Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 43 How Everything Was Created

Hugo has been reading the book that he got from the library since he arrived at their house. He didn't know if he should believe what was written inside since it wasn't taught to them since they were a kid.

"I didn't recall about Lunaria being a kingdom." He whispered in the air as he remembered the same story that was taught to them. It was a tale that was popular among humans.

A tale that was widely spread to everyone.

It was said that during times when there was no life in the universe and only nothingness accompanied it, powerful energy gradually formed and later on had its own mind— it was God who created everything.

He traveled a long time and descended into a world full of sand. From his body, he created the elements. The fire is where the heat from the world came from. The Air that all humans need in order to live. The element of earth that became their homeland. And lastly, the element of water.

A few thousand years have passed before the God got tired. He wanted to go home back to heaven and rest.

Using his remaining energy, he gave life to the world. Because of the energy provided by him, trees and plants sprouted, His last creation was the animals and people who were supposed to take care of the world.

His last breath turned to air. Over time, the elements took on human bodies and established their respective territories. They ruled the people as immortal gods. But despite their leadership, they still could not control the humans' thoughts and actions.

The very last creation, the element of light, could not accept the greed of men. He saw how they could destroy the world that they were supposed to care for. He could not accept that for them, he lost his recognized father.

That was why he thought of erasing them from the world.

When the other elements learned about his plan, they immediately went to their eldest brother to convince him to stop it. But nothing happened. Gradually, the God of light destroyed the lives of many people.

Even the territory of his brothers was destroyed because of his retaliation. The other gods could do nothing but work together to fight their brother.

They figured out a way to solve it. If they can't stop the God of light, then maybe they can lock him up and throw him away. They combine their power and make a circular force. With this, they imprison the God of light and cast him into the depths of the earth.

Because of this, the God of the Sun was created. However, the God of Light was too powerful. The remaining gods still couldn't protect the lives of the people.

After a few years, a mortal woman came into the territory of the God of earth. She was considered to be the prettiest woman ever created in the whole world.

They thought that if there will be a human offering for the God of light, then maybe his anger will subside.

If he learned how to love, maybe his attention will be turned to others. Thus, the mortal woman became their very first offering. The gods have used their remaining energy to send the woman into heaven.

After that, the humans live peacefully, and the offer that they sent was never seen again.

"I'm shocked that I still remember that story." he chuckled as he placed the book down on the side.

He closed his eyes and relaxed his mind, trying to sleep since he still need to go to class tomorrow.

However, what the others do not know was that the mortal woman became a God after a few years. They had a son who was sent to earth by the God of Light as proof of his regret for what he has done.


Hugo became restless while in class. He felt that there was something strange around that day. Even their teacher, Mrs. Isabela, was noticeably unusual while teaching.

'What was with today?' He asked himself.

He has been waiting all day to see if something special will happen, but so far his expectations were not met

'Will there be any visitors coming? Or were they preparing for an occasion?'

And just like that, the school bell rang.

Mrs. Isabela quickly ended what she was saying. "Go out everyone!" she shouted out loud, which made everyone move.

"I heard that we will be having a visitor for today." Hugo looked around as they gathered in the middle of their school. It was an open area with green fields and grass.

Abigail nodded., "Yeah."

Hugo took a deep breath. After a few minutes and all the students were already there. He saw Headmaster Leon going in the middle. A few high-ranking officials were behind him.

'I wonder what will happen today,' he muttered to himself.

His gaze moved to the side when he saw that all the teachers and staff in the school came out as well. Their faces scream fear and panic.

The large gate in the middle opened. Expensive cars started to come inside one by one. They were followed by vans that were occupied by a lot of guards.

Headmaster Leon abruptly adjusted the way he stood up. He fixed his chlotes and made sure that everything in his eyes was presentable. The students fell into silence when not only one but more than 10 people in business clothes entered.

"Mr. President." Leon bowed his head when a man wearing a black tux went beside him.

"Just call me Damien, Leon," Damien uttered as he accepted Leon's hands. Damien was already in his fifties. He has blonde hair and a noticeable tummy.

Two men followed Damien. Leon's eyes quickly widened when he saw who were they.

"Mr. Noah, Mr. Julius." Leon's lips parted in surprise when he saw the familiar faces.

Damien chuckled. "Isn't it nice that we four meet sometimes?"


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