Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 160 Saviour

It took Shalem 15 minutes to derive the magic model and nearly half an hour to build it. By the time “Water Supply” was actually cast, an hour had passed.

“Do you usually take an hour to learn new magic?” Angel asked doubtfully.

Shalem shook his head and said shyly, “Your magic construct was relatively simple. So I was able to learn it faster.”

Angel: “… How long did it take you to learn to cast Cleansing?”

Shalem: “About half a day? But I still can’t use it skillfully in my daily life yet.”

Angel is a little silent. It seems that the Singularity Scattering Mediation brought him more surprises than simply helping him with practice. It also helps him in learning spells much faster than others.

Water Supply can only be regarded as a half-failed magic model, and the final result is just a half cup of water. The three rolled up some leaves into cups, but the water did not even wet their lips leaving them still a bit thirsty.

But some water is better than no water at all.

Angel: “When I have time, I will try to improve it and see if I can increase the effects.”

Shalem: “Instead of improving this spell, it would be better for you to learn water ball later. One water ball will be enough for the three of us to drink for a day.”

Angel: “That’s right, but it doesn’t hurt to do more research.”

While the three were chatting, there was a sudden loud noise coming from Phantom Island in the distance which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Thousands of apprentices raised their heads, and at this moment there was no noise in the air, but dead silence. Everyone’s eyes were burning eyes as if they were looking into the eyes of a lover as they stared madly at Phantom Island.

“Is the Wizard Garden over there?” Angel also looked up too. There was still a long way away from Phantom Island, and he could only catch a faint glimpse of the magnificent empty island obscured by clouds and mists.

The crowd watched Phantom Island for a long time, but Phantom Island seemed to return to a state of serenity after experiencing the loud noise.

After the period of silence, someone slowly began talking and a conversation started. Just as the crowd returned from the sudden excitement. Suddenly, there were bursts of sounds with birds calling coming from Phantom Island. The sound permeated extremely far and all around the vicinity of the island.

Then, from nowhere, a violent wind rolled up as people watched the clouds and mist in the sky dispersed. A dark cloud began stretching hundreds of miles and suddenly hung like a curtain in the sky. The bright and clear sky had faded in an instant as if day and night had alternated in a twinkling of an eye.

The dark clouds came, strong winds came, and lightning and thunder also patronized the area unexpectedly. At this time, the people on the ground are fine. But those who flew in mid-air were all swept up by the wind. Swaying around from east to west and having difficulty staying balanced with their bodies.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of apprentices close to Phantom Island were slapped into Phantom Island. Because of the strong wind, when they fell to the island by the force, they were cut in half by the magic power.

For a moment, there were screams all over the place.

The Angel trio also began swaying from the strong wind, but fortunately, they had stepped back on the leaves of the Tree of Eternity before, and had vines beside them. Even if there was a strong wind sweeping through, they could still hold onto the vines tightly.

But with the support, they wanted to return to balance. As the wind blew, an uncomfortable feeling arose in them which did not reduce at all.

Angel had just experienced a spell backlash, and his physical and mental condition was at its lowest point. Now with his centre of gravity constantly shifting from the wind. His previously pale face became even paler, and even the corners of his mouth and nostrils began bleeding again.

“Angel, are you all right?” Of the three, Nausica undoubtedly has the most amount of ease in this situation. She has the best physique. Even if she grabs a vine and becomes weightless by the wind. She does not feel a trace of discomfort at all.

Angel couldn’t even speak at this time. He could only grit his teeth and forced himself to overdraw his strength.

Nausica looked at Shalem. Now he was clasping on to the vine with both hands and was blown towards a small trunk while lying on his stomach. His situation looked much better than the both of them. He also had the leisure to protect his small book bag around his waist.

Nausica took hold of the vine and made several successive steps through the wind, rushing to Angel while dancing through the branches.

Grasping Angel’s arm, she lends him some support.

Angel’s eyes were grateful for Nausica giving him support behind his back. Receiving this help, he instantly felt much better. But he did not feeling better for more than a few minutes before the sequela of his excessive blood loss had suddenly burst out at this moment. He felt dizzy, his vision began to darken, and his line of sight slowly scattered.

When Nausica originally lent one of her hands to Angel, she could still support it, but when Angel suffered a state of semi-shock. His whole body weight was pressed against her, and she immediately felt the unbearable pressure in this situation.

“Angel? Angel?!” Nausica grits her teeth and screamed, but he did not respond. She propped up his limp neck and turned to Shalem and shouted, “Shalem, what’s wrong with Angel?”

Shalem, who was protecting his cherished book in his bag, raised his head and heard Nausica’s cry before immediately looking up at Angel.

“No, Angel seems to be in a coma! His face is covered with blood!”

Nausica’s heart sank when she saw that Angel was in a coma. If she wanted to hold onto the weight of both of them by herself, she would not last long. But… she couldn’t give Angel up… She had to fight through this ordeal. She has to hang on. Her heart prays secretly the wind will quickly pass.

After another two more minutes of support, Nausica’s strength was pushed to the limit. Sweat kept pouring out from her body and bulging green veins appeared on her forehead, neck and arms.

