken meat to Doral. Doral quickly cut it into pieces and placed into the pot.

“Your Majesty… we will do it for you..”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry.”


“I’ve lived like this my entire life. Don’t worry about it,” Joonbum said reassuringly.

However, the soldier still seemed uneasy.

“Haha. The soldiers are getting restless,” Jinpok commented with a laugh. Joonbum then got up and spoke to the crew.

“We’ll stop here today. Eat up and rest!”

Their long voyage was almost over.

“Drink! Tomorrow, we battle!”


Jinpok shouted and soldiers also responded with shouts.

It was now time to fight for their lives, but none were afraid.

‘It is amazing… I should be ready also.’

Joonbum smiled proudly.

“Whoaa. So this was the place called America?”

“Can we find the Statue of Liberty?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Yeah… I was hoping we could find it.”

Hundreds of small boats landed at the beach. They finally reached the North American continent. What faced the soldiers as they got off the boat was a vast forest.

“What’s up with this huge forest?”

“Look at those trees!”

“It’s huge! It’s like we’re in the forbidden area in the Khalodian Mountains.”


Soldiers commented as they looked at the forest. Jinpok also got out of the boat and whistled.

“Whoa, this really is huge. This is like the World Tree itself.”

“The World Tree? You mean like the tree from fantasy novels?”

Jinpok nodded. The trees were really huge.

“Yeah, there were trees this size when I went deeper into the mountain range.”

Doral also said something astonishing, “I guess the world did change after all.”


From what they understood from the people sending the rescue requests from this continent, the land of America had turned into a giant forest.

-It has changed entirely. Plants are overgrown and the forest is filled with various monsters and dinosaurs. We humans are barely living by hiding. P-please save us. Help us!

There were multiple such messages requesting rescue.

And Khalodian was here to rescue them on Joonbum’s orders.

End of Chapter


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