Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter Ch238.4 - Extra - Parallel World

Chapter Ch238.4 - Extra – Parallel World

After school, Wu Jin brought draft paper, his carrot pen, his wrong answer book, and a rechargeable lamp and waited for Student Wei in the woods.

Student Wei hadn’t yet appeared. A faint fragrance of roses floated through the air.

Wu Jin smacked at the mosquitos for a while, all the way until Student Wei appeared.

As expected, Wei Shi really brought a refined simulation question bank.

Wu Jin was extremely overjoyed. He turned on his small lamp and happily started working on questions on the tree stump.

However, he soon realized that he’d done these questions before.

And it had been in the R-Code Cram School base...

At the time, it had been a cold winter, and the R-Code Cram School was still in the internal testing stage. It enrolled excellent students at high prices, inviting them to experience this revolutionary cramming education method.

The hard working Wu Jin had finished his test questions in the R-Code Base, but he felt slightly nauseous due to the electromagnetic interference in his brain and the dopamine secretion. Wu Jin sat at the entrance to the cram school, letting the cold wind blow at him for a while as he waited for the test results to come out. When his body had mostly recovered, Wu Jin stood up happily and made a small snowman beside the steps.

When he finished the snowman, he heard a rustle from the shed nearby. However, Wu Jin hadn’t gotten close yet when a R-Code teacher immediately came to pull him away, “Do you know who is closed up in there? You’re not allowed to go over!” Then, even the snowman that had been built facing the shed was kicked over by the teacher...

Wu Jin suddenly realized.

R-Code Cram School, the sound in the shed, Young Master Wei’s disappearance––

Wei Shi slowly crouched down on one knee.

He looked up at Wu Jin, who was doing questions on the tree stump.

“Hey,” Wei Shi grabbed the carrot pen and stuffed a champagne rose into Wu Jin’s hand, “Thank you for your snowman. I quite like you, even though you’re a little short.”

“How about I become your boyfriend?”

Crosson Private High School.

Sunset. Wu Jin emerged from the woods and ran for his life!

At the school gate, the idle Red and Caesar greeted Wu Jin.

Wu Jin turned back in a daze, unresponsive.

Caesar was shocked, “Holy shit, Little Witch’s turned silly!”

Wu Jin was in a daze as he got onto the bus. Wu Jin was in a daze as he went home with his schoolbag. Wu Jin was in a daze as he went back to his small desk––

The king of Crosson gossip, Ming Yao, sent over a short message, “Little Witch!!! What’s wrong!! Why did you turn silly!”

The poor Wu Jin opened up his color screen flip phone, his brain filled with thunder and lightning. Finally, he managed to choke out a sentence, “... Am I short.”

Ming Yao couldn’t pet his head and could only comfort him, “No, you’re not. Although you were quite short last semester, didn’t you reach 176cm this semester?! ... Ooh! A really big Little Witch is shooting up towards the sky!”

The really big Little Witch splayed out on the desk.

His mind was a mess.

Student Wei... wasn’t learning fun? Why did he want to fall in love... love was so precious, why couldn’t it be given to mathematics instead? Why give it to a boyfriend... Gorky once said, books are the best boyfriends of mankind. That’s not right, what had Gorky actually said...

Wu Jin could only try and immerse himself in the sea of homework, using his studies to forget his sorrows. Then, he found that his carrot pen had been left with Wei Shi.

Wu Jin had no choice but to change pens and try his best not to think about Young Master Wei.

His flip phone vibrated slightly.

The sender: Wei Shi.

“!!” Wu Jin was startled, but the cell phone continued to ring ceaselessly. Wu Jin had to open up the 256 bit color screen.

Wei Shi: “I left three things with you.”

Wu Jin: ?? He hadn’t even gotten his carrot pen back yet!

Wei Shi: “The first thing is in the partition beside the rabbit cage.”

The rabbit cage had been given to him by Wei Shi. Wu Jin obediently took out the rabbit and looked at the partition with a flashlight. There was a crack! And there was a note stuffed in the crack––

“If you don’t fall in love with me, how will you know what exam questions I’m good at.”

Wu Jin: “......”

There was nothing else from Wei Shi after he sent over that message.

Wu Jin tossed and turned all night, his primary school student’s work and rest schedule completely disrupted. The next day, he went to class with dark circles beneath his eyes.

