Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Chapter 730 Supreme Soldier I

Chapter 730 Supreme Soldier I

The Elite Tekur couldn't be considered a problem. They were stronger than most of the Tritan Alliance's prodigies, but someone like Killian would have been able to compete head-on with one of them.

'No. Killian could have killed an Elite Tekur if he had an Elite Class Soul Technique.' Michael figured, his mind going astray as he moved through the barren lands.

It didn't take long before he encountered another group of Tekur—more than a dozen—none of whom seemed overly powerful at first glance. Nonetheless, knowing there were Supreme Soldiers in the Flag War, Michael went all out.

He activated the Serpent Seals to increase his physical strength and activated Enhancement twice. The Enhancement layers were applied to his body, reinforcing his physical strength, agility, and resilience. But there was more to it. Michael also unleashed Heavenly Beast Physique when he noticed that one of the Tekur was larger than the rest.

The Tekur's carapace was black and outlined golden, whereas its vast wings, which spanned more than five meters, were dark purple. Its eyes were crimson with a purple frame. They flicked to Michael when he was less than one kilometer away.

[There he is. Your first Supreme Tekur!]

The corner of Michael's lips curled upward.

He noticed that a mass of energy had congregated between the Supreme Soldier's mandibles and responded promptly. His body vanished into thin air right before the energy blast impacted. A devastating explosion resounded. The dry soil burst in all directions, leaving a large crater behind where Michael stood a moment earlier.

A scream rang out behind the Supreme Soldier, who spun around, ready to unleash another energy blast. However, before the Supreme Soldier could find the source of the screams, it noticed several bodies that were thrown at it. Three headless Elite Tekur had been hurled at the Supreme Soldier in the short moment between Michael's disappearance and the first scream. However, that was more than enough time for Michael to unleash his fury.

He beheaded three Elite Tekur with the Aethyr Blade coated in Qi. Then, he retracted the Aethyr Blade and used his remaining momentum to throw the dying bodies toward the Supreme Soldier.

Michael used Cosmic Stride to appear behind the Supreme Soldier as he faced the headless Elite Tekur flying his way. He then conjured several azure fireballs in his palms and lobbed them at the Supreme Soldier, who noticed Michael's presence behind him only a quarter of a second later.

The Supreme Soldier barely managed to cover his back with the carapace-covered wings. A thick sheen of compressed energy coated his wings, protecting them from the worst damage. It was a good thing Michael didn't release the fireballs with the intention of inflicting damage. The fireballs covered the Qi Extraction Needles he'd manifested alongside them.

Michael had shaped enough Qi to form a needle and channeled almost too much of Extraction's power inside it. He applied Insert and watched the Qi Extraction Needle disappear inside the Supreme Soldier.

Cosmic Stride teleported him near the remaining Elite Tekur. They'd retrieved their Artifacts and activated their Soultraits, alongside ther custom Soul Techniques to increase their combat prowess as much as possible. Unfortunately, their enemy was none other than Michael. Elite Tekur weren't strong enough to inflict any serious harm to him anymore.

He appeared behind one Tekur, tightly grasped his left shoulder and left side of his head, and applied strength. It took only a quarter of a second, but the Tekur screamed at the top of his lungs as he realized instantaneously what was about to happen. Michael's horrifying strength pushed his left shoulder down while simultaneously tearing his head to the right.

It didn't seem like Michael was strong enough in the first moment, but the Tekur was mistaken gravely about that. The Tekur's eyes widened as Michael's monstrous physical power was applied immediately.

He tore the Elite Tekur's body apart with one pull.

The Elite Tekur's carapace cracked loudly as it was torn apart by brute force. Internal organs and gooey blood gushed out of the Tekur, whose scream died down as the eternal embrace of death engulfed his mind and soul.

[Damn. You're a brute!] Danny shouted in Michael's mind as he witnessed what his little brother did. [I like it!]

Michael didn't respond. Instead, he teleported behind another Tekur. However, instead of tearing him apart, Michael extended his fingers into a thin blade formed by Aethyr. Michael applied two Enhancement layers alongside Qi to enhance the Aethyr hand blade and thrust through the Elite Tekur's chest.

Cosmic Stride teleported him besides, before, and behind the other Elite Tekur, who unleashed their Soultraits upon Michael only to find their chests, throats, and heads pierced through.

Michael had to evade some simple attacks and withstand the massive impact of some Elite Class Soul Techniques, but it was not like the Elite Tekur could harm him easily at this point. Their claws couldn't penetrate his skin, and their Elite Class Soul Techniques could only unleash as much potential for low-star Soultraits as they possessed.

The Elite Class Soul Techniques were amazing. Michael was sure that any Descendant with enough Soul Power could harm him with them – to a certain extent. However, the Elite Tekur didn't possess the same Soultraits as Descendants. They were still not the same.

A massive golden hand crashed down upon Michael, but he didn't even think about evading the hand. It smashed on his back and would have broken several bones in Michael's body if his physique hadn't surpassed the standards of a Higher Lifeform's physique at this point.

He might not be a Higher Lifeform yet, but his physique was strong enough to make it seem like his existence suppressed the attack of all Lesser Lifeforms. It felt like the Tier suppression of a stronger existence utilized in the battle.

All Michael felt was an itch as the golden hand impacted. It left an imprint on his shoulder, but that was already the worst. Michael killed the Elite Tekur responsible for the attack with numerous Qi Extraction Swords. The golden hand disappeared just like that.

Right after the golden hand disappeared, an energy blast was about to hit Michael. He twisted his body and transformed the Aethyr hand blade into a large shield. Even though several layers of Enhancement were utilized to the shield, it broke apart and was forced to return to Michael's Soul Sphere.

The force blast lost some of its power, but it impacted heavily nonetheless. Michael was struck in the side and hurled through the air. He tried to sense the severity of his injury mid-air but found out that most of the attack had been devoured by the sudden burst of Extraction's power he'd released at the spot of impact.

The corner of his lips curled upward as he saw that the Supreme Soldier charged him. Michael blinked once, only for the Supreme Soldier to accelerate all of a sudden. The Supreme Soldier's muscles bulged and expanded oddly, and his top speed doubled. The Supreme Soldier caught up to Michael's speed.

Michael's sight narrowed, all while an excited voice resounded in his head.

[Yes! Maybe he beats some sense into your little head! Arrogant little brick!]

'Danny… You do remember that you're on my side, right?!?'

[Eh…Of course! Beat him up!]


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