Supreme Monarch

Chapter 407 C407. World Devourer

Chapter 407  C407. World Devourer


In the blink of an eye, several more of the islands in the archipelago in the middle of this desolate planet disappeared one after the other as a figure was blown through the islands like a rock that had been skipped through a body of water, with a sound that did not seem like it could have come from a body of flesh and blood.

Nine felt his brain collide with the inside of his skull several times as his body continuously bounced off the islands like a massively distorted ball of flesh. He realized if he didn't do something soon, the emissary would surely finish him off, so he quickly activated one of the magic items on his person.

Currently, he possesses two magic artifacts and three magic items in total on his person. The first artifact was the belt around his waist, the second was the storage ring on his left hand and the last was simply an Epic Ranked magic item in the shape of the trousers he was still wearing.

As he thought about activating one of these items, his blinding momentum instantly slowed down immensely and his almost slipping consciousness was immediately restored as his body began to rapidly repair itself from the absurd levels of damage he had taken in that single hit.

He then quickly twisted his body in mid-air as he landed on his feet, though he was still skidding over the mangled terrain at a rate that would swiftly wear out the soles of his shoes if he had any. After several dozen more meters, he finally came to a halt and immediately prepared himself.

Apparently, he had greatly underestimated what it meant to become a Demigod. It didn't seem to matter that she had only just ascended, even matching her raw power with his true demon form wasn't enough to truly close the gap between a mortal and the Divine.

"Nonsense... Absolute nonsense! Don't you dare underestimate me you wrench!"

He had completely lost his temper as he bellowed at the air in fury.

After coming this far, there was no way he could allow himself to get so overwhelmed by a mere dark elf. He was done holding back. Since she had brought them to this collapsing dimension so they could fight freely, he would do just that.

No longer restrained by the overwhelming suppressive gaze from the astral plane, he could now freely use all the tools at his disposal without worries.

•Unique Skill: Boxer Domain•

• Mirage Arcane•

Immediately, the air around Nine changed completely as he maintained his boxing stance and closed his eyes, in the next moment, he shifted his head slightly to the right and everything directly behind where his head had been was shattered and blown away as far as the eyes could see.

No longer hesitating, he immediately threw a counter at the invisible enemy in front of him in the form of a straight hook. The speed of this punch was faster than anything he had thrown before and practically unavoidable. It carried with it an unrestrained pressure that would frighten even the most skilled fighter in the world.


His punch has connected with a resounding bang. The pressure and shockwave from the impact of this attack alone had completely shattered the entire island they were standing on. However, even such a devastating blow had only served to push his opponent back a single step and dispel her stealth.

Her fighting style including the random use of stealth and invisibility mid attack, causing her entire existence to disappear from his perception, making her attacks almost impossible to avoid.

After somehow managing to dodge her attack, Nine suddenly managed to corner her with a left hook that moved faster than ever before. She was forced to block the attack head-on with her daggers and was even pushed back a step.

The entire island had crumbled underneath their feet yet the two of them remained standing on the troubled water as though standing on solid ground.

Rain was slightly surprised but the smile on her face did not change as she decided it was best to put some distance between them until she got a grasp of the skills he had just activated.

With a slight jump, she had put a considerable distance between them and contemplated her next attack when her danger sense, or ForeSight kicked in as she quickly moved aside as a sea behind her was split in two.

The image of Nine charging at her to attack had promptly shattered as her mental or Mind Influence resistance had pulled her out of the illusion skill Nine had activated.

Still, Rain was at a loss for words as Nine was still several meters away and she hadn't sensed his attack crossing the distance between them. Yet the destruction that had occured was not an illusion.

She hadn't even seen him throw a punch, it was as though his attack had originated from beside her.

'Spatial Distortion? No, I would've sensed it. He's also not affecting the gravitational field around me so how?'

Before Rain could understand what had happened, she suddenly sensed Nine threw another punch and her ForeSight kicked in once more as she instantly activated Ultraspeed and leaped out of the way.

In the next moment, a hole was blown into the sea that nearly destroyed the core of the entire planet. Again, Rain hadn't sensed that attack traveling through space, it didn't matter how fast it had been, she was confident in her speed enough to believe there was nothing faster than her perception.

It was almost as though the effect of his punch had materialized on top of her, as though he had been standing right above her.

'Hmm is that the case?'

Rain pondered as her body defied gravity and she stood in the air, awaiting his next attack. As predicted, whenever Nine would throw a punch, its impact, or effect, would happen wherever she was located.

It seems he had control over a vast space around himself and could attack any inch of said space in an instant. His previously short-range attacks had increased dramatically.

Rain immediately grasp the effects of the earlier skill used by Nine and smiled as she prepared herself.

Just as Rain thought, Nine moved continuously as several more devastating attacks materialized anywhere she was, even in the sky.

'Alright then.'

