Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 250: XX Ragnarok

Chapter 250: XX Ragnarok

Within the endless ocean of stars, illusory towers began to appear in several planets, stellar system and galaxies, spreading countless white lotus over the world. Cultivators from everywhere were startled, how cold the origin towers that existed since time immemorial does anything like this, it was strange. This phenomenon first started on the milky way galaxy before spreading to several star sectors and galaxies, in a hidden point where a gigantic toward surrounded by black holes shone with a faint black light. In a desert planet, a group of yellow lizards was leaving their camp on the western side of the desert and heading to the huge black tower when one of them stopped to see the light flower descending from the sky.

For some reason, this particular lizard was entranced by the flower which slowly landed and merged with the earth.

Shhaak! The other lizards walking on the front noticed a change in the air and turned around full of hostility and their auras rose to the fifth mortal realm. Yellow flames rose and formed into a bright yellow set of scale armors, but for some reason they all felt saw an invisible force around them when the armor and flames suddenly vanished.

In short moments this strange force spread, turning all creatures in that planet into mere mortals. Even the laws of that world started to crumble and fall apart. The same events also happened in several other worlds, wiping out several smaller civilizations across the milky way galaxy.

Those small forces didn't even know what to do while the other faction, empires and divine clans has started mobilizing their forces long ago.

"It's happening. It is time to give back what we took for so many years, I hope this move of him succeeds. This will probably be my last battle..." On an ice pack, a single-eyed man stared at the lands far away where a the shape of tower rose from the ground before turning to see the huge army standing before him. An elf-looking female came running from the army, her face showed nothing by worry about the current situation.

"Odin, miss Freya sent me to report the news that the enemy's forces has been fully gathered and they are planning to invade the other world through the branch of the world tree in Jotunheim, Muspelheim and Niflheim. We also confirmed that origin towers has appeared in every single planet in the region, even the desolate worlds without any life form."

"Understood, send a small force to protect the entrance to Midgard and the other allied worlds. It won't take long for the now missing laws to affect both sides, from there on our survival will be on us." After sending the female back, the old man held his golden spear while facing the hundreds of thousands Aesir soldiers.

On the west of the mountain, rested a huge tree. The air changes as a huge tear opened in space, revealing the colossal figures standing on the other side of the tear. Two silhouettes jumped off the spatial gate and the second they touched the ground the whole world changed, one half in a deadly world of flames and the other in a cold and merciless world of ice.

Odin stood in front of his army, gazing upon the plain fields that expanded into two opposite sides of ice and fire. "The long-awaited prophecy has finally arrived. This time there is no reincarnation, no next life, no victory, no loss, only death. Our land has been lost, countless others died to protect our clan and will forever rest in Valhalla and in our hearts. Now I want you to raise your weapons and when you take your enemy's lives, you remember of those who fell after we take them to the nothing with us. That our death be worthy!"

Feeling the blood in their veins burn, the entire army shouted in unison before they advanced towards the army of giants."That our deaths be worthy!"

Like everything had been timed, the moment the last giant stepped out of the spatial tear, everything close. A strange, formless force spread over the world, the air changed, the ice and flames vanished before their eyes. The powerful aura and glow around Odin quickly dimmed down before he felt the presence of his divinity extinguish. He and his entire army are no different that any mortal army right now.

He gazed upon his belongings and noticed that even his divine and prime crystal has lost their energy and essence, turning into nothing other than pretty and colorful crystals. A huge 90m tall giant attacked Odin with his similarly huge mace. While immersed in his thoughts, Odin stepped back, the huge mace strikes the ten plus soldiers into a pulp before he pressed his spear forward, smashing the huge giant's feet.

"It isn't because then I'm a mortal now, than mere giants can take my life." Red glow appeared in his eyes. Divine Strength! Raising his hand, he grabbed a 10m arrow shot in his direction barehanded before he threw it in the Mace-wielding Giant's face.

He burst forward in a kill streak, taking down dozens of the smaller giants. At that moment, he thought of the forces sent to the other worlds. 

The two silhouettes appeared in front of Odin. Skoll and Hati. The blue and red wolves surrounded Odin and unleashed a series of attacks.

"Old geezer. Why can't you die already, aren't we all going to die anyway?"

Odin swinged his spear deflecting Skoll's claw. "You can die anytime you want, but I sincerely want to stay here a little more."

A couple small cuts appeared on Odin's body when he deflected the claw. Surely the two wolves were much faster than him.

Whoosh! The three of them moved all over the battlefield, exchanging blows, deflecting the other moves and soon most of their forces were consumed.

The two wolves tried to stop him, but at least a 90% of the enemy army fell in the battle. Seeing his army would surely manage to wipe out the giants, the corner of his lips raised. A glint appeared in Odin's eye before he suddenly spurted blood from his mouth, nose and ears. The red wolf's eyes lit before it appeared behind Odin, and the latter's chest was ripped apart the former's pair of claws.

The entire battlefield froze when they saw Odin fall, but at the last most his eye gained a hint of vigor.

"Brother, no!" Skoll realized it was trapped and tried to help its brother, but it was too late. A pair of hands grabbed the red wolf by the throat. The small spark of light, he struggled to keep within his body burned as he muttered his last words. The two wolves widened their eyes before a pair of blood arrow formed from Odin's blood on the ground and hit them on the head, both of them tried to scream, but fell lifelessly to the ground.

"Blood Curse: Death!" In his last moments, the faint figure of a bright and valiant middle-aged man appeared before his eyes.

For thousands and thousands of years he walked steady and never 

Deviated from his path. Knowing his fate which was carved in stone since his birth, how could he not fear it like anyone else. His clan members may call him the Allfather, but it didn't make him able to face his destiny without fear. 

Now his consciousness was flowing away, and the only regret left in his heart was the whereabouts of his son. As his thoughts grew fainter, the image in his mind solidified for a moment.

He saw a continent, no, an entire world taken by the beasts, a purplish-black palace rose from the ground, painting the world in the colors of despair. The sky was soon taken by the darkness and before that ominous, perverse and evil, darkness, that world slowly fell apart.

As if everything was lost, a bright and colorful red and blue rays of light illuminated the sky, revealing a dark-red humanoid being. Dancing around him were the blue and red particles that spread all over the world. And as if time stopped, the same figure suddenly turned, his gaze staring directly into the void. 

Odin thought to himself as his consciousness finally dispersed. "So this is where you are now..."

Far away, a man stood in the void watching everything happen. Each time you look at him, more wrinkles began to appear on his face while hair gained several white threads. His accelerated aging caused his face to become pale, so pale that even a mortal would be scared to see the state the man was in. His eyes, however, they changed into an ocean of stars, his eyes showed everything he needed to know, but at the same time his body turned paler as he used this power. "It's time to put this countless eons plan in practice, spreading the universal salvation lotus."


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