The carrot pen was on his desk, but Student Wei hadn’t come to class. That night, Wei Shi sent him another short message, “The second thing is on the paper packaging for the rabbit feed.”

Wu Jin: “......”

The rabbit feed had also been a gift from Student Wei. The packaging was plastic, and the inside had a coating of aluminium. Plastic was dry garbage, the aluminium paper was recyclable garbage, and the rabbit feed was wet garbage. Student Wei was familiar with the recycling data table for waste classification in Azure City, and could calculate that he hadn’t thrown out the packaging bag yet.

Wu Jin pulled out the packaging bag from the paper trash bin at his desk.

There was indeed a line of small words written under the four big words, “For Brother Rabbit Only’––

“I can write with my left hand. So, we can work through teaching materials while holding hands.”

Wu Jin: “......!!!”

On the third day, Student Wei still hadn’t come to class. Wu Jin thought about it. Yesterday, he’d gone through the cabinet, and except for the rabbit, he’d gone through everything else. How come he hadn’t been able to find the third thing that Wei Shi had ‘left with him’––

The text message arrived as usual.

“The third thing––my heart.”

In the Wei Family mansion, the Wei Shi who’d skipped school for three days was dealing with Wei Family affairs.

On the other side, Wu Jin finally couldn’t help going to find Red and ask him where his Brother Wei had gone. Red expressed that Brother Wei’s confession had been a failure, so his dopamine levels had dropped rapidly. The emotional lock imposed by the R-Code Cram School had broken, and sadness was overflowing like a river––in short, Brother Wei had gone into seclusion.

A few minutes later, Wei Shi received a call from Red, “You said that?”

No emotions could be heard from Wei Shi’s tone of voice.

Red patted himself on the chest with pride and expressed, “Beauties suffering tragedies are popular right now. Big boss, I gave you a firm character setting, it’ll make catching your target that much easier.”

Wei Shi: “I’ll go to school next week.”

Red: “Ah? Why not take a few more days off school? Hey, big boss, if you’re coming to school, can I borrow your sick leave slip and use it...”

Wu Jin dreamed of a soft little snowman for four consecutive nights.

In addition to the snowman, sometimes there was a Student Wei who was doing questions, or a Student Wei who was playing the rabbit game. Before this, Wu Jin would only ever dream of Ampère, Newton, Coulomb, Watt, and Joule...

On Thursday, Red called Wei Shi and howled, “Big brother, you probably should show up. Student Little Witch called me again asking me how your treatment is going...”

On Friday morning, Wu Jin woke up abruptly.

In his dream, there was a loaded sniper rifle, a moth with silver mirrored wings, and a Student Wei doing math problems with him on the back of a Pterosaur.

What was all this messy stuff in his dream!

However, from that day on, Wu Jin began to dream that he and Student Wei were doing math problems in the Palace of Versailles, doing math problems on a Ferris Wheel, and then he and Student Wei had gone back to the R-Code Base to do math problems together...

Wu Jin’s heart made a cracking noise.

He was done for.

He seemed to––want to see Student Wei a little. Ahhhhhhh no way, he didn’t want to fall in love this early––

By Monday morning, Wu Jin was in a trance as he recalled what day it was.

Today was the agreed upon time for him and Student Wei to have their peak level fight!

Wu Jin was stunned, then hurriedly ran to school.

He originally hadn’t wanted to lose this battle at all, but Student Wei was still ill, so it would be better to lose to him without making it obvious, so that he would release dopamine from the happiness of winning. But if he lost too obviously, it would be easily discovered...

Wu Jin finally saw Wei Shi sitting in the seat beside his.

The 17 year old Wei Shi’s back was straight. He was wearing the white school uniform shirt, and was a little... good looking.

Wu Jin shifted his eyes away with a swish, but he still ended up glancing at Student Wei from the corner of his eyes.

Student Wei was writing with his left hand today.

Wei Shi curved his lips, “Morning.”

The air smelled like clean soap.

Wu Jin breathed a sigh of relief. He’d just act as though nothing had happened. Great!

The second class ended.

The two of them stood up at the same time and made their way to the special study room. The students in Senior Two, Class Seven were stunned, then started boiling with excitement!

Wu Jin was going to duel? The complex reasoning puzzle breaker, legal successor to the throne of analytic geometry in Azure City, guardian of the Crosson Show national examination high score, Wu Jin of the White Moonlight Team was actually taking the initiative to fight?! Who was it, who could make Contestant Little Witch actually stand up and defend his throne!

