
Chapter 25: "We’ve cultivated a new species of Xenobiotics creature"

Chapter 25: "We've cultivated a new species of Xenobiotics creature"

The snake python cautiously through the streets, scanning his surroundings with equipment every few minutes to confirm if anyone is following him.

The harbor area of Black Sea City is dim and quiet at night, with only a few vivacious places, such as bars, underground fighting arenas, and casinos. The gangs control this territory, and even the Investigation Department must act cautiously here. In such a place, bloody incidents often occur.

Poor and backward areas are most likely to breed crime, and darkness and chaos are the best protection for those who lurk here.

Snake Python slipped into a small casino where patrons shouted around gambling tables, colorful cards flying everywhere, and gamblers with bloodshot eyes pushing stacks of chips forward. Snake Python had a penchant for gambling, but he wasn't here to play today. He's here to trade with his informant and get his hands on the god blood that belongs to him.

He quietly walks up to the second floor and opens the door to room 208. The room is dimly lit, and a person wearing a mask sits on a luxurious vintage-style chair.

"You're three minutes late," the informant says coldly.

The snake python doesn't take off his mask or respond immediately. Instead, he activates his equipment to scan the room, afraid listening devices might be hidden here.

The informant watches the snake python's cautious movements and waits for him to explain.

"That woman, Rose, is too annoying. She likes to give orders, and I can only listen to her because she's my superior," the snake python turns off the scanner. "Quick, give me the god's blood. That woman has gone to do some beauty treatments. I finally got away from her control, but I still have to go back and meet her later."

"So eager?" The informant chuckled.

"We had an agreement. I give you intel, and in return, you arrange a new identity for me to leave Black Sea City and a bottle of god blood," the snake python says coldly. "This is what I deserve. I've taken such a huge risk and should receive an equal value in return. Are you planning to break the contract?"

"We always keep our promises ." The informant takes a test tube filled with dark red liquid from his pocket. "This is your reward."

Snake Python's gaze was fixed intently on the test tube. He stepped forward, reaching out to take it, but the informant subtly shifted his hand, evading Snake Python's grasp. His eyes narrowed, and his voice deepened, "What are you playing at? We had an agreement. You owe me for the God's Blood."

"Don't be so tense. As I said, we'll honor our promise," the informant replied with a placating smile. "There's just a small matter that requires you to do."

"Hah," Snake Python scoffed coldly, "How did you negotiate with me last time? Have you forgotten in just a few hours? You said I didn't need to work for you. Just focus on passing on information."

The informant apologized insincerely, "I'm sorry, this is a direct order from my superiors. I don't have the authority to refuse on your behalf."

"Then may I ask, do I have the right to refuse?"

"You have," the informant said, "but if you refuse, I cannot provide the god's blood."

Veins bulged at Snake Python's temples as he struggled to contain his anger. "So, I'm just a tool for you, right? What do you take me for, an idiot?"

"Of course not," the informant replied earnestly. "You're a brilliant undercover agent. How could you be an idiot?"

Snake Python cursed under his breath. His muscular chest heaved with suppressed rage. "I feel like a wild boar in the forest, lured by bait on a path set by hunters. I follow the trail, but at the end, instead of delicious food, there's a trap waiting for me."

"We are not hunters; we have no desire to capture you. We are your collaborators, your business partners," the informant said calmly. "Consider this a negotiation. We are bargaining. You have the right to refuse, but you will lose certain benefits. You can accept, but doing so will entail a certain investment risk."

"Is there any point in continuing the deal when my supposed collaborators and partners try to tear the contract apart?"

"No, that's not how it works," the informant countered. "We are still negotiating and haven't signed a formal contract. Introducing new conditions during negotiations is perfectly normal, isn't it?"

Snake Python chuckled, clearly irritated. "I've already fallen into your trap, so let's not pretend this is a business cooperation. Ever heard of an investment failing at the cost of one's life?"

"Don't be too hasty to refuse," the informant advised. "What we need you to do this time is really a small matter with low risks. It could benefit you if it succeeds. You might as well hear us out before making a decision."

"Go ahead," the snake python scrutinized the informant. He didn't refuse because he had already taken an enormous risk. If he backed out now, it would render his previous risk meaningless. This made him unwilling to give up. The god's blood was indeed a great lure, tempting him step by step forward.

"We've cultivated a new species of Xenobiotics creature," the informant said, producing a slender glass tube. At first glance, the tube appeared empty. However, when he twisted it open and shined a miniature flashlight, its contents became immediately visible: a tiny red worm, as thin as a hair, barely perceptible as it squirmed within the tube.

"red threadworms," the informant said, "smaller in size than the Red Demon Spiders we gave you before and less likely to be noticed. A person parasitized by a Red Demon Spider will die within an hour, while the red threadworms have a longer growth cycle. After a long development period, it can drill into the host's brain and slowly control the host's body... even their thoughts."

The snake python's eyebrows twitched slightly, "You people are a bunch of lunatics."

The Red Demon Spiders was the Xenobiotics creature the snake python used to control assassins. It was about the size of a peanut in its larval stage, and it only took one minute to drill into the host's brain and control the host after parasitizing it. The informant had given him the Red Demon Spiders before, and now he was giving him a new Xenobiotics creature.

"Are you using me as a means to find test subjects?" Snake Python asked in a subdued tone. "First, it was the Red Demon Spiders, and now the Red Threadworms. You're not only giving me these hazardous juvenile Xenobiotics creatures to complete tasks but also to gather feedback data, aren't you?"

"They're stable new breeds," the informant assured Snake Python. "The only uncertainty we have is whether they can effectively take control of an Awakened individual's mind."

