Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 437:

Chapter 437:

[Only one week left until the college entrance exam! What is your strategy?]

[Let's find out about the stars who are taking the exam this year!]

[Actor Lee Seo-jun, taking the exam this year!]

-A miracle of 100 days, 50 days, 7 days LOL

=Study one subject per day.

=Is that possible?

-There are a lot of celebrities taking the exam this time.

=I've seen some of them before.

=It's because there are more child actors of the same age as Seo-jun after he became famous.

-Wow! I'm going to work late!

=I'm not going to school!

=…I have to be on time T. T


Mirinae Arts High School, 3rd grade, class 1.

Seo-jun, who sat in his seat, looked around the classroom.

The classroom, which was always lively, was noisy and chaotic in various ways today.

It seemed like they were going back and forth between heaven and hell.

Maybe because they were in the arts department, their expressions showed the difference clearly.

“Ugh. I'm nervous.”

“I can't believe it's the exam tomorrow.”

The kids who had been preparing for the exam of their lifetime since they were young couldn't calm down.

They looked at the notes they had reviewed last, the printouts they got from the academy, and the English vocabulary book, but they didn't seem to register in their eyes.

They understood why they were nervous.

If they passed the early admission, they had to get above the minimum grade, and if they failed, they had to try the regular admission, so they still had to do well on the exam.

‘What if I fail both the early admission and the exam…’

“I don't want to retake it…!”

Kim Haun's words made everyone nod.

On the other hand, there were also kids who were excited.

They were filled with thoughts of enjoying their free time after the exam, rather than the exam itself. They were very cheerful.

“Let's go have fun after the exam! There's a discount if you have an exam ticket at the amusement park!”

One of them, han Jinho, smiled and handed out a paper to Seo-jun and his friends.

It was a table of places that offered discounts with an exam ticket, sorted by discount rate. There were various places and rates, from amusement parks to movie theaters, restaurants, and markets.

“Wow. There's something like this?”

Kang Jae-han, who was looking at an English vocabulary book that he couldn't see, closed it and looked at the paper. The others did the same.

“Heh. I made it myself!”

Han Jinho shrugged his shoulders.

Seeing that, seo-jun smiled slightly, imagining how Han Jinho must have searched and organized it with a gleeful face.

“You should study like that. Jinho.”

“Seriously. It's the exam tomorrow.”

They teased him for a while and then gathered their heads together to talk. They all looked tense. Yang Ju-hee, who was looking at the list with an excited face, spoke in a serious voice.

“First of all, we have to choose a good date to go to the amusement park. It's not just us who are free after the exam.”

“And there's Seo-jun too.”

“I'm fine.”

“Seo-jun is fine.”

Jeon Seong-min and Kang Jae-han answered at the same time. The kids laughed.

“If it's Seo-jun, I'm sure he’ll be fine.”

“He can just cover himself with a scarf and a hat.”

Kim Joo-kyung and Park Si-young nodded.

“We’re more of a problem. We’re not as famous as Seo-jun, but there will be one or two people who recognize us.”

“And there will be more people who recognize us at a place like an amusement park.”

“And if we want to ride a lot, we have to go on a day when there are fewer people!”

As soon as the exam was over, a game of chicken would begin among the students who were free.

They had to avoid the busiest day.

Before they knew it, they took out their phones and wondered what day would be good.

Seo-jun remembered that there was an ability in the Library of Life that could tell him a good day.

‘It's usually used for moving or wedding days…’

But it seemed like it could also tell him a good day to have fun.

As he was talking with his friends, the front door of the classroom opened.

It was their homeroom teacher, Jung Si-woon.

“Everyone sit down.”


The atmosphere in the classroom calmed down as their homeroom teacher appeared.

Jung Si-woon put a paper envelope on his desk and looked around the classroom.

He smiled at the anxious faces of the kids and opened his mouth.

“Today, I'm just going to give you the exam tickets and end it quickly, but…”


The kids reacted and Jung Si-woon quickly added.

“That doesn't mean you can go home or have fun right away. You know why it's called an emergency assembly, right? You have to check the school on your exam ticket and see where it is, what the classroom is like, and so on.”

Some kids tilted their heads as if they had to go there. Jung Si-woon sighed.

