
Chapter 23: "The... legacy of ancient gods?"

Chapter 23: "The... legacy of ancient gods?"

"The... legacy of ancient gods?" Jonathan uttered, finding it absurd.

"They seem to think so," Martin said. "Xenobiotics creatures have existed from ancient times, as is evident from widely circulated folk tales. However, it's undeniable that xenobiotic creatures differ vastly from the usual fauna. They scarcely resemble anything that our planet could give birth to."

"Indeed, they are rather repugnant," Jonathan quipped. "I might find myself skipping lunch."

"Thirty years ago, the federal government passed legislation that deems all nefarious secret cults illegal. We no longer need gods to guide humanity forward—science should be our guide," Martin stated. "However, various secret cults continue to persist. If they were to keep hiding, the investigation department would turn a blind eye. Sadly, they never learn their lesson."

Jonathan looked at the man lying in the cell and asked, "Is he part of a secret cult?"

"Yes. A week ago, the third squad of the field team raided their gathering place. They were in the middle of a ritual, administering 'god blood' to some followers," Martin said with a mocking smile. "Not one of them escaped capturing."

"Do all Heterobloods experience physical mutations?" Jonathan inquired, observing the prisoner. "It seems like he won't live much longer. Is their lifespan always so short?"

Martin pondered, "The investigation department records every captured Heterobloods, and according to those records, each one experiences bodily mutations to varying degrees. This particular Heterobloods's level of mutation is only moderate."

"I can't imagine how grotesque the severe cases must be," Jonathan murmured.

"You can request access to these records from Moss; they include photos and videos of the mutation process," Martin advised. "I'd avoid watching them before or after a meal unless you're keen on losing your appetite or throwing up."

Jonathan grimaced, "Thanks for the warning, Captain."

"We haven't conducted any research on the lifespan of Heterobloods here. I can tell you that none of the Heterobloods we've captured have survived more than a month," Martin revealed. "The mutation is irreversible; doctors and prisoners can only watch helplessly as their bodies gradually transform into monstrous deformities, eventually becoming unrecognizable."

"How horrifying..." Jonathan sighed. "Did they gain super abilities after paying such a terrible price?"

"They might have," Martin conceded. "Our observations and experiments have shown that Heterobloods heal exceptionally quickly after injury, faster than even the most physically gifted Awakened. Their strength also increases, becoming two to three times that of ordinary people. However, this is based solely on the data collected from captured Heterobloods. In exchange for these abilities, their lifespans rapidly deteriorate, and their bodies mutate. So far, records suggest they don't possess a wide range of super abilities like Awakened individuals; only their physical attributes improve."

"Hasn't there been a single individual who managed to survive?" Jonathan asked. "The price they pay and the benefits they receive are completely disproportionate. Why do they still insist on taking god blood?"

"Ordinary people can't understand their fanaticism. But they believe it's worth it," Martin said. "There might be individuals who have successfully survived after taking god blood. During interrogations, these Heterobloods seem convinced of this possibility. They believe their failures are due to the gods not accepting them. They think their deaths offer blood, flesh, and souls to the ancient gods, helping to revive the slumbering deities."

Jonathan pondered, "I wonder if the survivors possess super abilities as diverse as those of the Awakened? Can't we capture one and interrogate them?"

"It's difficult. They're very good at hiding, and the true cult leaders never show themselves," Martin said, his expression darkening slightly. "That means all the followers and Heterobloods we've captured so far are merely the low-level and peripheral members of the secret cults. The core has never been exposed."

Jonathan was astonished. The investigation department, as a government agency, wielded considerable power.

The super artificial intelligence Moss had terrifying computational capabilities, quickly screening city surveillance and locating suspects. It could also remotely control reconnaissance drones and track a person's traces online, assisting the investigation department in casting a wide search.

Despite the Investigation Department teeming with skilled agents, including numerous Awakened and even high-ranking Awakened individuals, have they still failed to apprehend the core members of these secret societies?

"Your onboarding training is nearly complete, Jonathan," Martin turns around to face him, speaking in a gentle yet serious tone. "We have to maintain the city's security, eliminate Xenobiotics creatures, and combat forces lurking in society's shadows. From this day forward, you must fulfill your security officer duties."

Martin's expression seemed to convey great expectations, and Jonathan responded with a smile, "I will do my best, Captain."

Fulfilling his duty would depend on the situation, as risking his life for it was out of the question. The essence of self-preservation was to let others take the lead, assess the problem, and then plan his next move.

"We can leave now," Martin said.

Back in the elevator, Jonathan pondered the differences between Heterobloods and Awakened, two distinct occupations and paths to power.

