Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 276 Lord Ollie

Translator: SumTLMan

There was some damage and sharp pain spread through his whole body.

After all, it was part of the heart. A slight mistake will lead to the ruins of hopelessness. What’s more, the node in his heart is the core of the fantasy world. Destroying it is equivalent to the collapse of all other illusion spell nodes. Under such damage to his internal organs, Angel can only say he still takes this situation for granted.

He thought he was just breaking through a few nodes of magic power, and it shouldn’t do too much harm to his internal organs, but he was dead wrong. When the expression of magic power is replaced by new magic power, it is often impossible for the fusion of energy to be without loss, which is irrelevant elsewhere. But when the illusion spell node is in the internal organs, this little loss becomes a death warrant.

Angel only felt a sharp pain coming from his internal organs as a sense of nausea arose. He had unconsciously spurted out a mouthful of blood with minced flesh. Then his vision soon became dark as he fell unconscious to the ground.


Going back in time to a few minutes ago.

People in the Out-House area are beginning to realize something was wrong. According to Flora, they are no longer in the In-House area, but have come to a place called the “Nightmare Environment.”

The sudden appearance of Sanders and Flora’s pale complexion made them feel a sudden sense of crisis. Especially when Sanders kept his straight face from beginning to end. Even when Lydia accosted him, he didn’t open his mouth and stuck to what he was doing.

Sanders forehead was already covered with a fine layer of sweat, which showed the difficulty of what he was doing.

“It feels like we’ve come to a place of great importance.” Old white wizard Cooper looked on worriedly as he said: “This is such a mess, I wonder when it’s going to end.”

“Yes, we are clearly here to participate in the auction, but now we are in this situation. We still don’t know if there is any danger. Can we even get out of the Nightmare Environment? Lord Twilight aren’t you responsible for this?” A wizard accused.

Ever since she learned the young man was Sanders disciple, Twilight’s face has darkened with her overwhelming anger. But she has endured it for fear that someone will try to take advantage of the situation. Now someone has finally started. Although they didn’t directly point out her wrong behaviour, Twilight was very upset for them trying to attribute everything happening on her.

In the end, she still needs to give a response to everything happening before them. She thought for a moment and said to everyone: “If something happens to anyone after everyone leaves here, Twilight Auction House will naturally make up for it. But if everyone has nothing to do, how about consider this as watching a play?”

If this was a country with a sound code of law, this practise would violate the rights and personal liberty of everyone present. Perhaps this event would allow everyone to receive a large amount of compensation. However, this is the Wizard Plane. It’s good to just protect one’s life. It’s too beautiful to ask for too much.

“Then it’s settled. Let’s take a good look at this… Play.” The wizard replied.

In order not to let Twilight Auction House break its face, Twilight must come up with a resolution. All the sources of the problem point to the young man in the white fog. If she wants to move against this young man, she must first pass through Sanders. This plan is unfeasible, so she can only start from other aspects, such as… The only exit of the whole hall, the door behind the white fog.

Twilight waved her hand and summoned a member of the Twilight Guard as she said: “I will mentally connect with you. Go to the door and have a look at what’s going on behind. Be careful and pay careful attention, don’t do anything rash without my command.”

The Twilight guard member nodded and was about to step into the white fog.

“Don’t go in there. We haven’t finished dealing with the situation… For Angel. In this situation, no one is allowed to enter the place shrouded in the fog. Otherwise—there will be no pardon for my killing!” Sanders cold voice spread throughout the audience members.

This is the first time Sanders has spoken since his appearance. But the meaning of his words carries a strong threat.

“You!” Twilight angrily pointed to Sanders. However, she didn’t dare to say a bad word to him, and could only stare angrily at Sanders.

Sanders gave her a cold look and said: “If you want to die, please be my guest.”

Sanders uncompromising momentum enveloped the entire audience, and no one dared to refute him.

Lydia amorously walked to the centre of the luxurious hall and said in a coquettish tone: “Lord Sanders, your disciple is in the fog and outsiders naturally dare not question the situation. But now we have received a resolution. Do we really have to stand here and wait for the end of the play?”

Sanders looked at the In-House area where hundreds of people were trapped. He silently sighed and thought: Angel should be the only one worried.

“According to what Twilight said, you can continue watching the play. The result is already doomed anyway. Either everything will be all fine with no waves or there will be an uproar in the Southern Region which will cause a state of restlessness.”

Sanders didn’t want to give more explanations because it involved the Nightmare Plane. So, he directly threw out this sentence and then ignored the others.

The crowd looked at each other, but since the strongest person present had spoken. They also folded up their slightly uneasy hearts and stood aside to start watching the play.

After a while, a sudden cry came from the white fog: “Don’t come over here! Don’t come! Go back!”

When people were still wondering what was going on, they saw five strange cards rushing out of the white fog. They were armed and looked very strange.

“It’s another half-step wizard class demon… But there are only five, so this can easily be dealt with.” A wizard commented.

