Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Chapter 786 High Ascension II

Chapter 786 High Ascension II

The manifestation of a droplet of energy infused with a trace of the Origin Sap's essence was something nobody expected. Even the World Serpent and the Wolf Curse couldn't predict this.

They were certain that Michael would absorb a significant amount of the Origin Sap, primarily because of their presence. Michael shouldn't be able to absorb more than a quarter of diffused Origin Sap without their presence. Even then, it was unlikely.

The Wolf Curse and the World Serpent figured that something would change, and they would have to change their plans again, but it was hard to fathom how much would change. It was unknown whether they were graced with fortune or if misfortune haunted them.

In the meantime, Michael felt the traces of Origin Sap's essence coursing through him. The power coursing through him was incredibly pure. It was close to perfection. He felt...perfect.

Michael decided to start using Seal Fusion while clinging to this sensation. He grasped the massive energy that continued trickling into him and exerted Seal Fusion, all while the World Serpent and the Wolf Curse did the same to break down the restraints around their Seals.

The power coursing through Origin Sap was of a higher order than curse power. It wasn't necessarily stronger, but its potency was several times higher – higher enough to be converted into curse power without a major loss in the conversion. The Wolf Curse and World Serpent could use the Origin Sap to unlock more Seals and access more power within Michael's body.

Unlocking Seals during the High Ascension wasn't uncommon, but it wasn't normal to have a potent energy like Origin Sap to tap into.

In a matter of minutes, the World Serpent several Serpent Seals cracked and burst open. Simultaneously, the Wolf Curse tried breaking down the miniature chains to release the power of thousands of Cursed Seals at once. Michael didn't allow that.

Under normal circumstances, Michael wouldn't have much control over their Seals. He shouldn't be able to influence which Seal was shattered and which combination of Seals would be removed next. However, some things changed with the essence of Origin Sap coursing through his body.

His understanding of himself skyrocketed. It was almost like Michael learned the deepest secrets of his body within a few seconds.

The secrets of his body included a more in-depth knowledge about the Wolf Curse, his Soul Sphere, the Energy Pillar, his War Rune, and the World Serpent. Last but not least, Micheal learned more about Twin Fates as well.

He willed his pores to open wider than before and to accept the surrounding energy with open arms – not that it was necessary to say that in the first place.

Seal Fusion devoured a portion of the highly potent energy to grant Michael special permission. He could see his Seals – unlocked or not – hidden deep within him.

At first, Seal Fusion's mastery was very low. Michael could barely use the technique. However, his situation improved rapidly. The newly acquired understanding of the Wolf Curse and World Serpent was enough to elevate his mastery of Seal Fusion to a new level. Michael could control the fusions of Seals and decide which Seals to nourish with energy to break the shackles restraining them.

The World Serpent and Wolf Curse couldn't make those decisions anymore. They lost control of the necessary permission to make these decisions.

The Wolf Curse and World Serpent lost access to their powers for the first time since they awakened or entered his body.

It was only temporary. The Origin Sap's essence shoved the Wolf Curse and World Serpent aside, making space for Michael to nourish the Seals.

Michael had more control of the High Ascension's final steps than expected. More golden-veined droplets congregated within him. More traces of the Origin Sap's essence entered his body, granting him unfathomable power and control.

Time trickled by. The golden pool lost some of its vibrant luster while more Seals manifested all over his body.

A golden shimmer covered Michael's body completely. It poured into his skin...and the essence of his existence.

It felt nice. It was perfect. It was how it was supposed to be.

At some point, Michael felt his entire being overflowing with power and excitement. His Energy Pillar expanded at last. The final step of his High Ascension was about to be completed. The energy liquid he'd formed throughout his High Ascension entered the Energy Pillar and spread out to aid the Energy Pillar in its advance.

The quality and quantity of energy liquid formed during the High Ascension decided the degree of his Energy Pillar's expansion. However, that was not all. The final strides of his High Ascension were not only about his Energy Pillar. The final strides were mainly about the connection between his body, mind, and soul. The higher the performance of his High Ascension, the closer his body, mind, and soul would be tied.

At first, Michael didn't understand the importance of the ties between the body, mind, and soul. However, as the Origin Sap's core entered his body, Michael's understanding of the ties improved by leaps and bounds.

A perfect elevation fused the body, mind, and soul to transform into an ideal entity. A perfect ascension would elevate one's talent, comprehension, control of Soultraits, and other factors to an entirely new level. It was like the difference between Elite Monsters, Superior Existences, and Mythical Existences.

Mythical Existences were as close as most beings could get to perfection. They could control their power to a near-perfect level, resulting in their tremendous prowess.

Michael never overthought about his High Ascension. He only knew that a stronger foundation would grant him more benefits when he ascended. That was why He improved his foundation as well as possible. The Soul Grimoire augmented his spirit as much as a Lesser Lifeform's soul could be augmented. Sacred Constitution improved his physique to an inhuman level, whereas Wisdom Breaker and his Soultraits empowered his mental energy slowly but steadily.

Michael was certain that he did his best to create a perfect foundation for his ascension. But he noticed only after the Origin Sap's Essence entered his vessel that an ideal foundation was so much more than his body, mind, and soul. His Curses were part of his foundation as well.

Michael noticed that the foundation he'd prepared with painstaking efforts fused.

His entire being was overflowing with excitement when he felt that the pieces were coming together. The final piece of his elevation to a Higher Lifeform was implemented. The barrier that separated him from Tier-4 shattered at last.

Michael advanced to Tier-4.

He was stronger than ever. His vessel better, stronger…

more. He felt nothing like he used to be.

He followed his instincts and let loose for the first time.

A primal roar, fused with the Essence of the Canine Hex and the World Serpent, escaped his lips.

[End of Volume 13]


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