Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 184 Whereabouts of Gloria

Angel doesn’t know the reason. But he knows the first knock on the path of true knowledge and to set foot on the path of true knowledge are two separate things.

All Wizards who set foot on the path of true knowledge will never show others the way. Only when they walk out on their own can they truly be called a True Wizard on the path of true knowledge. However, the first knock on the path of true knowledge is not the “rearrangement and combination of a spell,” but having the heart of “creation.”

Creating and applying what one has already learned in the past is the first knock on the path of true knowledge. Angel had created [Dust] and used it at the right time during his battle. Even if it didn’t work out because his opponent was the Trickle of the Resting Stream, but this doesn’t matter. Sanders is more interested in what was behind the creation of [Dust].

“It turned out to be derived from Dust Removal.” Sanders quickly arranged and combined the wind and soil elements of Dust Removal in his mind. Although he did not have the cheating computational abilities of the Holographic Tablet. But as a senior Wizard. He can roughly infer the combination and distribution of the wind and soil elements of the [Dust] spell simply by looking down from an overall perspective.

“With a deeper understanding of a spell’s composition, it will make it easier for you to learn a new spell.” When Sanders said this sentence, he motioned Angel to open up the notebook. He briefly began describing some foundational information about the illusion system.

What makes up the so-called illusion. After all, is true and false, or false and true. No one can fathom, guess or catch an illusion. This is the foundation and basis of an illusion.

When it comes to illusions, ordinary people think of visions that can deceive their eyes. But for the Illusion Wizard, an illusion that only deceives the eyes is merely the most basic illusion.

The real illusion. In fact, is different from other branches in that it is the cognition of the self, culmination of truth and view into the nature of the world.

For example, a mental illusion system combines thoughts with emotions through the interpretation of changes and details in the heart. A mirage system combines a natural interpretation of heaven and earth through the weather changes and phenomena created between the light and shadow refractions. There is also the reality and illusory system that can grasp all perceptions of things through the boundaries of reality and illusion and the combinations of reality and illusion.

In addition, there are many other different directions in illusion. Such as the variation system, sound magic system, magic array system, etc.

However, these are still far away from Angel. What he needs to do now is to learn about basic illusions and clarify the direction he will choose to follow in the future.

“The main points behind a basic illusion must be clearly recognized. Only when a caster recognizes the truth behind an illusion will this allow them to truly create an illusion for others. Otherwise, there will be some logical fallacies during the presentation of the illusion. Such as Winter plants growing in the summer or fruits from trees buried in the soil. As long as the people presented with the illusion do not have a brain disorder, they will be able to break your illusion easily.”

“Of course, what I’m talking about are basic illusions. Once you choose your own direction in the path of illusion, the dazzling world of illusions will be free for you to roam. If you want to create trees that grow on clouds, talking puppets, or even dogs with cat heads. These are all fine.”

As Sanders was speaking at this moment, Angel remembers about those strange phantom beasts… on Phantom Island. Are these creations all caused by Sanders casting illusions? Those phantom beasts seem real and have real flesh and blood.

“The main point of the foundation of illusions is not only to recognize truth. But also, to learn how to grasp what is in an environment and choose the appropriate illusion according to the location.” Sanders explained these were within the scope of a basic illusion. He also points out the areas that Angel should pay particular attention to when he begins learning about illusion, so as to avoid long detours.

As for the specific implementation method, it is necessary for Angel to explore it himself. Sanders seems determined not to interfere with Angel’s exploration of spells.

After explaining the foundation of illusions, Sanders answered Angel’s doubts he has been having in recent days about his spiritual practice.

Angel did not have many doubts about his spiritual practice. But because he had recently gone out of his way to learn alchemy without any guidance. He wanted to ask Sanders about it. But he couldn’t ask Sanders questions on alchemy since he didn’t pursue alchemy.

After the teacher-student question-and-answer session ended cordially. Angel originally intended to bid farewell to Sanders, but then Housekeeper Goode came to the study and reported to them that dinner was ready.

Angel has been eating dried food for several months, and he couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva when he smelled the aroma coming in the direction of the dining hall.

When Sanders saw this, he smiled in his heart and said with a slightly teasing tone: “Are you waiting for me to invite you to dinner?”

Angel was stupefied. He thought he had swallowed his saliva secretively, but he was caught anyways. His cheeks inexplicably became hot, and only then did his heart feel a sense of shame. At this time, his shame appeared again.

“No!” Angel responded with a strong denial at the invitation, and then quickly turned around and said: “Mentor, I think I haven’t put food out for Toby yet. I’ll go back first.”

“Wait, have some before you go. I’ll wait for you in the dining hall.” When Sanders finished speaking, he took the lead and went out of the study. Leaving Angel in a frozen position of indecision. He knew his little apprentice was thin-skinned, so he stopped teasing him.

Angel was acting coy for a long time, struggling with whether to go to dinner or not. In the end, he finally decided to come to the dining hall. Anyway, he has already lost all face. At least he can thankfully have a full meal, ah!

This is the first time Angel has dined with Sanders since he came off from the Cloud Whale.

The dining table is still looking very luxurious and aristocratic, but the inside of the dinner plates was not what Angel had expected.

In between two sandwich bread slices was not the normal bacon and ham, but wriggling green transparent worms that were twisting their bodies everywhere. The plants in the soup were like seaweed while the contents of the bowl constantly shifted in colour. Even the most normal-looking fruit had scales on the side which he did not see at the time.

Looking at these dishes, Angel suddenly completely lost his appetite.