At this time, a drop of sweat slipped from Nausica’s forearm to Angel’s face. The wet sweat made Angel’s chaotic thinking create a gap, and in a moment he suddenly awakened from his quagmire.

Angel opened his eyes and saw Nausica’s horrible look, completely different from the usual sexy beauty of the past.

As soon as Angel woke up, Nausica felt it immediately. Because Angel stretched out his hand again and grabbed a piece of vine. Allowing her pressure to alleviate in the twinkling of an eye.

“Thank you!” Angel grabbed the vine and shouted to Nausica.

Nausica gasped for a while before she whispered, “Hold on by yourself. I really don’t have any strength left.”

She was waiting for Angel to respond, but before he could respond. A violent wind blew, forcing her to lose the grip on his hand…

Thrown out by the wind, he began swirling in the air and falling down.

“Angel!” Seeing Angel fall off from the vine, Nausica and Shalem flashed a moment of shock in their eyes. Then they mournfully called out Angel’s name as he fell.

Falling from a height hundreds of meters in the air, they were frightened just by imagining the scene when he lands.

Nausica just felt endless remorse surround her. If she hadn’t just let go of him and pulled Angel to herself, maybe he wouldn’t have been blown off…

Angel was falling fast as he was moving farther and farther away from the Falling Cloud Leaf Platform.

His own mind went blank, and only one sentence appeared in his head: Am I going to die?

Instead of dying in the Nightmare Plane, he would die here.

As Angel was about to fall to the ground there was a strong unwillingness to die like this, but before he landed, there was a current rising from behind…

“Why, isn’t this the golden-haired little brother? Instead of coming to this ageing mother for tea, you decided to kill yourself?” Angel’s ear was filled with a female voice that sounded like it came from a loudspeaker.

Angel opened his eyes suddenly, and a woman made of white fog was looking at him in mid-air.

“I don’t want to kill myself.” Angel looked at the white fog woman and immediately reflected the identity of the person. His eyes were overjoyed as he shouted to her: “Lord Mirror Ji, please save me…”

The White Fog woman is one of the Savage Grottoes Three Great Ancestors. Mirror Ji, the Mirror Plane’s Mirror. When Angel entered the Mirror World, he had gained recognition with Mirror Ji.

“Save you?” Mirror Ji looked at Angel’s face and said to herself, “Well, for the sake of your good looks, I can save you once.” Mirror Ji reached out slightly as the white fog immediately surrounded Angel and stopped him from landing hard.

“But this ageing woman didn’t save your life for nothing.” Mirror Ji appeared at Angel’s side. “You have to at least pay me back with the same favour.”

Angel was still in shock at this time, and his gratitude to Mirror Ji was at its highest point. So he did not hesitate to say. “No problem, what can I do for Lord Mirror Ji? I will try my best to accomplish it!”

Mirror Ji wrapped Angel in her white fog and rose slowly.

“I can’t think of how you would repay me at the moment. So, I’ll remember this first, and wait till I think about what you can do so later.” Mirror Ji said indifferently. She saved him because she likes looking at Angel’s good looks. She didn’t want a junior apprentice to repay her kindness but just mentioned it casually.

“Now I’m going to repair the hole in the plane caused by the advent of the world consciousness. Where do you want to go now? I can take you there.” Mirror Ji looked at the dark clouds in the sky, feeling a little depressed. She was getting her beauty rest, but with the sudden arrival of the world consciousness. It made a big hole in the Mirror World. In order to not let the Mirror World collapse, she had to suppress her grogginess and repair the hole in the plane.

For a moment, Angel thought he wanted to go to Falling Cloud Leaf Platform to rendezvous with his two buddies, but now that the wind is blowing too hard. He is likely to be blown off again when he arrives at Falling Cloud Leaf Platform.

After thinking about it, Angel said. “Can you take me to mentor Sanders?”

Mirror Ji was suddenly stunned. “Did you call Sanders your mentor? Are you the new apprentice for Sanders?”

Angel nodded: “Sanders is my mentor.”

After listening, Mirror Ji suddenly became silent and did not speak or move for a long time. When Angel saw the situation, he thought there was a feud between Mirror Ji and Sanders, and his heart secretly screamed bad. If he had known this, he would have said to send him back to the ground.

After a while, Mirror Ji suddenly said in a shy and timid voice. “Well, Sanders is your mentor. That’s right. That’s just alright. I thought about how you’re going to repay the favour…”

Central area of Phantom Island.

The wind was still blowing strong, but When Angel is behind Sanders, he didn’t feel any discomfort at all.

Toby also returned to his side and stood on his shoulders with his chest held high.

Angel: “Mentor…”

Sanders turned over and looked at Angel with a golden monocle. With the lens covering his face, Angel couldn’t really see Sanders eyes.

“Mirror Ji…Lord Mirror Ji said…” Angel felt uncomfortable when he recalled the request made by Mirror Ji not too long ago.

“You can turn a deaf ear to anything she says.” Seeing Angel’s hesitation, Sanders recalls Mirror Ji’s style. How can he not guess Mirror Ji’s mind?

“But Lord Mirror Ji saved me.”

Sanders glanced at Angel. “That’s because you’re too weak. All right, we’ll talk about this later, the Wizard Garden is about to take shape. You’ll stand back and watch.”


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