Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 265: VI Devouring The Celestial Realm

Chapter 265: VI Devouring The Celestial Realm

Thirty minutes the void king unleashed the full power of his artifact, Elijed stepped towards the orb. Chloe followed after while hiding her feelings to herself.

"Ell, are you sure this is the right way to do this?"

"Of course." Elijah turned around and slapped his chest, full of confidence. "Anyone else who tried to do the would certainly suffer a miserable destiny as there is too much energy there, but as long as a consume this energy faster than my body can absorb I will live."

When he was just one step away from the orb, even he felt it was hard to breath.

"Chloe, you should step back a little." saying this he pressed his hands on the orb. Booom! The second his hands touched the orb, its entire structure broke down as massive amounts of energy surrounded his body.

"Good.. Ah." Elijah moaned from the pain as he raised his hands and made a dozen hand seals to cooperate with his smartphone in directing all this energy towards him. There was no way for him to sense what was happening outside, but from the sounds of thunder in the sky and a loud shattering noise throughout the sky, something quite big was going on. 

As the energy entered through the blood vessels heading into his heart, the pain from it was the same as having lava flowing in your body as it rushed into the Origin Gate inside the great hall.

"AAAAHHH!" Closing his eyes, Elijah focused on the runes as he mobilized the power of time. Both his eyes lost their color.

In his mind, he formed a mental image of ninety-nine runes standing side by side as the energy that kept flooding his body started to decrease at the same time more energy came inside leaving only warmth and pleasure.

"Ell!" Chloe yelled as she noticed even the specs of sand bellow her body started to shine as it approached the immense vortex of energy surrounding him and not just sand, the rocks, heat and even every source of light was sucked into the vortex. She was afraid this uncontrollable energy-sucking vortex would end up sucking dry the piece of her divinity inside the hammer, but her worries were for naught as the vortex passed by her as if it didn't notice her existence.

Before his eyes, the runes gained more and more color and the first of them finally achieved material form. There was a familiar rune right in front of him, the Supreme Origin of Possession (Dukhonn).

Elijah felt all the fear leaving his mind when seeing how he succeeded in restoring a supreme origin. However, the work wasn't done and he didn't have enough time to feel that way when the huge energy running through his body and his mind started to blank, a strange heat surfaced in his body, but he shook his head. 

Little by little the images in his mind started to consolidate. Elijah wasn't sure how long it took, but at least all the runes were fully restored to its initial state, all the experience and power he accumulated with the origins were all gone as they seemed to regress to the first stage. 

"Even with enough power to create several galaxies, recreating the supreme origins in its initial form is my limit. I'm sure it won't work even if a dozen times this energy." When Elijah calmed down, he inspected each rune to see if there were any imperfections as he used its own past image in order to make these so he had to make sure if there was a single one which was a failure.

Standing before the Origin Gate in his inner space, Elijah held the supreme origins in his palm. No matter how much he concentrated to make sure it went perfect, he could not stop thinking that something was missing

However, only at that moment he noticed that more energy keeps coming into his body, even after the work was done which scared him. Without the power of time to consume the energy, more and more energy was inside his body, so much energy than his body began to expand in the form of fat. In a matter of seconds his perfect body figure had changed into a fatty and there was no sign of stopping.

Because he needed the great hall within his body to hold the supreme origins, Elijah worried if dropping all this energy there would be a good idea when he thought of something. As Elijah has tried to hold back the heat inside his body since the start of all of this, this moment he did the opposite and stopped resisting.


Hot air burst from his body as his face and skin gained a deep shade of red. Feeling that his Ichor which was boiling, he calmed down as it began to evaporate into a golden vapor which was directed towards his left hand. 

As he reached out with his arms, his both hands opened. In the left laid a hole in his palm from where all the Ichor in his body gathered into a thin golden pill. At the same time the same heat burned the accumulation of energy that had become the fat that turned him into a golden-haired fatty.

All that energy followed a pre-ordinated path within his body before it was sent towards his right hand when a a thin crystal cube appeared, formed from the purest energy of creation. The cube was fully black as it held an entire universe inside it. 

If he couldn't give this energy to the origins there was only one thing he could do. After sharing a part to the spirits and fairies inside his smartphone, Elijah, who was standing next to the Silver Gate of Origin walked in the depths of the palace where he found a door leading tot he center of his soul where a thin multi-colored disk lay there.

Reaching out to the disk, he held it gently in his hand. He once followed the path of Trinity and because of the many origins and different laws which he trained, his path was disrupted not reaching the true level, it should be, but now he was at the perfect moment to try it once again. 

Under Chloe's dumbfounded gaze, a thin hole appeared on his forehead from where a small multi-colored disk flew and gathered next to the other two.

With his Ichor pill, Genesis energy core and his soul which was tempered by time, he was going to find the supreme path, one where only he can stand. 

"Chloe... Cough, cough... Come here, this is a perfect chance for you." He asked for Chloe, who didn't understand why he would suddenly call for her, but she approached anyway.

"What would you need me fo... Ah!" She was just a step away from Elijah when she felt a pair of strong and gentle hands pull her down. Chloe was taken by surprise when she realized the position in which she fell, her bottom laid on Elijah's lap while both her legs crossed on his back. 

"What?" It was really strange for her to feel the touch of someone else when she believed she was in a incorporeal state. Especially when all the heat in his body was transferred to her as well as his scent which seemed both strong and sour (maybe because he didn't wash himself for many weeks), making the slightly transparent face of hers to blush.

Merge! Under his insistent gaze, the three objects were slowly attracted to each other as they became one at the same time he pressed forward with his head, gently engaging his lips with Chloe's.

"What are you doing?!" Her voice sounded in his mind with a hint of embarrassment, but from the she was grabbing his neck and pulling him closer, he knew she liked it and continued.

"I promised I would make you whole, in more ways than one of course. But if it works, you will have to wait for a while." He sent his thoughts to her with his phone before and held her even higher as both of them vanished in the light of the three objects above them.


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