Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Chapter 690 Not Alone

Chapter 690 Not Alone

Evalynn Fang stared at her son through glassy eyes.

"You have changed."

"That's not a very nice way to say hello," Michael responded.

"No. That's not what I meant. Your Curse. Something about it changed. And why can I sense another presence inside you?"

It was not difficult to understand what Evalynn was talking about. However, Michael didn't expect the changes of his Curse to be so easy to perceive. He could barely sense the changes.

Meanwhile, Michael had known that his mother would sense the World Serpent. The Living Image contained countless seals. They weren't accessible, but the Living Image wasn't stored deep inside Michael's being. Instead, it slithered through his back as it pleased. Michael figured that his mother could sense the World Serpent's seals.

The seals were not like the Cursed Seals, which were linked to create several chains that covered Michael's entire body upon activation. The World Serpent's seals formed the Living Image, which was greyed out under normal circumstances. Only by activating the Serpent Seals, the only ones Michael had access to, did a single scale light up.

He didn't plan to activate the Serpent Seals, but the World Serpent had different plans. It activated the Serpent Seal to speak into Michael's mind.

[No need to be startled. I won't attack your mother. It would be best not to get killed by that menace.]

Was the World Serpent talking about his mother? Michael was startled that the World Serpent activated the Serpent Seal without his permission, but he figured it made sense.

'It is not talking about my mother.' Michael figured.

It was almost like the World Serpent talked about something else – to someone else.

"You have two Curses? That cannot be. W– I sensed only one Curse inside you before. What did you do? Where did you get this…thing?!? It is not even sealed!" His mother was hysterical. She charged at Michael and grasped his shoulders tightly.

Various emotions flickered in her eyes, but Michael couldn't pinpoint how she felt. Was she confused? Afraid? Disgusted? In disbelief? Or was there more to it?

Michael was unsure.

"It is not as violent as the Curse. There shouldn't be a problem for now. Furthermore, I don't think that the Worl— That it is a Curse. I summoned it. It is …hiding inside me, I guess?" He felt that saying 'World Serpent' aloud would cause trouble. The World Serpent tugged at the back of his mind, telling him not to reveal anything.

"But that is imposs–..."

"Whatever," Michael dismissed his mother's worries with a wave. At least, he thought that she was worried. He had difficulties reading Evalynn Fang's mind.

"I didn't come here to tell you about the second Curse or whatever it is," Michael said dead seriously, "I came here because I think I can rescue Danny now."

Evalynn Fang was about to say something, but her mouth closed when she heard why Michael approached her.

Michael didn't trust his mother, but she was his best option. He began revealing information about Extraction. He told his mother what Extraction was capable of – only the information she had to know –, before revealing his other Soultraits as well.

He told Evalynn about the Soul Grimoire, the Soul Tears, and Enhancement and that he could control the 4 Cursed Seals to a certain extent. Michael shared that they drastically strengthened 7-Star Extraction and that he had more than 700,000 firm Links of Loyalty, which provided Extraction with a mountain of Soul Power.

There were some things Michael didn't want to share, but his secrets were not as important as making sure that his brother could be safely stored and nourished in the Soul Grimoire. His secrets weren't worth anything compared to how much Michael valued his brother.

Michael explained that he would create a customized Elite Class Soul Technique for Extraction. The Soul Technique's sole purpose would be to extract Danny's curse without affecting his Living Soul. After that, Michael could extract the Living Soul from the Miniature Coffin Keychain without harming Danny.

He revealed his plan about Insert and the other functions of Soul Grimoire to store Danny in the Soul Grimoire and nourish him until he found a way to create a perfect vessel for Danny's Soul. While revealing his plans, Michael mentioned the ability to insert Soultraits to strengthen them.

Evalynn was mostly quiet, but she asked a few questions. Since she witnessed Michael's last fight against Oliver Zeus, Evalynn researched much about her sons. She discovered how they'd lived and what obstacles they had to overcome to grow stronger. Evalynn was sorry for leaving her children, but she was also proud that the brothers managed to grow this powerful. When she read about the rumors stating that her oldest son had been betrayed, Evalynn was in fury.

Unfortunately, her mission prevented her from wreaking havoc in the Trilance. She was not supposed to attract too much attention. That part of the mission failed, but attracting some attention was not as bad as hunting down several Supreme Families. Evalynn was not allowed to destroy the balance in the Trilance. She couldn't do anything.

But Michael could. Michael was not part of the Nest yet. He could deal with the bastards who orchestrated Daniel Fang's death! The only problem was the Nest. No matter how Evalynn looked at it, Michael would be found. It was only a matter of time.

The only thing she wanted to prevent at all costs was about to happen.

'Maybe he can block the Geas. As long as he can…it should be fine, right?'

Evalynn was deep in thought but half-listened to Michael's explanation and plans. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, bringing Michael to a stop.

"Do you think that won't work? I experimented with the Living Souls of some criminals, only the worst of the worst, but I think I learned everything I need to know to extract Danny's Living Soul without touching his spark of life. The only uncertain factor is the weakened Curse. Do you think I won't be able to extract it if I used 7-Star Extraction with ten Enhancement layers, Soul Tears, and the four Cursed Seals?" Michael asked, worry filling his heart.

His mother knew much more about their bloodline's Curses. She was probably right if she said he wasn't strong enough. Michael might not trust her, but he had to consider her opinion. It would be foolish to be full of himself or childish and ignore his mother's opinion.

Michael decided to put his emotions aside for Daniel's sake. He wasn't going to lose him. Not again.

"You said you can strengthen Danny in the Miniature Coffin Keychain. As long as you can keep his Living Soul stable while extracting the curse…it should be fine. But you need to find a better vessel to attach the Curse to. Otherwise, the Curse will tear Danny's Living Soul in shreds before you can extract it properly," Evalynn said after pushing her worries aside.

She knew that the Nest would seek her youngest soon, but that was not something she could change. However, she can help Michael rescue Danny. Her past actions might have harmed her children, but she did everything to protect them from the worst evil. Evalynn had always tried to protect them from the worst. Unfortunately, Cursed Children had never been able to escape their fate.

"Once extracted, the Curse will spread and seek another host to consume. Prepare the vessel beforehand, otherwise, Danny's Living Soul won't be the only casualty."

Michael was just about towards say something when the World Serpent's voice resounded in his mind.

[As long as you bring the 'Curse' towards our playground, we will deal with it, little one.]

The corner of his lips curled upward.

"I will insert the Curse inside me," Michael said.

Evalynn frowned deeply, "Don't be greedy. No one can handle two malevolent Curses. I don't know what is happening inside you, but you've will not accept Danny's burden. It will kill you!"

Michael flashed his white teeth.

"Don't worry. I'm not alone," he declared. We are not going towards accept his burden either."

"We will devour it!"


[A/N: What the hell is going on? Give me your best guess concerning the happenings in the following chapters. I'm curious what y'all think will happen. Will Michael start extracting Danny's Curse? Will he devour it? Will the extraction fail? What if this fails? Will Danny be dead forever? Will Michael never see himself again?

WHAT IF this succeeds? Will Danny be the same?]


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