Suppressing the Protagonist in the Start to Seize the Heroine

Chapter 62: Breathing Through the Same Nostril?

Chapter 62: Breathing Through the Same Nostril?

Lin Xiaowan and Xia Shiyu had a conversation outside, and although Su Lin didnt know the details, seeing them return to the classroom like close sisters, he felt he had taken another step towards his ultimate goal.

When Lin Xiaowan sat down beside him, Su Lin smiled and said, Xiaowan, I was right, wasnt I?

Hmph. Just eat your breakfast; its getting cold, she said, ignoring his words.

Su Lin responded with a smile, Want to join?

No thanks, I already had breakfast. You go ahead.

Alright then, Ill eat.

Su Lin then saw Ye Feng walk in, clutching his stomach. The knee strike had really scared Ye Feng; it took him twenty minutes to barely recover.

Ye Feng could tell from Su Lins gaze that he meant business. Having experienced setbacks repeatedly, Ye Feng no longer had the ambition he once did.

Su Lin glanced at Ye Feng but didnt continue to watch him. If Ye Feng took his words to heart, good; if not, Su Lin wouldnt mind giving him a lesson he wouldnt forget.

In the following days, Su Lin became busy with his routine life. Chen Yang, on his three-day leave, had recruited many people, and the supermarkets construction had also begun.

Su Lin, Lin Xiaowan, and Xia Shiyu helped at the supermarket whenever possible, as it was their first entrepreneurial venture, and they were very committed to it.

By mid-April, the supermarkets exterior was complete, and the interior was being finished up rapidly. Su Lin gathered Xia Shiyu and Lin Xiaowan together.

Xiaoyu, Xiaowan, the supermarket will be finished in about ten days. I just realized we havent done one important thing.

What important thing? Ive already signed contracts with all the suppliers, said Xia Shiyu.

My financial side is fine too. Sister Juan is professional, and every transaction is recorded, added Lin Xiaowan.

Su Lin shook his head, Not that. We havent come up with a name for our supermarket yet.


Thats right, we havent named it.

Isnt it Yulin? Xia Shiyu innocently asked.

Lin Xiaowan chuckled, Xiaoyu, thats our company name, not the supermarkets name.

Oh, I see.

Su Lin suggested, Actually, Yulin Chain Supermarket doesnt sound bad.

How can Yulin be mixed with a supermarket? Su Lin, lets think of something more normal. Look at those foreign supermarkets like Walmart, Carrefour. Although we dont need to copy them, a good name is easy to remember.

Su Lin nodded, True, the supermarkets name should be catchy and memorable, and adding Chain Supermarket might add a bit of prestige.

Hehe, Su Lin, do you have any good names in mind?

Quan Le Gou? I think its a pretty good name, proposed Su Lin.

(TL : Quan Le Gou in english means Joyful Shopping For All.)

Quan Le Gou, meaning a place where everything is available and everyone enjoys shopping? Lin Xiaowan quickly grasped the core idea.

Su Lin nodded, Exactly.

Lets go with that. I think its catchy and easy to remember.

What about you, Xiaoyu? What do you think? Su Lin turned to Xia Shiyu.

I like it too!

Well, then its settled. Lets call it Quan Le Gou. One day well open branches in the big cities like Shanghai and Beijing, and well outcompete Carrefour and Walmart.

Hehe, focus on getting started in Zhongjiang first before dreaming about big cities, Lin Xiaowan teased.

Why not? If others can go to Shanghai, why cant I? Xiaowan, make sure to notify your people to get the supplies ready. We should aim to open the supermarket by May Day.

When it came to serious matters, Lin Xiaowans tone shifted to confidence, Dont worry, Ive signed all the contracts. My only concern is whether we can finish the interior on time to meet the deadline.

Su Lin looked at the ongoing interior work, Chen Yang is rushing as it is. Pressuring him more wont help. But I asked the contractor, and with sufficient funds, we should be able to finish by the 25th.

If we finish by the 25th, well have five days to stock up. That should work, Lin Xiaowan nodded.

Yeah, I never imagined we could set up a supermarket in a month, Su Lin said reflectively. This experience had given him a new appreciation for the capabilities of Lin Xiaowan, Xia Shiyu, and Chen Yang.

Nobody would have thought so before starting. Su Lin, I believe we will be successful this time.

Oh? You think we can succeed?

Lin Xiaowan nodded, The supermarket model is advanced. Once people enter, they rarely leave empty-handed.

Nowadays, people dont stock up much at home, so theres always something missing. Just entering the supermarket means theyre likely to buy something.

Xiaowan is right. From vegetables to rice, snacks, and electronics, the supermarket caters to every need.

Hearing their analysis, Su Lin nodded, Thats one of the reasons I wanted to start a supermarket.

One of the reasons? Are there others?

Su Lin nodded, Another reason is that Im optimistic about the future real estate market. Supermarkets are usually in prime locations, and property values are sure to rise.

Even if the supermarket doesnt work out, just selling the property would be profitable.

Lin Xiaowan quickly grasped Su Lins intention, her expression complex, No wonder you said to buy instead of rent, you had a backup plan.

Hehe, Xiaowan, one must not only look at immediate benefits but also think long-term, Su Lin said profoundly.

Your strategic vision is commendable. But you always miss the details.

Su Lin blushed, Thats why I have you and Xiaoyu. You both are meticulous. Ive always said Id handle the companys strategy and overall coordination, and you two would handle implementation.

Hmph, thats just an excuse for your laziness.

These days, Xiaoyu and I have been so busy, and youre the most relaxed.

Xia Shiyu, unusually, didnt speak up for Su Lin but nodded in agreement, Xiaowan is right. I havent had time to read at home for a long time. Every time I get home, I just fall asleep. Su Lin, Im worried about the midterms.

If we do poorly, Su Lin, youll have to make it up to us.

Cough cough, how about I tutor you both? Su Lin offered with a grin.

Lin Xiaowan rolled her eyes, You have the nerve to say that? Dont forget, your English improved because of mine and Xiaoyus notes.

Exactly. We made a mistake lending you our notes. We both didnt score as well as you.

Hehe you two are on the same side now, huh? United against me.

Its your fault for always exploiting us!

Thats not exploitation; thats making reasonable use of your abilities. Remember, individual strength is one thing, but when we combine our abilities, we can achieve great things.

Lets not argue; youre always right. Im hungry.

Su Lin, Im hungry too.

Su Lin waved grandly, If youre both hungry, lets eat. You two get in the car; Ill call Chen Yang!


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