Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 88: 88 The Advantages of Gourd Mountain

Chapter 88: Chapter 88 The Advantages of Gourd Mountain

Lin Shen merely thought about it; he wasn’t crazy enough to put his own life at risk for experimentation. It was better to test things out on Base Variant Creatures first before making any plans.

Lying in bed, Lin Shen pondered deeply, especially about the Mysterious Planet.

His path to advancement would inevitably be tied to that planet.

However, the Lu and Xu families had already spread the word about the Realm King Cultivation Device, making it less convenient to use it for entry in the future.

Moreover, the Realm King Cultivation Device would broadcast the entire process live, and Lin Shen was not someone who liked to show off. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, he would not use the Realm King Cultivation Device for entry again.

“I need to find a way to take back Dark Bird from Wang Tian’er and Qi Shuheng. Entering through Gourd Mountain is the best choice,” Lin Shen started strategizing how to retrieve the Dark Bird.

Using Gourd Mountain had two huge advantages: first, entering through Gourd Mountain wouldn’t be broadcast live, which was beneficial since Lin Shen had many secrets that were not suitable for public exposure.

Second, there was no time limit after entering through Gourd Mountain. There would be no forced teleportation after the three-day time limit expired.

This was a significant advantage. It meant Lin Shen could hunt Base Variant Creatures on the planet indefinitely, without having to compete with others for the three-day window.

More importantly, once the three-day countdown of the black watch teleporter expired, he could teleport out at any time.

What did this mean? It was akin to having an extra life. If he encountered a Base Variant Creature he couldn’t beat, or a situation with certain death, he could just teleport back. Was there a stronger life-saving artifact than this?

So, after much consideration, Lin Shen knew he must get his hands on Dark Bird, and it would be best to also silence the Qi and Wang families, keeping the entrance at Gourd Mountain a secret. This required careful planning.

Lin Shen planned to return to Dark Bird Base immediately after the beast tide ended to settle this matter, to avoid any future complications. However, before he left, he had to deal with Zheng Yan, the scoundrel. If the Lu Family didn’t make a move, he had already decided to act during the beast tide.

“With two Mutant Sea Demon God Generals in hand, plus Fei Zai and Death Powder for protection, and the Crystal Base Level Red Jade Lion, what part of that planet is not accessible? Base Variant Creatures will be at my mercy, not to mention advancing to Alloy, even advancing to Crystal Base is just a matter of time.” Lin Shen slept exceptionally well that night.

He had an excellent sleep, and in the morning, he was woken up by Wei Wufu.

“It’s not even dawn yet, what are you waking me up for so early? Has the beast tide breached the base?” Lin Shen stretched and yawned, feeling like he hadn’t gotten enough sleep.

“Training,” Wei Wufu said curtly.

“Training doesn’t necessarily have to be in the morning. The air quality is poor in the morning, and the blood’s viscosity is at its highest of the day, which is not suitable for training…” Lin Shen was speaking when he tried to lie down on the bed again.

“Let’s go,” Wei Wufu insisted, pulling Lin Shen out regardless.

“Don’t rush; at least let me wash up first,” Lin Shen said helplessly.

Only then did Wei Wufu let him go. After Lin Shen had freshened up, he wanted to have breakfast, but Wei Wufu rejected the idea.

Reluctantly, Lin Shen had to go train on an empty stomach.

The Ye Family’s castle didn’t even have a garden, but it did have several indoor training grounds, including a private small one for Ye Yuzhen.

Lin Shen and Wei Wufu used this small training ground. When they arrived, Ye Yuzhen had already started her practice.

“Huh!” Lin Shen, who had been lethargic just moments ago, perked up immediately upon entering the small training ground and seeing Ye Yuzhen.

Now Lin Shen understood why Ye Yuzhen needed a private personal training ground. If she used the public ones, it could easily lead to criminal activity.

“Big sister, you’re supposed to be practicing martial arts, not dancing. What’s with the white lace?” Lin Shen swallowed hard, walking in with an air of righteous indignation.

Today, Ye Yuzhen wasn’t dressed in her usual athletic wear. Instead, she wore sporty shorts and a tank top, complemented by a pair of lace-trimmed stockings. The lace trim formed a visually pleasing “absolute territory” between the hem of her shorts and her knees. Her round, shapely legs were a sight that one couldn’t look away from.

One could argue that her outfit wasn’t suitable for martial arts practice, yet it seemed quite sporty.

On the other hand, it seemed a bit off for martial arts practice as well.

“I’ll wear what I want to wear. It’s not like I asked you to look. If you don’t like it, then don’t look,” Ye Yuzhen shot Lin Shen a glare and continued practicing.

Lin Shen thought to himself, “How can I not like to look? All men love to look.”

After watching for a while, Lin Shen couldn’t help but applaud and say, “The practice is just too good. I’ve never seen such stunning boxing. May I ask, what is the name of this style, heroine?”

“Beat the Pervert Fist,” Ye Yuzhen replied as she swung a hook punch in Lin Shen’s direction.

Lin Shen stepped back to dodge, thinking, “That should be called the Thug Excitement Fist, actually.”

“Practice,” Wei Wufu brought over a target and pulled Lin Shen over by his collar.

Lin Shen was full of resignation, internally complaining, “What matters more than finding a partner in life? You’re ruining my chances of continuing the family line!”

Wei Wufu dragged Lin Shen in front of the target and tossed the trident to him.

Lin Shen caught it with both hands but then tossed the trident back to Wei Wufu, saying with a smile, “I’ll use my own.”

“Too light, useless,” Wei Wufu wanted to say that ordinary weapons were too light to be of much use in practice.

“Not light,” Lin Shen said, taking out a Death Powder Capsule and directly transforming it into its pet state in his hand.

“Useful?” Wei Wufu looked at the limp rope in Lin Shen’s hand, frowning in disbelief.

Ye Yuzhen was also curious as she looked at the Death Powder in Lin Shen’s hand. She wondered what Lin Shen was doing with such a pet, as they were supposed to be practicing stabbing techniques. How could a rope-like pet be used for stabbing practice?

“Of course, it’s useful. Why would I bring it out if it wasn’t?” Lin Shen flicked his wrist casually, and the formerly limp Death Powder instantly became rigid.

Lin Shen initially wanted to swing it around a bit, but he found that the Death Powder seemed much heavier than the day before. What felt significantly lighter than the trident now seemed almost as heavy.

“What is that thing? It was so soft a moment ago, how did it suddenly become so hard?” Ye Yuzhen, having seen much in her time, was nonetheless unfamiliar with such a pet.

“I won’t tell you. This is my secret weapon,” Lin Shen said, with the serious demeanor of guarding a state secret.

“Who cares,” Ye Yuzhen said dismissively, turning away to continue practicing her boxing technique.

“Heavy enough?” Wei Wufu asked again.

“Try it yourself,” Lin Shen tossed the Death Powder to Wei Wufu.

Wei Wufu caught it and weighed it in his hands. It felt quite hefty, not much lighter than the trident, and he was quite satisfied. He threw the Death Powder back to Lin Shen, “Practice.”

Lin Shen caught the Death Powder and started practicing the “stab,” a skill Wei Wufu had taught him.

It was a simple stab move, but it was the essence of cold weapon techniques.


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