What––it was actually Wei Shi?! Wasn’t Student Wei a learning scum who arrived late, left early, and slept through class? Wait a minute, it seemed that Student Wei had gotten full marks in the math exam! Could it be, could it be that he was––

Game watching commentator Lin Ke spoke in excitement, “Could it be that he’s the legendary––Complex reasoning puzzle breaker, the first king of analytic geometry in Azure City, the exile who lost his divinity, Azure Cosmos’s Wei Shi!”

The teaching building exploded with noise!

Senior One, Senior Two, countless students rushed towards the study room, setting off the first wave of onlookers for this epic decisive battle.

Lin Ke splayed out against the study room window, extremely nervous. After this battle, his position in the commentary world would be able to rise up in a straight line!

Lin Ke: “That’s right, it’s them! The incognito old king Wei Shi, and the new successor to the throne of analytical geometry, Wu Jin. They’re here! They are like tangent and cosine colliding, two legendary eras running in parallel and now finally coming together!”

“Yes, Wei Shi is coming to take back his throne!”

“Little Witch! Defend your throne; either defend your crown here, or lose all glory!”

“Alright! Wu Jin is sitting in the blue seat and will start first. His ban choice is––1st ban, ancient poetry writing?! Oh my god! Writing ancient poems from memory is one of the simplest assessment questions. Wu Jin’s ban is nothing but an empty ban. It seems that he wants to fight openly with Student Wei in the sea of questions!”

“So then, the red side’s Wei Shi’s ban choice is––it’s basic English dictation!”

There was a loud round of enthusiastic applause outside the study room.

Wu Jin didn’t ban his own weakness, nor did he aim at Wei Shi’s strong points. Wei Shi had courteously done the same, giving his ban to Wu Jin for nothing.

The two of them seemed to be having a wonderful sword holding ceremony in the study room.

Immediately after that, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ban positions were all used on easy questions. A test paper with an S difficulty level was randomly selected and finally spread out in front of them.

Wu Jin swept his gaze over the test paper and finally felt relieved.

His strategy was simple.

Physics, politics, mathematics, history, English; he would spare no effort in order to show his opponent sufficient respect. But, he also had to include ‘composition questions’ in the test paper.

Wu Jin’s composition skills had always been a mess. Other than cloudless skies, it would contain several fluffy white clouds floating in the sky. In the past, Wu Jin had always banned composition, but today, he’d specifically released the composition questions in order to let Wei Shi win.

The test paper’s total score was 100. Starting from math and physics, then finally ending with a 400 word short composition.

Invigilator Thin Water rang the bell, and the two of them began to answer questions at the fastest possible speed!

Lin Ke: “It’s starting, they’ve started! It turned out that the first question is actually analytical geometry that both people are strong at! From an onlooker’s point of view, there are 14 triangles, 12 rectangles, 2 rounded rectangles, 6 cones, 18 circles...”

“Wei Shi has started writing!”

“Oh my god, he’s drawn the first auxiliary line in just ten seconds! This auxiliary line is so subtle, it’s like people are destined to be connected by fate. Very good, Student Wei has already finished answering the first question! Taking a look at Wu Jin... Ahhhhh! These two people are as alike as two peas in a pod, the two students have one heart and mind, and they made the! Same! Auxiliary! Line! In the 18 circles!”

“Chemical synthesis. Wu Jin takes the actuarial route and achieves results in two steps! Student Wei’s style is very clever. Yes, he gave up all the potassium permanganate and used the cheapest raw material to achieve the final dosage results! All roads lead to the same goal!”



Time passed by in a flash.

The last 10 minutes.

The so-called 400 short composition referred to a small composition that had to be no more than 400 words and completed within 10 minutes at the fastest possible speed. There was no limit in terms of style, and even poetry was allowed.

Wu Jin rotated his wrist slightly.

During their duel over the past 20 minutes, he had clearly felt that he and Wei Shi’s levels were comparable, and the winner and loser was unclear. However, when it came to composition questions, as long as Student Wei didn’t deviate from the topic, he would be able to score higher than him––

The title of this composition was, ‘My dream’.

Wu Jin wrote mechanically, “Today, the weather is clear, the sky is clear, there are no clouds, and the sun is shining down from above. I started to think of my dream again...”

