Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 47: Control

Chapter 47: Control

At this moment, a young Goth couple walked out of the luxurious central tent. The woman was pregnant and had a bulging belly.

The young man walked up to Qi Bei with a smile and performed the ritual greeting of Golden Leaf Empire, saying, I am in charge of this caravan. I am sorry for the conflict that just happened. If you like this place, we will move out now.

Qi Bei glanced at the Goth couple with a thoughtful expression. They both looked calm and reasonable.

This place is spacious enough. You dont have to move out. Lets just share it, Qi Bei said.

No need, thank you for your kindness, Sir. We will leave now, said the young Goth man, and began to direct the whole caravan downstream.

Sir? Qi Beis gaze flickered. He realized that they might have heard him being addressed as lord by Iron Head earlier. However, did they yield to him because he was a nobleman?

Lord, there seems to be something wrong with this caravan, Lie Feng whispered to Qi Bei.

Never mind, let the soldiers keep an eye on them, Qi Bei said calmly.

Understood Lie Feng nodded. Soon, the Goth caravan moved downstream, while Qi Bei and his men stayed put.

By now, the sky had turned completely dark. The campsite was lit up by campfires and magic lamps, making it look like a small village.

Qi Bei sat half-reclined on a camp chair, tapping his fingers on the back of the chair lost in thought.

Xiao Jiu, Thirteen, Qi Bei suddenly looked up and called out.

Two ghostly figures appeared before Qi Bei in an instant and respectfully said, What are your orders, Master?

You two go into the Goth caravan and see if theres anything suspicious. No matter what you find, dont startle the snake, Qi Bei ordered.

Yes, master, Xiao Jiu and Thirteen disappeared like ghosts.

Qi Bei stood up, stretched lazily and muttered to himself, Its about time to set off.

Blue River Town is a wealthy small town.

The town has a river running through it. The blue sand on the riverbed sets off the blue and beautiful water, making it famous.

Blue River Town was already asleep in the middle of the night. Unlike big cities, there were not many nightlife activities in the town. Except for a few casinos and brothels that were still lit, the rest of the town was shrouded in darkness.

In front of the entrance of the town, the Marquis of Lanling, Kasef, was anxiously waiting, his heart beating fast and unable to settle down.

On one hand, he hoped to attach himself to this powerful figure and soar to greater heights. On the other hand, he was worried that he had guessed wrong and would be directly suppressed by this powerful figure.

At this moment, Kasef suddenly felt something and looked up, only to see a mysterious figure shrouded in black not far away, like a ghost standing there.

Are you the Marquis of Lanling? the mysterious figure spoke in a low voice.

Kasef trembled all over, feeling a faint but extremely frightening aura locking onto him. He had already assumed that this mysterious person was the one who killed the Dark Saint Mage Wutian and saved his master Nan Wuya. He had no intention of resisting and immediately bent over in extreme respect, saying tremblingly, Kasef pays his respects to the senior. I dont know caused senior to summon me.

Qi Bei, who was disguised as the mysterious figure, was very satisfied with Kasefs performance. He deliberately did not respond and continued to activate the dragon qi emitted by the First Transformation of the Divine Dragon.

In the dead silence, fine beads of sweat gradually appeared on Kasefs forehead. His will had already collapsed earlier, and under the pressure of the dragon qi emitted by Qi Bei, he felt it difficult to even breathe.

With a puff, Kasef could no longer bear the torment in his heart, and his knees softened and he knelt down, saying in a trembling voice, Senior, Kasef is willing to be your dog. Whatever senior wants me to do, I will do it.

Hehehe, whats this? I originally wanted to kill you, but because you still have some use, Ill take you as my dog. Qi Bei grinned strangely and walked up to Kasef.

Thank you, senior no, thank you, master, Kasef didnt dare to move.

Close your eyes, Qi Bei commanded.

Kasef obediently closed his eyes, afraid that if he opened them even a little bit, he would be dead.

Qi Beis dragon claws transformed into a human hand and pressed against Kasefs forehead, sending a strand of golden internal energy into his brow and swirling around in his brain.

Kasef felt the cold, sharp claws touching his forehead, and then a strange energy rushing into his mind. He knew that this was a technique used by this mysterious powerhouse to control him.

After a while, Qi Bei removed his claws. There was no concept of meridians and acupuncture points in this world, so this was a unique technique that only he knew. Even a powerful expert of Heaven-grade or Saint grade might not necessarily know how to break this technique.

Get up, Qi Bei said lightly.

Kasef obediently stood up, not daring to wipe the sweat from his face.

What was that old man, Wutian, plotting while hiding in the Golden Leaf Imperial City? Qi Bei asked.

Master, I really dont know. I only know that hes looking for something, and it seems that theres something he wants on Nan Wuya, Kasef replied cautiously.

Qi Beis thoughts turned. Was Dark Saint Mage Wutian only using Kasef to lure out Nan Wuya because he knew he was an official disciple of Dream Sea Holy Land? Then, what about the necromancer who kidnapped Ming Yue in the palace, and the maid by Princess Rui Xues side? What was going on with them?

Whats the story behind the necromancer that caused a stir in the imperial city last time? Was it done by Wutian? Qi Bei asked.

I dont know, master. But perhaps it was done by his other followers, Kasef replied.

Qi Bei frowned and his aura suddenly became more intense.

Kasef trembled, feeling the energy in his mind begin to rampage, causing him to have a splitting headache.

Then, who else in the imperial capital is being controlled by Wutian? Qi Bei asked.

Kasef let out a sigh of relief, as he knew the names of several people and quickly listed them off. He was afraid that if he said he didnt know anymore, Qi Bei would end him directly.

Elder Weir of the Mage Guild, the head of the Reynard family, the deputy commander of the Palace Guard

Qi Bei silently noted these names. These people all had significant power and could be useful in the future.

However, Qi Bei still had some doubts in his mind. If the incident with the necromancer and Princess Rui Xues maid was not orchestrated by Wutian, then there may be another dark force lurking in the Golden Leaf Imperial Capital. Why did they kidnap Ming Yue, and what did they want from her?

With the clues Qi Bei currently knew, he still had a long way to go to unravel the mystery.


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