“There are always kids who go to the wrong school. Don't misread the school name and go to a school that takes 30 minutes instead of an hour and a half. If you go there just in time tomorrow and it's a different school, you’re in big trouble.”

Some kids nodded seriously. The nagging of Jung Si-woon, the worried 3rd grade teacher, continued.

“Don't stay up late because you’re nervous and set your alarm before you go to bed. Or ask someone else to wake you up. If you tell me, I’ll call you tomorrow morning. And pack your bag in advance today, and you know you can't bring any electronic devices, right? Check your pockets or bags two or three times before you enter the school to make sure you didn't forget anything.”



“What about the kids from the art and music departments?”

A kid sitting by the window pointed outside.

The art and music department kids who had received their exam tickets were leaving the school together.

Jung Si-woon came to his senses and looked at his watch.

He didn't know when it had gotten so late.

“Then I’ll hand out the exam tickets. Come up one by one and get them.”


There were only twenty of them, so they soon all had their exam tickets in their hands.

It felt a bit more real when they received their exam tickets.

“Where are you taking the exam?”

“I'm at In-young High School.”

“Oh. Me too!”

The kids who were assigned to the same school gathered together and talked. Fortunately, there seemed to be no one who was alone in a different school.

Jung Si-woon looked at them and opened his mouth.

“You must have had a hard time preparing for both the practical and the written exams as art students. You did a good job studying for the exam. Don't give up until the end and you'll get good results if you do as you prepared.”


The kids answered cheerfully.

“If anything happens, contact me right away. Or call the police station. It's okay to rely on the adults around you as much as possible tomorrow. Don't try to solve it by yourself.”

As Jung Si-woon's worried words continued, Kim Joo-kyung, who had a detached expression, whispered to Seo-jun, who was sitting next to him.

“I didn't know the teacher was so worried.”

“Me neither.”

Seo-jun and the kids nodded their heads inwardly.


‘I've heard that the exam is not only prepared by the student, but by the whole family…’

Seo-jun, who had finished school and checked out the school where he would take the exam tomorrow with his friends, rolled his eyes when he got home.

‘I didn't know our house would be like this.’

No one thought that Seo-jun would fail the early admission to Korea National University, so he only had to pass the minimum grade for the college entrance exam.

And there was nothing to worry about when looking at Seo-jun's school grades or mock test scores.

It was okay even if he did a little worse than usual.

So Seo-jun was relaxed.

As long as he wasn't sick, there was no reason for Seo-jun to lose his concentration.

And it was impossible for Seo-jun, who had a special ability, to get sick.

‘I thought mom and dad knew that too…’

He thought his mom and dad, who rarely told him to study, wouldn't worry about the college entrance exam. But they did.

They just silently trusted Seo-jun.

“Sis! What kind of side dishes are good for the lunch box?”

Seo Eun-hye was standing in the kitchen with earphones on.

The people she was talking to on the phone were her childhood friends’ mothers, who had been close since Seo-jun was a baby. Since their children were all the same age, they all took the college entrance exam together.

She felt more comfortable having people to prepare with, but

“How about porridge?”

“No. Porridge digests quickly and makes you hungry in the afternoon.”

“The lunch box is important, but what are you going to feed them for breakfast?”

They all seemed flustered by their first college entrance exam.

Seo Eun-hye bought more and better ingredients than usual and laid them out on the table.

She looked at each ingredient with a serious face.

“Is it better to pack what we usually eat?”

She wondered if it was too simple to pack what they usually ate. She wanted to give him something more filling and helpful that would make him eat well and do well on the test.

“Seo-jun, is there anything you want to eat?”

“No. Anything is fine.”


Seo Eun-hye's worries deepened at Seo-jun's answer from the living room.

Seo-jun turned his head and looked at his dad.

Lee Min-jun, who had left work early today, was also busy.

He prepared a coat, scarf, gloves, and hat for Seo-jun to wear tomorrow in case of cold weather, which was common around this time of year.

‘I can take care of myself…’

But he couldn't say that because his dad's face was so serious as he checked the pencil case he would take tomorrow.