The snake python has an ominous premonition, "Do you intend to make me..."

"The rose by your side, who has spent considerable time with you and trusts you more, is a suitable candidate for the Red Threadworms parasitized. The informant said. "Place them on her skin, and they'll burrow in within two seconds. It'll feel like a mosquito bite."

"Don't you find this woman too annoying, always trying to control you?" he continued, "Here's your chance. Control her with these Xenobiotics creatures, and she won't be able to interfere with you anymore. Your risk of exposure will be significantly reduced."

The snake python was Persuaded. His greatest fear since going undercover had been the rose by his side, who was too close for comfort. He had been walking on thin ice around her, exhausted beyond measure. He wouldn't have to be as cautious if the Red Threadworms could parasitize her.

"I can try... but I can't guarantee success," the snake python said. "I will do my best to complete this task, but you must give me the god's blood first."

The informant pondered for a moment, then nodded. He handed over a glass tube containing the nematode and a vial of god blood.

The snake python reached out and took them, his eyes glinting with excitement. He pocketed the container with the nematode and scrutinized the vial of god blood for a while.

"How about it? Afraid we've poisoned what's inside?"

"how would I be thought? You still need me to do things for you."

The informant nodded in satisfaction. He paused for a moment. 'I have a few questions for you... What is Red's super ability?'

"I don't know. Perhaps the rose knows, but she won't say. I only know about the bartender, and I've already told you."

"What is the range of the super ability radiation from crystals and meteors?"

"Where can I find such detailed data? What do you expect that I go and directly ask them?"

"What about Richguy's super ability?"

"No one's ever disclosed what Richguy's super abilities are. Richguy and Red are higher-ups, and we're all just subordinates. Asking about your boss's personal matters is a surefire way to get into trouble."

"When are you planning to blow up the port?"

"Before August 8th... Haven't I already told you? Why are you asking again?"

The informant replied calmly, "Nothing; I just wanted to make sure there were no changes to your mission plan. If there are any changes, remember to inform me promptly."

"I understand." The snake python glanced at him suspiciously.

As his rendezvous with Rose drew near, Snake Python turned and spoke, "I can tolerate this last-minute additional asking, but only this once. I know I don't have much leverage in negotiating with you. You have the resources; you hold the cards... but I, Snake Python, am a person of temper."

The informant watched as Snake Python pushed the door open and left.

The room fell into silence after his departure. The informant turned his head and raised his right hand. The air in one corner of the room rippled slightly, and a blurry shadow suddenly appeared in the corner.

Snake Python had scanned the entire room three times with his scanner, yet had completely missed the presence of a third person lurking within!

"Did the Snake Python lie?"

The shadow shook its head.

The informant chuckled, "He's fairly honest, but alas, he can't change his gambling nature."

The Snake Python was indeed cautious, but he had a gambling problem. This habit had, to some extent, affected his behavior. Even he doesn't realize that he's gambling, taking risks.... Perhaps he had discovered it, but he fantasized about winning big by risking small like a true gambler.

When he sensed something was amiss, he didn't think about cutting his losses in time but instead wanted to gamble even more to recover his costs and gain profits.


Fox entered the living room with heavy steps, catching his breath before exclaiming, "I've brought more than enough ammunition!" He unzipped his bulging jacket, revealing boxes of ammunition-taped all over his torso.

"Couldn't you have brought a bag?" Jonathan gazed at Fox, speechless, as he diligently tore the tape away and removed the ammunition one by one.

"I only realized I'd forgotten a bag when I arrived, and there were no backpacks or bags in the armory... Thankfully, there were medical adhesive tapes, so I just taped the bullets to myself," Fox explained, seemingly quite pleased with his own ingenuity.

Jonathan silently acquiesced, reluctantly saying, "Well done... Be more careful next time."

Eyeing the equipment scattered across the floor, he picked up a bulletproof vest and retreated to his room to change. This material for the bulletproof vest was not only lightweight but also durable. Donning it wouldn't hinder one's movements; it covered not just the torso but also the limbs.

He couldn't afford to repeat past mistakes. He might not always be lucky enough; last time, he had the metal skull, and he might not be so lucky this time. Wearing a bulletproof vest would increase his chances of survival, even when enemies targeted his torso.

Back in the living room, Jonathan conducted a final equipment check: a K80 sniper rifle, a handgun, magazines, tactical knives, miniature bombs, an environmental scanner, a communicator, a locator, and night-vision goggles...

"What's this?" Jonathan inquired, pinching a button-sized black object.

"The headquarters has developed a new optical camouflage projector. It's still in the experimental phase, and I brought two back to try," Fox explained as he pressed the button. His entire body blended into the surroundings like a chameleon. However, the disguise wasn't as effective when he moved.

"Seems best suited for static camouflage," Jonathan remarked.

Tossing the button aside, Fox said, "I don't need it. I can turn my body into the transparent water."

Jonathan glanced at the map on his bracelet, "It's time for us to go."

He communicated with Rose before planning the move. Once Rose and Snake Python rendezvous, she will use the pretext of gathering data to lead him toward the port. Along the essential route to the harbor, Jonathan would lie in wait, ready to kill him.

Rose activated real-time tracking, allowing Jonathan to monitor her location and ascertain Snake Python's whereabouts.

Carrying a fully assembled rifle would be too conspicuous, so he slung a case containing the K80 components over his back and fastened magazines, knives, and a handgun around his waist while Fox carried the miscellaneous items.

Mask in place and voice modulator attached, Jonathan pulled his hood down and leaped from the third-floor balcony. Alongside Fox, he moved through the veil of night toward the predetermined ambush location.


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