
Chapter 14: A completely unfamiliar codename

Chapter 14: A completely unfamiliar codename

Jonathan spent two hours in the therapy room, had three cups of latte, and even joined James for lunch in the staff cafeteria at his invitation.

When he left, James thoughtfully handed him a whole can of coffee beans, saying, "I really like these beans, I hope you will too."

Jonathan accepted James's kindness reluctantly and returned to the rest area with a can of coffee beans.

It was the afternoon now, and lunch break had passed.

Setting the tin aside, Jonathan headed to Team 7's training area to check-in. Whether they were regular members or interns like him, they spent most of their time in training when not on missions. Combat training, such as shooting and hand-to-hand combat, was of paramount importance.

The elevator took him down a floor to the training complex. He scanned his iris at the entrance.

"Intern security officer Jonathan, you can use the training equipment in areas A and B for basic training. The use of other areas is temporarily not open to you."

There was a difference in treatment between interns and regular employees, but Jonathan didn't care much. After all, he didn't know how to use more advanced equipment. His purpose in coming to the training room this time was to confirm his control over firearms.

Area A included a shooting training room. Jonathan entered the room, glanced around, saw that it was fairly empty, and took an open spot.

"Please select your training weapon," Moss said.

"Standard handgun," Jonathan replied.

The metal table in front of him silently flipped open on both sides, and a black gun lay quietly on the table.

Jonathan picked up the gun, disassembled it after a few seconds of thought, memorized its components, and then put them back together one by one.

He held the gun level and said in the most comfortable posture, "Three-meter target."

"Yes, a three-meter target is set," Moss responded.

Jonathan didn't aim much, he fired by feel. With the continuous gunshots, all the bullets he fired hit the target, none missed, and each bullet was within the eight-ring.

The recoil of this gun was slightly larger than he expected, and his palm was a bit numb.

Jonathan had no idea of his performance. He changed the magazine, intending to try the "ten-meter target."

"Ten-meter target is set," Moss said.

The target was farther this time, and people with average vision could hardly see the circles on the target.

Jonathan steadied himself, held up the gun, and this time he aimed consciously, pulled the trigger, and fired only one bullet.


The bullet hit the center of the target, the very center of the ten-ring!

Jonathan's eyebrows relaxed, "Moss, fifteen-meter target."

He made several attempts, gradually increasing the target distance from fifteen to twenty-five meters. Every time he fired, his lowest score never fell out of the seven-ring.

Jonathan's fingertips were numb, but his body and mind felt comfortable as if all the troubles and pressures were fired out with his gunshots.

Such results were not without the blessing of his "combat instinct", but he also had great shooting talent. He improved his understanding and knowledge of guns through repeated shootings, and training was his way of familiarizing himself with these metal weapons.

Being proficient in using guns and having strong physical abilities and combat skills, Jonathan was no longer the weakling he once was. even Among the security officers, he also was one of the more outstanding ones.

Moreover, he has already a super ability.

In this morning's mission, he killed Sean, stripping him of his superpower, "Shadow Travel".

His current status panel had significantly changed.

Basic Attributes

Name: Jonathan

Occupation: Dispossessor

Super ability: Shadow Travel·E-Level - You can use shadows for short-range spatial travel.

Inherent Talents:

Performance Persona: You are an excellent actor, able to deceive most people.

Life Resilience: Your vitality is tenacious like wild grass.

Danger Avoidance: You can keenly perceive and avoid dangers around you.

Quick Learning: Your learning of any skill is twice the result with half the effort.

Combat Instinct: Your combat skills and tactics are engraved in your body.

Sean escaped from the mental hospital using Shadow Travel. His superpower level was relatively low, and it seemed that it wasn't always successful, which is why he couldn't escape from the parasitic hydra.

What Jonathan was concerned about was, what was the awakening method for superpowers. Was it luck or some other factor?

His teammates were very surprised that Sean had become an awakener, indicating that awakeners were not commonplace but rather quite rare.

When he first crossed over, Dr. Neil, who was also undercover for the Mechanical Dawn Organization, had mentioned that there were awakeners in the investigative department, and he specifically named the leader of the criminal investigation team, asking Jonathan to be extra careful.

Because the leader of the criminal investigation team's superability could very well be "Lie Detection".

This suggests that the internal members of the investigative department's awakener identities were likely kept secret. Colleagues didn't even know each other's abilities or identities, so Dr. Neil, who had worked in the investigative department's medical center for a long time, only provided vague speculation rather than definite answers.

What Jonathan regretted was that he could not find a safe and hidden location in the investigative department to experiment with his newly acquired ability of Shadow Travel. At home, he had Fox, so there was even less opportunity to try out his new power.

Shadow Travel was a great ability. If he was caught and put in jail in the future, he could use it to escape. Sean had used it to escape from the heavily guarded mental hospital.

Being in jail would be a rather good outcome. The Federation had no death penalty, so optimistically thinking, maybe he could find an opportunity to leave the prison after a while. The worst-case scenario would be having his identity exposed and being "cleaned" by his former teammates.

Jonathan put down the gun and went to Area B.

Area B was the combat training area, where several security officers were training in their training suits and boxing gloves. He wasn't here to spar but to test his strength.

In the corner of the training area, there was a boxing force tester.

