Supreme Pet Evolution System

Chapter 15

C15 – Realization Ability

At the brink of life and death, Jiao Yuanju’s mind sharpened. He was acutely aware that fear was a luxury he couldn’t afford—if he didn’t run, death was the only certainty.

Jiao Yuanju sprinted wildly, his slight frame weaving through the forest, fragile yet resilient.

The black-robed man, an elite Combat Pet Master, seethed with frustration. He couldn’t believe he was failing to best Jiao Yuanju.

“We can’t pursue him any longer. The beast tide takes precedence!”

With that, the black-robed man turned back.

Jiao Yuanju glanced over his shoulder, his face paling at the sight. He had no choice but to double back.

Midway, a green snake materialized from a tree next to the black-robed man and sank its fangs into his arm.


Stumbling back in horror, the black-robed man inspected the bite on his arm, his face darkening.

Eoldrai, though not as physically formidable as other combat pets, boasted deadly poison and an aptitude for stealth. It knew well that the man before it was its master’s foe.

Seeing Eoldrai’s successful strike, Jiao Yuanju’s spirits soared. The urge to flee vanished; the poisoned man wouldn’t get far.

The black-robed man, caught off guard by the young man’s cunning, slapped his pet bag. A fire lizard, towering at half a human’s height and stretching over two meters, emerged and fixed its gaze on Eoldrai.

Jiao Yuanju’s eyes narrowed. The Crazy Lion from before was not his true combat pet—this fire lizard was.

The black-robed man’s icy stare bore into Jiao Yuanju. Poisoned and desperate, he had only one option: capture the youth and force an antidote from him.

“Fire lizard, a valuable and rare combat pet,” Jiao Yuanju noted to himself.

Suddenly, a rustling sound encircled them. Over a dozen massive rats and scorpions emerged from the underbrush, encircling the area.

Inwardly, Jiao Yuanju roared, “Eoldrai, Fog of Darkness!”

On cue, Eoldrai expelled a billowing cloud of black smoke that swiftly enveloped them.

“You think you can still pull a fast one? Fire lizard, unleash your Fire Charge!”

At the command of the man in the black robe, the fire lizard belched a torrent of flames, pushing back swathes of darkness. But Eoldrai was no ordinary creature; it was rare indeed.

Jiao Yuanju couldn’t fathom the man’s plan. Without realizing it, his fear had evaporated, replaced by an eerie calm. His only thought was to fight his way out of the trap!

The darkness was Eoldrai’s domain!

In the midst of the shadows, the fire lizard stood undaunted. The black-robed figure scoffed, “A mere green snake. It can’t even pierce the armor of my Combat Pet. And yet it dares to bait me? You’re as good as dead!”

Disregarding Eoldrai, the fire lizard charged at Jiao Yuanju, its jaws dripping with black saliva in a grotesque display.

It was then that Jiao Yuanju allowed himself a smile.

From within the fog, a lethal claw emerged. He couldn’t identify the beast it belonged to, but under its grip, the fire lizard quivered in terror like a mere insect!


The claw struck with force, splattering blood in all directions. In an instant, the fire lizard was reduced to a pulp!

The man in the black robe, a witness to the carnage, shook with fear. The loss of his pet left him reeling, but the true horror lay in the unknown entity within the fog. What was that monstrous creature? How could it be so colossal, so formidable? And how could this young man wield such power?

As the fog cleared, Eoldrai slithered back onto Jiao Yuanju’s shoulder, visibly drained from the exertion of its powers.

Realization – the power to make one’s imagination manifest. Eoldrai had harnessed the fog of darkness to do just that.

Jiao Yuanju eyed the black-robed man, who, paralyzed with fear, began to retreat.

“Kid, you made it!”

Pei Xiaobo and Jing Le had arrived. Upon spotting the black-robed man, their eyes blazed with a cold, murderous intent, though they kept their rage in check.

Pei Xiaobo made no move to pursue the fleeing figure, aware that he was outmatched.

“Are you alright, Jiao Yuanju?”

The two muscular men quickly closed in on Jiao Yuanju, concern etched on their faces. Feeling the weight of the ordeal, Jiao Yuanju replied, “I’m good. Let’s head back.”

The two of them spun around to survey the carnage scattered across the ground. The remains were a gruesome mix of fire lizards and giant rats. They couldn’t help but glance at Jiao Yuanju, their eyes reflecting a mix of astonishment and contemplation. Had he been the one to slay these creatures?

“Jiao Yuanju, I never imagined someone as young as you could be so formidable. Thank goodness you had your Combat Pet to take down the Crazy Lion. We’d be goners without you!” They expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Jiao Yuanju. Without him, they would surely have perished.

“No need for thanks, brothers. You were ready to bring me along earlier. I couldn’t possibly let you down!” Jiao Yuanju’s earnest words touched them deeply. Jing Le responded, “Jiao Yuanju, I won’t forget this life-saving debt. Whatever challenges you face in the future, count on me to back you up fully!”

Pei Xiaobo chuckled, “Consider us your brothers from now on.”

Jiao Yuanju replied with a hint of discomfort, “But you don’t seem that much younger than my dad.”

“How could we be your uncles after you’ve saved our lives? ‘Brothers’ is just fine. Plus, there are a few guys on our team who are about your age!”

Upon Jiao Yuanju’s safe return to the city, he was greeted by the bustling yet peaceful streets, stirring a profound sense of emotion within him. He was acutely aware of life’s fragility; it seemed hell and heaven were merely a wall apart.

After bidding farewell to his companions, Jiao Yuanju headed home alone as dawn approached. He found his mother asleep on the sofa and, with a pang of guilt, gently draped a blanket over her. Then, he retreated to his room, curling up to sleep with Eoldrai.


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