“Seo-jun, do you need a sharpener? I heard that when I took the college entrance exam before, they gave me a bad sharpener and the lead broke every time I solved a problem. It would be good to have a spare one…”

Seo-jun knew that story too. He heard that because of the sharpener problem, he had to solve the problems with a thick computer pen. After that, they allowed students to bring their own pencils.

“I don't need a sharpener. I have two pencils.”

“Really? You have a computer pen and an eraser and correction tape too. Do you have a watch?”

“Yeah. I put it on my desk.”

Lee Min-jun checked off the list of items he had written down somewhere as he listened to Seo-jun's answer.

“Seo-jun! Is it better to have less or more food in your lunch box?”

His mom's voice came from the kitchen, and his dad checked his admission ticket and ID card again.

It seemed that his mom and dad were more nervous than him, who was taking the exam, so Seo-jun eventually burst into laughter.


-Mina: My house is a mess too.

-Ji-woo: 222

-Ji-ho: I'm not taking it!

-Ji-yoon: Lucky you…

Seo-jun, who had dinner and went to his room, smiled and replied to the messages from his friends.

[When are you going to Spain, Ji-ho?

-Ji-ho: In January. I'm practicing a lot with the director lol

Park Ji-ho, who dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player and was active as a player, was going to Spain soon to take an entrance test.

He had been offered various proposals by scouts and agencies who had seen Park Ji-ho's talent since he was young, but he hesitated a bit because one of his parents had to go to Europe with him to join the youth league.

-Ji-woo: I don't care.

-Ji-woo: There are medical schools in other countries too.

It was because he had his twin brother Jinhoo.

-Ji-ho: ?Who said it's because of you?

-Ji-ho: I don't have to go abroad because Choi Si-hyuk hyung gives me advice on the phone.

-Ji-ho: And I think I practice better here, so I postponed it.

-Ji-ho: It's not because of you.

Choi Si-hyuk, who had made a cameo appearance with Seo-jun in [Reinvestigation], was already active as a professional soccer player in Europe.

He was also called up as a national representative in national competitions such as the World Cup.

-Choi Si-hyuk: Aren't you taking the exam?

Speaking of the devil.

He must have contacted Ji-ho. Seo-jun introduced him and they seemed to get along well because they both liked soccer.

They were still close.

Seo-jun replied to Choi Si-hyuk and sent a message to his friends.

[I think Ji-woo will do well even if he goes abroad.

-Ji-yoon: Right. Doesn't Ji-o seem like he won't adapt well?

-Mina: He's the youngest lol

-Jinhoo: lol

-Ji-ho: No, I'm not!

Everyone felt like Ji-ho was the younger brother even though they were twins.

‘No, I'm not!’ He teased Ji-ho a little and then agreed to meet after the exam and ended the message.

He thought he had finished the message and put down his phone, but then he got messages from everyone he knew, from Brown Black hyungs to actors, directors and writers.


He could tell how amazing and attention-grabbing the exam was by looking at the worries and cheers in the messages.

And they seemed more anxious and worried than Seo-jun's parents, who were seniors in high school.

He replied with a smile and went into [Sprout].

“Of course.”

There were also many messages of support here.

The Sprouts were cheering not only for Seo-jun, but also for other test-takers who were seniors or retakers in [Sprout].

They told them not to be nervous and just do as usual, as they had prepared.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and posted a reply.

[Notice: Hello. This is Lee Seo-jun.]

[Thank you for your support.

I’ll do well on the test tomorrow without being nervous as you cheered me on.

And those of you who are taking the exam with me tomorrow, don't be nervous and show your skills that you have prepared hard until now.

It's a bit different, but I think showing a new work is similar to taking a test.

The actors, directors, writers and staff work hard to prepare and make it, but no one knows the result.

So I always get nervous when I show you my new work. I think it's a good story, but I know that not everyone will think so.

But then I always think this.

You Sprouts will know that I worked hard on filming. You don't know how reassuring that is.

I know that too.

Other Sprouts will know that too.

You have worked hard for tomorrow until now.

So let's not worry and take the test with ease.

I hope you get everything right and only get questions you know!!

+) It's cold tomorrow, so dress warmly!]

It was natural that [Sprout] became a sea of tears when Seo-jun's post went up.


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