Wei Shi wrote out his composition very quickly and stopped writing 8 minutes before the timer ended.

Wu Jin grew nervous and sped up his writing, handing in his paper 2 minutes before the end.

Outside the study room, the students who’d been waiting for a long time were very excited. They knocked against the window and waited for the results of the two kings to be announced––

Thin Water, who was responsible for collecting the test papers, was stunned.

The results soon came out. Wu Jin’s composition won by a narrow margin.

Before the composition section, there were questions covering the nine major courses, Chinese, English, mathematics, politics, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, and neither of them had lost a single point in any of them.

However, Thin Water never made the test papers viewable to the public.

There was an instant uproar outside the study room. Not only did the students ask for the papers to be made public, but even Wu Jin himself was taken aback. How could anyone’s composition be worse than his––

Under the mass protest, Thin Water was forced to show a small portion of the scores.

Wei Shi: Composition (0/20)

In this world, a zero composition score was always more exciting than a full score composition. Outside the study room window, Red burst out with a ‘holy shit’, Lin Ke, Qin Jinbao, and Ming Yao all expressed that they had to see Wei Shi’s 0 point composition, and then Caesar took the lead and started howling and cajoling––

Thin Water reluctantly asked the teaching director for instructions, then revealed the test paper. The surface of the test paper was pasted up on the wall with a small bit of glue, and the door to the study room opened.

The crowd surged in excitedly, rushing straight towards Wei Shi’s 0 point composition––

Title: My Dream

Name: Wei Shi

The composition had 10 words: My dream is to fall in love with Wu Jin.

Wu Jin: “......”

Wu Jin: “!!!”

Wu Jin: Ahhhhhhhh take advantage of the chaos and run––

Caesar, who was at the entrance, grabbed Wu Jin and said, “Little Witch, what are you running around towards the outside for. Run inside, it’s so busy inside. Did you see what Wei Shi wrote yet...”

Wu Jin’s face was as pale as death.

Countless pairs of excited, surprised, and curious gazes swept towards Wu Jin from the crowd in the study room!

Lin Ke stepped up onto the table, “What did I see! Wait a minute, what did I see! ‘My dream is to fall in love with Wu Jin’! As a commentator, I take back what I said earlier. Wei Shi isn’t here to retake his throne, he’s here to share the throne with the new king! My god, oh my god! ...”

In the crowd, the students were very excited and all started discussing amongst themselves.

“It’s an open confession!”

“Falling in love in broad daylight!”

“Ahhhhh, Student Wei is so handsome!”

Wu Jin: “......”

From outside the study room, the teaching director P.D. finally squeezed in through the crowd, lifting up a loudspeaker, “Make way, make way. Student Wei, come out with me for a moment. Student Wu Jin as well.”

The students around them panicked for a moment.

“Will the two of them be punished with standing outside!”

“Yeah, isn’t it said that nobody’s allowed to start dating early?”

“How pitiful, they’re going to be strung up and beaten by P.D.”

“Wuwuwu it was clearly so romantic...”

Wu Jin: “......”

P.D. led the two of them to the office.

P.D. patted the table lightly, his expression tangled for a while, and then he finally let out a sigh, “The City Education Bureau has communicated with me. Both of you are from the R-Code Cram School, right?”

Wei Shi nodded solemnly.

Wu Jin: Wait, wait a minute, I did go, but I don’t have any aftereffects––

P.D. was very compassionate, “I understand.”

“It’s been hard on both of you. The only way to solve the aftereffects is puppy love, and I won’t stop you. Little Witch’s recovery has been so good, and now that I think about it, it must be the result of Wei Shi’s influence with love.”

Wu Jin: “No––” P.D.! Listen to me!

P.D. waved his hand and interrupted him, “There’s no need to say more. I understand. In this world, there’s nothing, not examination scores, education, or the expectations of teachers and parents that is as important as being healthy and well. Because of your special circumstances, the school will give you a special privilege.”

Two brand new nameplate chips were placed on the table.

In love, Wei Shi.

In love, Wu Jin.

Even before Wu Jin could open his mouth, Wei Shi had already spoken ahead of him, “Thank you, Teacher. However, I’m still pursuing him.”

Wu Jin froze.

The P.D. suddenly understood, “Alright then, let me change it for you.”

In love, Wei Shi.

The pursued, Wu Jin.