Twilight ordered the guards to kill the five card soldiers. Sanders didn’t stop them but took a glance and slightly focused on the gun in joker card’s hand before withdrawing his gaze.

These five card soldiers have done great harm to the Twilight Guards. Although they are similar in strength to the rainbow dragonflies, they are all armed with weapons!

Swords, spears and shields and all at least considered advanced class weapons.

The gun in the joker card’s hand had never been seen before today. But not too long ago, Angel was seen using a gun to block the Twilight Guards from casting spells. It’s just that it didn’t seem very powerful, so the crowd didn’t focus too much on it. However, the gun used by joker card was extremely powerful, and every bullet carries an unparalleled force.

In just a few seconds, another member of the defence team was shot dead.

But fortunately, although the other wizards said they were going to watch a play, they didn’t really stand idly by. The card soldiers were quickly subdued and eliminated under the helping hands. But in the end, like the rainbow dragonflies, the joker card had also disappeared. Only the four other card soldiers were torn to pieces by the group.

In the beginning, people were also worried that the joker card who was holding a long-range gun and would pose a threat to them after it became invisible. However, like the rainbow dragonflies, the joker didn’t attack anyone after it went invisible.

“Is it possible these strange things have no intention of fighting against us at all?” Someone doubtfully said.

A few minutes later, Angel’s scream came from the white fog.

Except for Sanders, everyone looked at the white fog. In a short time, a small group of Diamond card soldiers emerged with the demons. These card soldiers were very small and accompanied by the Teacup Band when they appeared. They didn’t advance or retreat, nor did they pose any threat. They just kept marching, as if they were welcoming the arrival of some Lord.

Flora frowned and whispered to Sanders: “Isn’t it wrong to leave Angel to face those demons alone?”

Sanders didn’t reply until a long while after: “If you were a villager eager to cross the river, would you kill the bridge builder?”


The sudden pain in Angel’s internal organs caused him to go into a coma.

But soon, Angel woke up again. From the horizon, he saw the Diamond card soldiers cross from the Nightmare Plane into the Nightmare Environment, which showed his coma wasn’t long.

“How can you commit suicide? You are the great contributor in Her Majesty’s efforts of expanding her territory.” An emotion came from the top of his head.

The one who expressed this emotion was the green-feathered owl doll, which was now flying in the air. It was very dissatisfied and stared at Angel with its lovely doll eyes. Its mouth began emitting out a green fog.

As soon as the green fog comes into contact with Angel. It turns into comfortable cool air and penetrates into his body to relieve the various injuries ailing his body. Even his heart injuries are smoothly healed by the green fog.

Apart from the heart, Angel’s limbs are now all rejuvenated.

The arm and leg bone which were originally broken into bone fragments have now completely recovered. Angel tentatively stood up, feeling no hindrance at all.

The green fog was so strong it was able to directly repair all his injuries except for the hole in his shoulder blade which was emitting the white fog.

The owl doll saved him. Although he was grateful in his heart, Angel has never changed his stance in terms of the Nightmare creatures.

Angel neglected to take care of the Diamond card soldiers. The first time he woke up, he checked to see if the fantasy world had disappeared. However, although the illusion spell node he built disappeared, the Nightmare Environment remained unchanged and the channel remained as stable as before.

“Even the destruction of the nodes is useless?!” Angel scrunched his eyebrows and now has no idea what to do.

Angel suddenly felt a familiar sense of heaviness coming from the top of his head and noticed the owl doll was nesting on his hair again.

Angel rolled his eyes in his heart: Is my head a precious treasure in the bird world? Why do birds like to nest on top of my head? Even bird dolls do the same.

“Sir Owl, can you go somewhere else? They’ve all left, why are you still here?” Angel asked.

The owl doll didn’t answer.

Angel thought for a moment and then spread the sentence through his emotional fluctuations.

This time, the owl doll understood what he said, but the other party’s focus was wrong: “Oh my gosh, I’m the famous Lord Ollie. It’s rude of you to refer to me as Sir Owl!”

The owl doll said as it frantically began pecking the top of Angel’s head with its beak.

Although it’s a doll, it still hurts him when it pecks. Angel kept apologizing and cried: “Lord Ollie, I was wrong, stop pecking me! Stop pecking!”

The owl doll stopped and outwardly spread green ripples: “Remember this. I am Lord Ollie! Don’t call me by the wrong name! This is the name, her majesty, the Queen personally bestowed upon me, and it’s my honour!”

“Yes, sir!” Angel kept answering.

After grooming his hair a little, Angel felt there were two demons still close in his vision: A red fox playing with a harp and a green frog singing an aria.

“Who is the fox playing the harp and frog singing an aria?” Because the owl doll uses emotional fluctuations for dialogue. When he sees the scene on the horizon, Angel subconsciously uses his emotional fluctuation.

The owl doll replied: “The Fox and Frog? Great, The Queen’s Night Tour cannot be without the accompaniment of professional musicians!”

After hearing the owl doll’s words, Angel felt their names were vaguely familiar. But he didn’t further question it. Because at this time, an idea suddenly popped into his mind.


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