Having confirmed the nature of his skill, Rain smirked as she flew across the air, constantly avoiding the attacks all around her as Nine unleased a barrage of punches with frightening speed.

The impact of each blow caused the entire plane of existence to tremble vigorously as each attack tore through space itself but failed to reach their intended target.

Nine gritted his teeth as Rain rapidly approached him despite his Boxer's Domain massively extending his reach and his ability to attack any specific space within the Domain.


In an instant, Rain avoided the barrage of attacks as she closed the distance between them once more and swung her blades.

'Secret Technique - Phantom Assault'

The image of his defeat immediately surfaced in Nine's mind as he hastily halted his attacks and raised his arm to defend himself while simultaneously activating a skill.

•Battle Skills: Battle Aura•

A greyish-blue aura wrapped around his body as countless slashes simultaneously appeared on his body and his massive frame was sent flying once more.


.Nine's mind raced as he received the brunt of Rain's attack head-on. If he has been only a moment late in activating his skill, that attack would have reduced him to minced meat.

Despite the advantage his Boxer's Domain granted him in a vast area of a 2-mile radius, he had failed to land a single hit on the emissary and had taken damage once more.

Nine gritted his teeth in frustration as he activated his second and final unique skills.

•Unique Skill: Boxer's Avatar•

The greyish-blue aura wrapped around his body immediately expanded greatly, taking shape as an avatar of his body standing over 100 meters tall.

The massive avatar then threw a punch with staggering speed at the emissary below it. The sheer size of its fist covered a vast distance and the speed at which it had thrown the punch had left no room for escape.

Rain saw no need in dodging the attack as she simply used a skill of her own.

•Chaos Magic -Raging cataclysmic Storm •

Activating one of the few 7th Tier spells she had managed to learn on the road, a gale of purplish black wind blew from almost every direction as the bright red sky suddenly grew darker, and thick black clouds spawned across the vast planet in mere moments.

The purplish-black tempest swallowed the figure of the massive blue avatar and Nine himself, shredding everything within it to nothingness.

Yet again, Nine found himself on the brink of death even after using one of the most powerful skills in his arsenal. The violent storm was rapidly tearing through the protection of his Boxer's Avatar and he could sense the absolute destructive capabilities of these black winds and Rain.

Despite his ridiculously high resistance to various types of magic, Nine felt as though he would die without fail if he were to take even a portion of this attack.

Thinking quickly, he reached into the void of space and pulled out several scrolls from his storage space, and immediately activated all of them.

"Conjure Celestial - World Devourer!

Gravity Infringement.

Darkness Protection."

Just as his Boxer's Avatar was completely eradicated by the Dark Storm, the space above him became distorted for a moment before splitting in two as giant tentacles crept out from the void beyond the spatial tear.

Soon a ridiculously large, amphibious aberration with some nasty features, nearly the size of a moon, completely surfaced in the upper atmosphere above Nine and opened its mouth.

Its very appearance in the sky completely destabilize the core of this planet before it had even done anything.

This creature resembled a bizarre cross between an octopus and an eel, with a long, tubular body, as well as a tail at one end and two fins near the head and another along the back. Its' mouth waslamprey-like, filled with serrated, jawless teeth with no end in sight, as it loomed over the entire planet like a deranged god.

They were called the world Devourer for one reason and one reason only, their unquenchable appetite as they possessed or rather generate a supermassive black hole within their stomach.


Just as it opened its mouth, everything around it was instantly being pulled into its stomach with a force trillions of times the gravitational force of Neron. A force that could easily flatten a mountain into the size of a pancake.

Needless to say, everything, including the chaos storm, the rain, the vast ocean, the atmosphere of this planet, the vast lands. Everything was being swallowed up by this World Devourer perched in the upper atmosphere of the planet.

The only one who was currently, immune to the gravitational pull of the beast was Nine, who had used another high-level scroll to make himself unaffected by the laws of gravity as his wound slowly healed.

In mere seconds, this entire planet would be devoured by the creature and even the sun, the moon, and everything in this desolate dimension would be swallowed up in a matter of minutes.

At this point, there was no stopping the monster and Nine wasn't in any shape to try as this was a conjured creature and not a summon that could be easily controlled. His best move right now was to figure out a way to return to Neron.

He wasn't sure if a normal teleportation tool would work the way he wanted but at the very least, he needed to escape this place before everything came crashing down on him.


Nine pulled out the highest-grade teleportation tool in his inventory and activated it almost immediately. The space next to him distorted as a black tear in space opened in the form of a Gate.

This was one of his escape items, and could only be used once every 8 days but this was not time to be concerned about such a trivial thing as Nine immediately jumped through.

A moment later, his figure was thrown out of the Gate and he found himself back where he had been a moment earlier.

"Did you really think you could run from me? Hehe... Too bad. Our Fates have already been intertwined. So for you, your destiny has already been decided."



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