Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 34: The Nine Nether Seals

Chapter 34: The Nine Nether Seals

The old man looked steadily at Qi Bei, and the haze and exhaustion in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a shimmering light.

Young man, you are amazing. Do you know who you just killed? That was the Dark Saint Mage Wutian, who caused great losses to the five Holy Lands two hundred years ago. Even though I injured him and his cultivation fell to the level of an earth-grade mage, but his soul is still that of a powerful saint mage. The old man smiled slightly and looked at Qi Bei with admiration.

To be honest, if it werent for you, I

The old man shook his head and interrupted Qi Bei, saying, Dont speak. Listen to me. I dont have much time left.

This old man is Nan Wuya, the grand elder of Dream Sea, one of the five Holy Lands. Lanling Marquis was an official disciple of Dream Sea, but I never thought he would collude with that Dark Saint Mage Wutian and defect to the enemys side. He set a trap to lure me in, and although I fought to the death, I could only inflict serious injuries on Wutian while being captured myself. The reason I am not dead is because Wutian wanted the Ninth Nether Seal in my possesion. Nan Wuyas face showed a hint of a sneer.

The Ninth Nether Seal?

When the Goddess of Life and the God of Light resealed the Gates of the Netherworld, they were both severely wounded and could not complete the task. There were nine loopholes in the seal, which were covered by the Nine Nether Seal. Later, the Nine Nether Seal was divided into nine parts and entrusted to the leaders of the five Holy Lands and the four major races humans, orcs, elves, and giants who had made great contributions. One hundred thousand years have passed, and the Nether Seals of the five Holy Lands are still intact, but the Nether Seals of the four major races have been lost over time and with the deaths of the original guardians.

As time passed, the remnants of the Netherworld forces gradually became restless, searching everywhere for the Nine Nether Seals, hoping to reopen the Gates of the Netherworld and envelop the whole world in darkness. Nan Wuya said gravely.

Qi Bei was stunned to hear all of this. He never imagined that there were such secrets involved.

The Nine Nether Seals must not fall into the hands of the dark forces, otherwise the Gates of the Netherworld will reopen, and the world will face a greater catastrophe than ten thousand years ago. After I am gone, there will be a Dream Sea token that proves my identity, as well as the Dread Seal, the Ninth Nether Seal. As long as you promise to send the Dread Seal back to Dream Sea, I will pass on all my knowledge and turn it into a soul book for you. Nan Wuya stared into Qi Beis eyes and said each word carefully.


Qi Bei had just spoken one word when Nan Wuyas face changed and his body became more transparent. He sighed and said, Its too late. At this point, I can only choose to trust you.

With that, Nan Wuyas entire body suddenly turned into a white light. The light transformed several times before finally turning into a transparent book radiating holy light and a pale blue five-sided token. At the same time, a gray piece of material with mysterious runes floated down.

Qi Bei stared blankly for a moment. Then, he slowly reached out his hand and touched the transparent book floating in mid-air. The book turned into a white light and entered his brow. At the same time, the mysterious gray piece fell into his palm.

Suddenly, Qi Beis body trembled, feeling as if he was surrounded by monsters, ghosts, and evil spirits. They rushed towards him, gnawing at his heart and soul. Some long-buried memories of fear were amplified, dragging him into an endless abyss of terror.

Just then, the Dragon Seal on Qi Beis left hand suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, like sunlight breaking through the darkness, dispelling all the feelings of fear.

Fear? I, Qi Bei, have been through life and death many times, and have visited the gates of hell several times. What do I have to fear? Qi Bei smiled faintly, and put away the Dread Seal and the token.

Qi Bei then looked at the bloody body of the Dark Saint Mage Wutian. He couldnt help feeling a little strange. The dignified Dark Saint Magician had died in front of him, and he died so miserably.

Qi Bei picked up the skull scepter of the dead mage, searched his body, and took off all the jewelry he was wearing. After all, which item on a Dark Saint Mages body was not a treasure? He would study them carefully later.

Qi Bei estimated the time, then rushed out. He was very weak now, and if the Marquis of Lanling blocked him, it wouldnt be fun.

When Qi Bei crawled out of the underground cave, he found that the Marquis bedroom was still empty, and he couldnt help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as Qi Bei was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked at the row of puppets behind the bookshelf.

Old fox, I cant let you off that easily. Qi Bei grinned evilly and swung his black longsword, cutting off the lower parts of the puppets, and causing them to fall to the ground.

Qi Bei left the bedroom and took out a black bottle, opened the cap, and an invisible and odorless scent spread out.

Soon, the Marquis of Lanlings mansion was once again filled with the sound of angry roars from the giant sun elephants.

Oh no, the giant sun elephants have broken free from their cages. Ah

Quick, someone come and kill them. These two giant sun elephants have gone mad.

The Marquis mansion was in chaos. The guards were flying back and forth in the air, and Qi Bei took advantage of the chaos to leave the mansion.

After leaving the mansion, Qi Bei changed his clothes and became the fifth young master of the Nord family again. He returned to Nord Family Mansion with a confident stride and entered his own courtyard.

At this time, the night was slowly fading away, and it was estimated that the sky would be bright in an hour.

Young master, youre back, said Huan Ying as she heard movement, and draped a robe over herself before walking out the door.

Qi Bei smiled, then suddenly his body went limp and he fell towards Huan Ying.

Young master! Huan Ying exclaimed softly, rushing forward to support Qi Bei. She then noticed that his handsome face was pale, and his temples were covered in fine sweat beads.

Dont make a fuss, help me inside. Im just a bit tired, Qi Bei said wearily. He didnt have to pretend to be strong now that he was back in his own courtyard.

The attack of the Divine Dragons first transformation had already drained his internal energy. Escaping from the Marquis of Lanlings residence had also taken a lot of effort, and his body had already reached its limit.

Huan Ying helped Qi Bei into the room and headed towards the big bed.

Ah When she helped Qi Bei onto the bed, he fell over and she fell on top of him. 

Did he do it on purpose?

As Huan Ying thought this, she heard Qi Beis deep breathing and realized he had fallen asleep beneath her.

Huan Ying smiled slightly, got up from Qi Beis body, and upon closer inspection, she couldnt help but feel heartbroken. Just by lifting his clothes a little, she could see the large blood stains on his undershirt. Looking at his hands and feet, they were covered in small wounds. She wondered what he had experienced tonight.

Qi Bei, who was sound asleep, had completely relaxed his body and mind.

A hint of golden mist-like internal energy appeared in his empty dantian and began to circulate on its own.

During the circulation, a large amount of battle qi was introduced into his body and entered the middle dantian.

The five rotating battle qi cyclones were constantly growing, and suddenly a new cyclone was separated, forming a total of six cyclones.

Unknowingly, Qi Bei had already reached the peak of an intermediate warrior.


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