Jonathan remembered his game system's description of a "Dispossessor " was: "A profession that gains power by hunting down and seizing the super abilities of special ability users."

"Special ability users" didn't specifically refer to "Awakened." Could this mean that if Jonathan killed Heterobloods, he could still strip their powers for his use?

"Are you thinking about the Xenobiotics creature ?" Martin's concerned voice echoed in his ears.

"No," Jonathan snapped back to reality. "I was wondering how much my salary would increase once I become a regular employee."

"..." Martin fell silent.

"Captain," Jonathan looked into his eyes and asked, "How can one become Awakened?"

"You have to be lucky enough," Martin replied. "There's no pattern to the birth of an Awakened. Sometimes, they awaken after a good night's sleep, and sometimes it happens suddenly after a major stimulus. I can't advise you since I am not an Awakened myself."

Nonchalantly, Jonathan asked, "Who in the investigation department is Awakened? Are there many?"

Maintaining an appropriate level of curiosity and asking relevant questions was his strategy. Although Martin might not answer some questions, his behavior wouldn't arouse suspicion. Curiosity is human nature, and asking for gossip from a superior is a logical move.

As expected, Martin didn't answer. He just said, "That's classified information. You'll find out when you're promoted to captain."

Jonathan laughed, "Then I'll work hard to become your equal, Captain."

At lunchtime, Jonathan deliberately avoided all red and green food in the employee cafeteria to prevent unpleasant associations that might ruin his appetite. But even so, he still ate very little, mechanically chewing and swallowing, forcing himself to consume the food. He needed enough energy to support his training in the afternoon.

Training time went by surprisingly fast. After basic hand-to-hand combat and shooting training, Jonathan started running with a heavy load. He was panting heavily, carrying dozens of kilograms of weight, his clothes drenched in sweat. He just wanted to collapse on the ground and roll his eyes.

The coach by the training field, checking his watch in astonishment, said, "Great willpower! You've achieved such good results on your first test! You finished the five-kilometer run pretty quickly! How about trying eight kilometers? Hey, don't look at me like I'm the devil. What's wrong with trying to break your limits? You'll never know where your limits are if you don't push yourself!"

Jonathan panted, "I... let's talk about it tomorrow. I have a meeting with the field team in half an hour."

The coach reluctantly let Jonathan go. For newcomers joining the investigation department, dedicated personnel would train them. Today was the first official training day, and Jonathan felt exhausted to the point of coughing up blood.

He used to dread running the most. Those days seemed like a distant memory now, as Jonathan achieved self-improvement and began training under the pressure of survival.

After resting on the ground for three minutes, Jonathan got up and staggered back to the elevator, planning to return to the resting room for a shower. He was drenched in sweat, and attending a meeting like this wouldn't be appropriate.

He took a ten-minute shower and was glad his short hair was easy to dry. After drying his hair, he put on his uniform and rushed to the meeting room by elevator.

The conference room was almost full when Jonathan arrived. He quickly spotted Robert waving at him, so he walked over and sat in the empty seat beside him.

About forty to fifty members of various teams were in the room. Field teams usually consisted of five to seven members, each with a specific role. Teams typically carried out missions, and for more challenging tasks, multiple teams would collaborate.

"Wow, so many people," Jonathan said, glancing around the room.

Martin, the team leader, sat in the front row, far from them.

"It's a big meeting today. All teams are present," Robert said.

Sitting before them, Simon turned around and asked Jonathan, "Did you finish your orientation training?"

"Yes... it left me a deep impression," Jonathan replied with a complicated expression. "I couldn't even enjoy lunch."

Luke, who had just been discharged from the hospital, said, "That's normal. Just get used to it. You might encounter even more disgusting scenes when we're out on missions."

"I suppose so," Jonathan sighed.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, they all fell silent as the meeting was about to begin.

Field Team Leader Grobelnar stepped up the podium, her sharp gaze sweeping over everyone. Cutting straight to the point without formalities, she said, "Recently, the port gangs have been causing frequent riots, resulting in numerous casualties for us. The port coastal security team has suffered significant losses, and we need to adjust the areas covered by the field patrol teams."

Those who made it into the field teams were individuals with exceptional combat skills. Field teams faced the most danger and thus had the highest casualty rates. However, part of the casualties of the port coastal security team might be attributed to Fox, who had killed two members of Team Six during his investigation.

"Team Seven," Grobelnar's gaze fell on Martin. "Starting tomorrow, you'll be assigned to the harbor area in the bay district. You'll join Teams Five and Six from the original coastal security team to carry out coastal patrol tasks."

Martin stood up and saluted, "Yes, sir."

Jonathan thought to himself, without showing any emotion, that it was quite a coincidence – just like as he was getting sleepy, someone was handing him a pillow.


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