“The sandwiches are filled with warm cloud worms. They live in the Cloud Soil and like to absorb light from sunrises and sunsets. This kind of dish has special effects on the body which can help slightly improve the fluency and utilization of magic power. What is in the soup plate is a magic plant, and this fruit is called fish scale fruit which are all good for your constitution.” Sanders paused: “These special ingredients, if not all cooked by a Gourmet Wizard, will lose their special effects if cooked at random. All Gourmet Wizards are basically in Fairytail Town, so take this opportunity to eat up.”

Angel knows about warm cloud worm because this is not only a food ingredient but also an alchemy material for refining potions.

However, he does not want any of the special effects! Why can they not have the dishes served on the Cloud Whale? He just wants an ordinary meal! Angel silently shed wide noodly tears at the bottom of his heart.

The process of eating was indescribable. After finishing the meal, Angel felt he could eat dried food for a month and not vomit.

Fortunately, the dessert after dinner looks normal.

While eating dessert. Angel asked Sanders if there were any records about the Nightmare Plane in the new issue of the < Infinite Potential and Desolate Plane Exploration Record >.

“You are quite well informed, you even know about the Frost Moon Chronicle.” Sanders jokes.

It’s hard for him not to know if all the people in Apprentice Town have come out for this occasion. Angel thought darkly.

“In this chronicle, there are descriptions of the Nightmare Plane. But there is still not much about it, but one piece of news may interest you. If you want to go see it, head to my study to pick it up later.”

News that he would be interested in? Angel doesn’t know much about the Nightmare Plane. Is the news of interest about Nightfall City?

Angel asked Sanders, but Sanders did not answer, he just wants to let Angel see for himself.

As for borrowing the < Infinite Potential and Desolate Plane Exploration Record >. Sanders did not mention the rental price at all, and Angel was naturally happy to act dumb.

“But this time, the Frost Moon Alliance is not just here to publish their chronicle.” The corners of Sanders mouth showed a slight sneer and paused. Angel waited for ages but didn’t hear Sanders say the next part.

“I’m going to my lab. Allow Goode to guide you to get the Frost Moon Chronicle after you’re done eating.” Sanders wiped his mouth elegantly, lifted his cape and left smartly.

After saying goodbye and leaving Phantom Island, Angel walked back under the moonlight.

Under the dim light in the night. The Falling Cloud Leaf Platform was lit under the glow of the fluorescent street lamp while swaying with a faint brilliance. The original pale green leaves reflected a strange sense of beauty and tranquillity.

While waiting for the Treevine Bus. Angel took advantage of the soft light from the streetlamp. Then he took out the 17th issue of the < Infinite Potential and Desolate Plane Exploration Record > and slowly flipped through it.

Like the Frost Moon Alliance’s previous chronicles, they begin with hymns of praise about the explorers and expeditions.

Only later did he begin to read about the desolate plane catalogue. Judging from the catalogue, it was mostly about them opening up a new plane or performing some major deeds in a battle during some plane campaign.

There was no trace or mention of the Nightmare Plane in the catalogue for nearly a thousand pages of the chronicle.

At this point, the Treevine Bus arrives at his station stop.

When Angel got home, he continued reading the < Infinite Potential and Desolate Plane Exploration Record >. He searched page by page. And it took him a long time before he found a short piece of news describing the Nightmare Plane during the middle of the night.

[Stone Statue Plane, one of the thirteen logistic planes of the expedition. Thirty years ago, it was accidentally connected to the Nightmare Plane, and members of the expedition began to cross the channel into the Nightmare Plane. The channel took only three minutes to cross with a total of 37 people entering. The highest commander during this expedition was a Second Level Wizard. But the final result was complete annihilation…]

This record cannot be said to be of no value. At least Angel knows a channel connecting to the Nightmare Plane does not only appear in the Wizard Plane but also in other planes as well. But that was all he gleaned.

Sanders said he would be interested in the news. This should not be it, right?

Angel continued to flip towards the back of the chronicle. When the time was closely approaching dawn, he found a message in the last few pages of the chronicle.

He noticed the message was not about the Nightmare Plane but was simply… a picture beside a message about an obese woman with large purple curls and heavy makeup who had several layers of meat on her face.

Diamond Barbie, Gloria.

[Six months ago. Gloria of Barbie’s Restaurant fought with Aging Mother Deer Ape. One of the five strongest Three Star Scholars in the Cold and Iron World when she was searching for ingredients in the Winter Plane. She was defeated and ran away from the battle. Three months later, with the expedition’s resident Wizard “Bud” in the Thousand Seas, they sick up to attack Aging Mother Deer Ape but failed in the end. The three people were then involved in a strange plane channel incident leaving these three missing. Preliminary estimates point to this channel is a Nightmare Plane channel.]

When Gloria entrusted Toby to Angel, she said she would leave the Southern Region and head to more distant lands to find ingredients to break through her barriers. Unexpectedly, she finally chose to go to a different plane. What Angel didn’t expect was that she just went to an ectopic plane and was finally involved in a Nightmare Plane channel accident.

There is no doubt about the dangers involved when going to the Nightmare Plane. Even Second Level Wizards with more than 30 First Level Wizards were wiped out in a Nightmare Plane exploration. Gloria id a Gourmet Wizard, she is not good at fighting. If she were besieged by the Nightmare Plane monsters, she may have had a bad accident or is in immediate danger now.

Angel silently laments at what Gloria may have encountered.

At this moment, he deeply realized travelling on the road of a Wizard was a bumpy one. Even after being promoted to a formal Wizard, in order to break through the barrier and find truth, burying one’s bones in faraway lands is the common practice.


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