Super Spender

Chapter 3 - 3 The Huge Cake

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 The Huge Cake

Everyone was somewhat lost and confused as they looked at the ten men standing in front of Finn Lewis. These ten weren't particularly well-built, but the defined lines of the muscles on their exposed arms were apparent. Most importantly, their faces were all expressionless, cold as blocks of ice.

These ten were not dressed uniformly. They were mostly in jeans, short-sleeved t-shirts, with close-cropped hair. In comparison to the seven or eight men who had stood by the other guy, these men had no tattoos, no embellishments. Nevertheless, their imposing presence still managed to reign the entire bar into submission- no one dared to breathe loudly.

The most striking feature was that among these ten men, five of them had their hands in their pockets; what they held within was left to everyone's imagination. The man who was arrogantly swaggering just a moment ago didn't dare to make a peep. It was obvious to everyone that these ten were probably something akin to bodyguards, and their adversaries, the ones covered in tattoos, were nothing more than petty thugs.

Even the toughest thug is still just a thug, and they are definitely not stage material.

"Still want to break my legs?" Finn Lewis jumped off the stage, sneering as he walked towards them. When he reached the ten, they automatically parted in the middle, giving way for Finn. When he passed, they resumed their positions behind him and accompanied him towards the other man.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's make money peacefully. Let's keep calm. I'm the manager here; my family name is Tian. Sir, I apologize for our lack of due care that allowed these individuals to enter the premises". A man in his thirties wearing a suit pushed his way through the crowd to stand in front of Finn and spoke to him in a fawning tone.

"You guys, get them all out now! We do not welcome those who cause trouble." This manager roared at the surrounding security guards without waiting for Finn's reply. Few of them ran through and began herding these seven or eight men out.

Finn halted for a moment but made no move to prevent them. After they disappeared from sight, including the man who caused a scene with him, Finn then looked at the manager and said, "I would like to book this place exclusively tonight, will there be a problem?"

"Not at all, sir, the floor is yours! Ladies and Gentlemen, you've heard it, this gentleman has booked us this evening! Enjoy to your hearts' content! And for the next three days, anyone can get a 50% discount if they bring today's receipt." The manager immediately said loudly.

Despite the teeming crowd inside the bar, nobody was talking, so everyone heard what the manager said without a microphone. Those at the far off didn't hear clearly, but someone will relay it to them.

"Excellent," Finn said, nodding. He glanced at the VIP section again, and then made his way to his reserved area. Along his way, he did not dignify the ten men with an acknowledgement.

"Second, third and fourth team, withdraw. First team, stay." As soon as Finn had reached his reserved area, one of the men behind him, who had been standing on his left, murmured softly. The crowd heard his murmurs, and with his command, at least twenty or thirty people in the crowd abruptly made their way out of the bar.

A young man insides the same VIP section as the man who had confronted Finn earlier couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, "Bloody hell, who is this man? Sean King, Mr. Wood, do you guys know him?" He cautiously asked the two young men sitting opposite him.

"Don't know him, never seen him before nor within our circles. You better not mess with him. He's not someone you can afford to mess with. I'll ask around when I'm back, and make sure your guys won't cause trouble here in the future. If a big scene really did unfold tonight, your place would have trouble reopening," one of the young men who was sitting in the middle commented gravely, watching Finn's retreating figure. he may not know him, but anyone with that many people protecting him clearly was not a simple man.

"Good lord, Mr. Finn, this is amazing! Who are these dudes? Your bodyguards? I saw a bunch of similar people in the crowd too!" The ignorant Chubby Callum shouted as soon as they got back to their reserved area.

With the DJ's efforts, the atmosphere in the bar quickly livened up again. The DJ had clearly seen a lot, and everyone was here to have fun. With the trouble over, no one was going to leave, especially considering someone had booked the entire venue for the night and drinks were on the house. Many started calling their friends to come over.

After some laughs with Chubby Callum and his friends, which considerably eased the previously tense atmosphere, Finn let loose and had fun. Throughout the night, numerous attractive women came over for a drink with him on the premise of "Finn's treat". Of course, Finn was not a fool. He knew exactly what they were after. In the past, he'd tried to pick up girls in nightclubs but was ignored. But tonight, now that was a different story.

It was only after three in the morning did Finn and his party finally leave the Nine Heavens Pool. They couldn't make it back to the dormitory that night, so they found a nearby hotel and booked several rooms. The individuals who had been assigned to protect Finn Lewis seemed to have completely vanished, never to be seen again.

After ensuring that Chubby Callum and his friends were settled, Finn returned to his own room and waited in silence.

"You are very clever," an icy voice sounded beside him as if from a ghost.

"The feeling is mutual; it seems that I hold a significant place in your heart." Finn laughed lightly as he responded. At the bar, he took a gamble with his own physical health potentially at stake. As for the wager, it was simple, and now it was clear.

"Looks like we need to talk." The icy voice suggested.

"What are we talking about?" If it could be said that he was impulsive by the riverside that night, after supposedly selling his life to this alien, Finn Lewis came to complete sobriety. Pies don't just fall from the sky, and even if they did, they'd certainly be spoiled.

"I can offer you these things." With the cold voice's words, a three-dimensional virtual screen appeared before Finn Lewis. As he fixed his gaze on it, Finn Lewis's eyes widened in surprise.

"Strength +1 Potion 100 Points."

"Agility +1 Potion 100 Points."

"Intelligence +1 Potion 100 Points."

"Sexual Power +1 Potion 500 Points."


"Photon computer T100 model 50,000 Points."


"Thunder God Class Universe Battleship Cruiser 100000000000000 Points."

Damn! What are all these things? Do they have to be this shockingly awesome? Looking at what's inside, Finn Lewis's eyes almost turned into red bulbs.

"Can you explain to me why a Sexual Power +1 potion, just like the other +1 potions, costs 500 points? And how do I earn these points?" Finn Lewis asked, drooling. Heck, as a man, who wouldn't want to have the charm of a Western man?

"If you have 500 points, which one would you choose first?"

"No shit, it would definitely be Sexual Power +1, would it make my little brother bigger?" Finn Lewis said without hesitation.

"That's why its price is 500 points. As for points, I'll give you some tasks which will reward you with varying points, or, you can make money. For every 10,000 yuan you earn, you can exchange it for 1 point." The cold voice explained the point system rules.

"That simple?" As for the tasks, Finn didn't ask, he didn't know what this alien wanted him to do. But seeing as they were offering money, they must require action from him. He was surprised at the mention of making money. Such a simple thing, he had more than 90 million in his hands, haphazardly buying a profitable small company, wouldn't the annual profit be one or two million? Wouldn't that mean he'd have one or two hundred points?

"Simple? I mentioned earning money, if you want to use the money I give you to buy a company, then firstly you have to cover the cost of buying the company. Only the profits afterwards can be considered earned money." The cold voice reiterated the meaning of making money.

These words were like a bucket of cold water pouring over an enthusiastic Finn Lewis, chilling him to the core. Forget the potions, among them were even some that could increase lifespan, in comparison to that, nothing else was attractive. And those black tech things in the back had minimum price tags in the tens of thousands of points. According to the ratio, Finn would have to earn several billion before he could redeem these things.

The problem was, all this was like an incredibly sweet cake, but if you can't take the first bite, there's no need to eat the rest.

"Alright, since I've sold my life to you, I should have some benefits, right? Are there any base points?" Finn Lewis asked expectantly.

"None." The cold voice directly extinguished Finn Lewis's last thread of fantasy.


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