Jonathan had read in a magazine from the first world that boxing champion Tyson's right fist power was 800 pounds, and martial arts superstar Bruce Lee's fist power was around 350 pounds. This data was closely related to weight; Tyson's weight was almost double that of Bruce Lee.

A simple fist power test could not reflect a person's combat data, because the factors affecting combat power were never one-sided. However, a first power test could reflect a person's level of strength.

"What was my test data last time?" Jonathan asked.

"Your last punch strength test result was 215 pounds," Moss answered.

This was the data for "Security Officer Jonathan", not the original body's data. Jonathan thought he should be conservative with the first punch to avoid exceeding the original results too much.

He adjusted his breathing, clenched his fist, and punched the testing post.

With a bang, the data on the tester's display rapidly climbed, instantly jumping over 200 and settling at 233 pounds.

"Your score has improved compared to last time, specifically by 18 pounds," Moss reported.

Sigh, he was still not conservative enough. The original body must have been a super warrior comparable to Bruce Lee, right? He not only had strength but also skill, had undergone rigorous training, and was a genuine humanoid weapon.

"Jonathan!" Robert walked into Area B and waved to Jonathan, "Are you training here?"

"Yeah, I felt a bit rusty, so I came to touch the gun and throw a few punches," Jonathan moved his shoulder.

"I feel off if I don't hold a gun for a day. This thing needs regular practice. Do you want to spar? Don't underestimate me because I'm a technician. I'm ranked in the top ten in the field team," Robert invited.

"No, I just finished a field mission today and I'm a bit tired. My condition is not great," Jonathan smiled and declined. "How is Luke doing?"

"He has finished his surgery, Simon is with him," Robert said, "Have you been to the psychological therapy room?"

Jonathan answered, "I have, James is a good guy, he gave me a can of coffee beans..."

"When I went there, he also gave me a can of coffee beans, saying that technicians need to use their brains often, and coffee can help refresh their minds and so on..." Robert shrugged.

"Are there many people with psychological problems in the investigative department?" Jonathan asked.

"Well, with high work pressure, you will always encounter various problems. We are constantly in danger. I had a colleague who had nightmares for a week after his first mission to exterminate the Xenobiotics creature. It was James who helped him with psychological counseling. It's necessary to have a psychological therapy room in the investigative department," Robert said, "If psychological problems are not resolved in time, they can lead to serious consequences. I have seen such examples around me. An old colleague from the next team developed serious psychological problems because of accidentally killing a civilian, but others didn't notice... In the end, he committed suicide."

Robert sighed, "Sometimes, people can show amazing resilience in the face of stress, but at times, the mind can be so fragile that it can't take a hit."

Jonathan thought for a moment, "I'll try to avoid making such mistakes... Actually, I wanted to ask you about the formal employment procedure. Is it convenient for you to talk about?"

"There's nothing inconvenient about it. This is an open secret. The interviewers for each formal employment interview are always the same," Robert said, "The interviewers are usually the team leaders of various groups. Just answer the interviewers' questions honestly. You have to be honest."

Be honest? Jonathan immediately remembered Dr. Neil's warning and the rumored superpower of the leader of the criminal investigation team.

"I understand, thank you for your reminder." His mood sank slightly.

"Trainee Security Officer Jonathan, please report to the Seventh Team office," Moss suddenly conveyed to him.

Jonathan was slightly surprised, but Robert laughed and said, "Is the captain going to discuss the formal employment process with you?"

"Then I'll go first," Jonathan said goodbye to him and left the training room.

Riding the elevator, Jonathan's thoughts were very calm. He had only been in the second world for a few days, and his mentality had undergone a radical transformation.

He had gone from a newly graduated high school student busy looking for part-time work to a qualified undercover agent. Even his thinking had been assimilated by his undercover identity. He was always worried about this or that, considering every aspect and leaving no loopholes. Dealing with people required a lot of caution, and every word needed to be carefully considered. It was mentally exhausting.

Jonathan arrived at Martin's office and the metal door opened.

"You're here, Jonathan. Fill this out." Martin said

He handed over a paper form, and the title of the form was "Regular Employment Application".

"Can I be promoted?" Jonathan asked.

"If you pass the final interview, yes, it's not difficult. You can do it," Martin said, "The interview is scheduled for nine o'clock tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

Jonathan could only respond, "I have no problem, Captain."

"Good, once you're officially employed, you can move into the employee dormitory. It's safer than Baker Street near your home," Martin said.

After filling out the form, it was almost time to off.

Jonathan said goodbye to Martin, went back to the rest area to pick up the coffee beans James had given him, took the elevator downstairs, and prepared to go home.

As soon as he got on the hover rail car, Jonathan opened his bracelet. Fox had sent him several messages.

"I went to the port again."

"I didn't find anything else. I encountered a few hostile gang members. They are too troublesome. Can I kill them?"

"If you don't reply to me, I will act freely. You said I can make my own decisions, right?"

"I've already killed them."

"I encountered the port smugglers..."

"I didn't kill them this time. They were smuggling liquor, not worth paying attention to."

"Why aren't you replying to me? Are you that busy?"

"When do you get off work?"

Jonathan was speechless as he read the messages and decided to switch to another page.

The next message was from someone else, and Jonathan perked up as he read the content.

"Midnight, at the Ruby Bar in the Harbor District, the mission execution team has a collective meeting to discuss the specific task allocation for the port bombing. All members must be present."

The sender —— red.

A completely unfamiliar codename.


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