Supreme Harem Hunter

Chapter 167 The Seething Anger

Chapter 167 The Seething Anger

"Nice to meet you, Vik." Gale said this with a big grin on his face. "Sorry for arriving late. I was a bit busy with something."

Vik didn't think much about Gale's way of speaking; instead, he said it back with a slight smile on his face. "It's okay. Miss Fiona had assured me about your arrival. But I am not gonna lie, I was skeptical of your strength with how confident Miss Fiona said."

Vik continued before pausing for a second. "However, it looks like you have proven me wrong."

Gale nodded his head, not wanting to continue this topic further on. He asked. "Forget about all this, I think you and others should focus on maintaining the town now. It is quite in shambles…we could say."

Vik glanced at the broken walls, houses, streets, and dead bodies, eventually agreeing with Gale as they didn't have the luxury to relax now. He also didn't ask Gale to help them with the town, as he could see Gale had zero interest in this town and he had already done enough.

Then Gale and Vik talked about some other stuff with smiles on their faces. To outsiders, it looked as if two old friends had reunited with each other.

Despite it not being the real case, they were somewhat right. Gale and Vik were people who had monstrous potential, people like them were hard to find. So, these two, who were being humble yet had arrogance in their hearts, felt close when they met their peers for the first time. They felt someone was finally worthy to talk and of their time.

However, their talk didn't last long, as Gale reminded Vik again of his current goal.

Vik nodded his head and switched his attention to the patriarchs. Not only his attention, but even his demeanor changed. Vik's voice became stern, much more serious, and he said to them. "Quickly gather up your forces and resources, we will restore this town back to normal."

The patriarchs and the old ancestors didn't have any choice but to listen. They wanted to relax, but they couldn't ignore Vik's words, as he was still their real pillar that could stop the town from full collapse.

The reason was that Vik had much more public favorability, and they believed him more. If they angered him and he left this place, then the whole town would descend into chaos, which they definitely didn't want in this current situation.

Vik was about to lead them to the town when suddenly Brustiar spoke out. "Wait!"

Everyone halted in their steps and looked back. They were surprised to find it was Brustiar. However, what truly surprised them was the anger burning in Brustiar's eyes.

A slight smirk appeared on Gale's face, which many didn't notice. He thought of it with glee. 'Will this dog go mad now for his son's death?'

Bast asked, raising his eyebrows. "What is wrong with you, Brustiar?"

Brustair ignored his father's words; instead, he looked into Gale's gleeful eyes and asked. "Why didn't you come and save my son? You had the strength to deal with those monsters the whole time, right? You were waiting for my son to die before you could come and save the town to be the hero."

The atmosphere instantly turned tense as the Burnheart ancestors started to sweat heavily.

Bast, who always looked calm, couldn't help but swear loudly in his heart. 'This Idiot!! Now is not the time to say such things. No one will side with you on this! This son of mine will be the bane of me.'

However, Bast didn't show such emotions outside, but from his face and the heavy sweating, one could guess his state. He said it with anger in his face, warning him with his eyes. "Brustiar, what are you talking about? He is our savior, we shouldn't say such things to him. Quickly apologize; the Savior may forgive you."

"Hmph, shut up, you old fools. Always sucking on the toes of someone stronger than you." However, Brustiar completely ignored Bast's warning and instead started to scold him back. This shocked not only the Burnheart ancestors but others too.

On the other hand, Gale was so high on ecstasy that he wasn't able to contain himself. 'Ohhhh~ This is getting super fun.'

Brustiar didn't stop there but continued spitting on his father. "It happened with the demon sect and other times too. Every time you lick the stronger guy's feet, it brings trouble to our family! You guys should have died already and handed your legacy to the future generation."

Pol and Bast's faces were as dark as coal. Meanwhile, Kas's face was red as he was burning with anger. Today, he felt Brustiar had brought more shame than any other thing that had happened before.

So Kas exploded. "You idiot!!!! You dare to insult your ancestors!? We were the ones guarding the family from getting it gobbled up by outside forces. We have brought peace to the family for so many years, and this is what we are getting!?"

Brustiar's face contorted into disgust. "Peace?"


Spitting on the ground as if he had smelled something horrendous, he said. "What peace? You guys only brought destruction. I do not want to mention the past incident, as the best example is right in front of everyone."

"Look what has happened because you guys joined hands with the Demon Blight Sect. Just for your own greed, we have to witness this sight of the town. It wasn't for your family, I am sure it was a way for you to get stronger and prolong your lives. I know you guys very well, how greedy you are." Brustiar said, gritting his teeth.

'Brustiar…' Galibar watched his friend descend into madness. Eventually he shook his head, as it was already too late and it was between their own, he shouldn't let his clan go into muddy water now.

Gale's lips arched up as he felt like he was watching a live drama. 'This guy is so mad and sad that he has lost who to blame. But from the looks of it the ancestors have grabbed more of hatred than me. That speaks a lot about what he had to witness and do for them.'

Even Gale started to feel a bit of sympathy toward Brustiar, as he wasn't his true enemy, his revenge was already done. The feud between him and Brustiar was nothing but protecting their family.

Kas gritted his teeth and finally made a choice on behalf of the other two. "Brustiar Burnheart, after witnessing your hatred toward the family and elders, going rogue, and forgetting your family attics, I, on behalf of the ancestors, strip your patriarch status away and order you to be imprisoned for lifetime."

Brustiar was surprised after hearing that, but it only lasted for a few seconds as laughter escaped from his mouth. "So, your true colors are revealed. If anybody tries to question you, you silence them."

Many were surprised and bewildered by the sudden turn of events, but Gale was experiencing another sort of emotion. He couldn't help but smack his lips and say dumbfoundedly. 'That…that's ironic coming from your mouth.'

Gale knew how much these families and clans forcefully shut down any rebuke from the common people.

Kas was ready to detain Brustiar, so he started walking forward. But he hadn't taken a step entirely when suddenly someone walked past him, which took him by surprise, and so did to others.

They didn't know what was happening today with such a sudden turn of events, reveal after reveal, but in their hearts they didn't mind it. Despite being in such a dangerous situation, they couldn't help but watch it.

Gale, who was watching the drama before him with content and was complaining about having no popcorn, didn't expect something to happen again. From the looks of it, he knew it was about him.

Gale looked at the boy before him, who had the same hair color as his and whose face was screaming to go on a killing spree. This person was, as everyone guessed — Ban.

Gale asked, raising the corner of his mouth, obviously mocking him. "What do you want now? Do you want validation like your father?"

"Yes." Ban said with death pan eyes which had no emotions in them. But somehow anger was seeyes,ng out of him."Did you have the strength to kill those monsters before arriving here?"

'Heh?' Gale was amused, so he decided to play along with him. He knew he didn't have the strength to kill Roy and Nimona. But he told them that then it would grow suspicion of my rapid growth and might bring unnecessary trouble. So, he lied. "Yes, I had the strength to kill them at any time."

Jasmine, Fiona, Julie, and Kaley were surprised, as this was not what he told them, but knowing him, they guessed what he wanted to do.

"Okay. Now for the final question." Ban's words surprised Gale, as he didn't expect to stay calm still. "Why didn't you save the town from the very beginning?"


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