Wu Jin: “......” Wait, wait a minute, wasn’t it better not to change––

The office door closed behind them with a swish.

Wei Shi turned back. The clean and fresh youth looked straight at Wu Jin, “Student Wu.”

“I want to chase you. Will you give me this chance?”

Wu Jin stilled.

He didn’t agree, but he didn’t refuse.

Wei Shi took it as default agreement and reached out a hand to Wu Jin, “Thank you.”

Wei Shi gestured for Wu Jin to take out his nameplate. Only now did Wu Jin recall that he’d lost to Wei Shi by one point in math. Since he’d been willing to bet, then he had to take the consequences and could only hand over the nameplate.

Wei Shi touched their nameplates together.

Amidst a bunch of nameplate titles, the last column suddenly changed.

The pursued, Wu Jin -> The one Wei Shi is pursuing, Wu Jin.

“......” Wu Jin jumped up abruptly, “No way, no way!” This was even more shameful!

Wei Shi coaxed him rationally, “Hold my hand, then. Try it, and if you don’t like it, I’ll help you get it changed. The choice is yours––”

Wu Jin was half convinced and half suspicious. He stretched out his small paw and gently touched Wei Shi.

It was just for a second.

Wei Shi abruptly held his hand.

Their two palms touched, and it suddenly felt like a tumultuous current was rushing through. Fragmented memories from his dreams surged out, enveloping Wu Jin in an instant.

The Pterosaur’s back, the Crosson Show, all the missing memories filled in.

Wu Jin blurted out, “Wei Shi––”

Memory reconstruction.

A mechanical beep sounded out in his ear, followed by a voice, “The brain wave fluctuations have reached the threshold. Patient Wei Shi’s last emotional lock has been released successfully.”

“Patient Wei Shi and therapy companion Wu Jin, will be released from the cabin in 24 hours.”

Wu Jin suddenly came back to his senses.

The R-Code Base, the toppled snowman, Crosson Private High School...

They weren’t at Crosson Private High School. They were at the Floating City laboratory, and inside each other’s consciousness.

The final stage of the emotional lock therapy involved the therapy companion accompanying the patient through their darkest memories.

He was deeply involved in the big boss’s memories, and so he’d affected the big boss’s consciousness.

Wu Jin turned back.

The 17 year old Wei Shi who was dressed in a high school uniform stood there in the hallway outside the Academic Affairs Office.

Wu Jin felt that this was very new and fresh. He shook Wei Shi’s hand up and down, “When did you recall it?”

Wei Shi held Wu Jin firmly, “Earlier than you.”

They still had 24 hours before they could step out of the cabin.

Classes at Crosson Private were just coming to an end, and countless students secretly went to visit the Academic Affairs Office.

Wei Shi brazenly led Wu Jin away from the door to the office, their nameplates shining in the sun. Little Ming, the student on duty with a broom, had the sharpest eyes. A sniper’s eyesight wasn’t for nothing; they could hear Little Ming shouting loudly in the distance!

“Class monitor! Monitor Zuo, look at their nameplates! I want one too, how does one get this nameplate? Can you collect it just by going to the Academic Affairs Office...”

Zuo Botang narrowed his eyes and looked at the two nameplates.

Complex reasoning puzzle breaker, legal successor to the throne of analytic geometry in Azure City, guardian of the Crosson Show national examination high score, the one Wei Shi is pursuing, Wu Jin of the White Moonlight Team.

...and his boyfriend, who only had one title.

In love, Wei Shi.

(Parallel world extra – End)

From the author:

Thank you, muah! Lastly, asking you little cuties to leave a score and review~

Baibai loves you all!

Juurensha: We’re done! That was super cute! Had a great time editing this novel guys, and hope everyone also enjoyed it a lot!

apricot: Thanks for reading along with us! Hopefully see you guys in Glory or other future projects 🙂

xiin: we’ve really reached the end! thanks for coming along for the journey and reading our translations! i hope you guys enjoyed watching Little Witch grow, and Wei Shi’s step by step journey out of the emotional lock. the cast of supporting characters were super fun too... and it was really satisfying seeing bits and pieces of their lives in the extras.

if you liked the novel, please please please remember to support the author by buying the raws or buying the actual paper novel.

as for other projects, i’m currently working on Glory [e-sports], which will switch to daily releases in January, Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin, and Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob’s Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend, which is on another site.

anyway, i hope to see you all again in future projects! take care ~

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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