Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 138 David’s Aircraf

Thanks to signs that were put up. Angel finally arrived at his destination after getting lost several times. He resolutely refused to admit he was a directionally challenged person. It must have been because the crypt routes were too scattered. Yes, that’s the only plausible explanation!

When Angel arrived, Shalem was having dinner. He was eating barbecue meat and cardamom soup from the crypt market.

“Angel, how nice to see you! The barbecue I just bought is still hot. Shall we eat it together?” Shalem was so happy to see Angel that he tore his barbecue meat in half and attempted to hand it over to him.

Angel waved his hand and pointed to the bag in his other hand. “I’ve already had something to eat at the market and brought over some snacks for you and Nausica.”

Bottles of beautifully installed milk, as well as a variety of milk snacks, were placed in front of Shalem in varying shapes and sizes. But there was one thing in common–they were all dairy products. Milk from cows and goats belong to the normal category, but narwhal milk, grass locust milk, ice cocci milk and so on… These are some of the outliers.

Looking at the row of snacks, Shalem wondered. “Angel, do you like dairy products a lot?”

Angel went stiff for a moment before he replied. “No, how could you have such an unreliable impression?”

Shalem pointed to the bag of snacks: “These are all dairy products, and the smell of milk is floating all over my room.”

“Ha-ha.” Angel turned around and said, “Because you are still young. It’s good for children to eat more dairy products, so that’s why I bought them especially for you. Personally, I don’t like these things.”

“Oh, really?” Shalem said while a little suspicious.

“Let me remove everything on display before you go and call Nausica.” Angel pushed Shalem out the door until Shalem disappeared at the end of the tunnel.

How could his lofty image in Shalem’s mind be destroyed by dairy products? Angel vowed he would never bring dairy products along with him in the future. It was too detrimental to the imposing image that he has set up!

After a while, Shalem came back, but he was alone.

“Miss Nausica is still meditating. She said she wouldn’t come by but asked me to say hello to you for her.” Shalem sighed with a worried look on his face. “Miss Nausica has been very restless these days. She has been driving away messy thoughts every time she meditates, which is making her worry even more. She can only keep meditating constantly, but the effect seems to not be very good.”

“This is also a necessary process of spiritual practice. After all, this is not a matter of exercising from an early age. It is normal to have more messy thoughts with age. This is a small threshold that she just has to cross. Nausica’s life experience is very rich. It will allow her to save many efforts in the follow-up practice.” Angel said.

It’s been almost a month. She doesn’t even know how to take the first step. No wonder Nausica is very anxious.

“What about you? Have you found the mental force yet?” Angel asked Shalem.

“Not yet, but I found a clue and believe that this step can be completed in the near future.” Shalem said.

When Shalem heard that Angel was at the door of the third step, his eyes were filled with envy and surprise, but not jealousy.

“You’re one step ahead of us. It seems that I need to work harder.” Shalem instantly boosted his morale and fighting spirit.

After another chat with Shalem about the latest situation, he said goodbye and left. Angel picked up the rest of the snacks and went to Nausica’s room.

When he came in, Nausica was still sitting on the bed while meditating silently.

Angel looked around the underground compartment. It was no different from when he moved out more than a month ago. With only the barest daily necessities and a few household items. This is a woman’s room, but compared to Shalem’s room, it is even more desolate and monotonous.

From these details, he can see how much effort Nausica has put into her practice. She has focused all her energy on meditation and had no time for the rest or to take care of herself.

Angel noticed that on the platform of the vent, there was a long-handled pipe that Nausica regularly smokes. Angel went over and took her pipe to observe it in the palm of his hand. There was no tobacco in the pipe, and the handle was covered with some dust. It was clear its master had not used it for many days.

“What are you doing here?” The sexy voice is still the same, just a little hoarser.

Angel lifted the bag in his hand and said, “This is for you, girls love dairy snacks. I bought them especially for you.”

Nausica lifted her head and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Angel handed it to Nausica, and waved her pipe: “Where did you put your tobacco?”

Nausica casually pointed to the snakeskin bag in the corner of the room: “Why, do you want to learn to smoke too? Come on, it’s better for children to drink more milk.”

Angel ignored Nausica’s teasing. He proceeded to pour the tobacco into her pipe, lit it and handed it to Nausica.

Angel said, “It smells terrible, and I don’t smoke.”

Nausica: “Then why did you light it?”

“You smoke though, maybe if you smoke, your mind will be clearer.” Angel said while waving his hand behind Nausica: “In many situations. The more you dig yourself in a hole, the more unable you are to get rid of the narrowing circumstances you face. Change the way, change the mood and return to the most natural you. Maybe you will be able to escape your repetitive cycle. I’m leaving first. I hope you’ll cheer up the next time I see you.”

Looking at Angel’s fleeting figure move farther and further away. Nausica looked at the smoke rising in her hands again as if she had gained some sort of inspiration.

Back in Apprentice Town, when Angel was walking down an alley. A strange-looking teenager was playing with a little bird in a plaid waistcoat. He was holding a tiny pile of bird food in his hand. Cooing with his mouth and praying that the bird flies down from the air.

That bird is Toby. Angel didn’t know the teenager, but judging from his strange outfit, he should also be a Wizard Apprentice.

Angel walked into the alley and immediately startled the teenager and bird.

The teenager turned his head with vigilance, and when he saw Angel’s appearance which was obscured by sunlight. He accidentally fell.

He was wearing a strange round metal hat with antennas and thread-like embellishments at the top. The teenager’s face could not be seen clearly because he was wearing a pair of brown goggles that took up half his face. It was not a surprising outfit. As he wore a brown coat, green trousers and a red scarf around his neck.

While Angel was looking at the teenager, the other side was also looking back at him.

Angel held out his hand to the teenager, but the teenager vigilantly took two steps back. Now that the other party did not greet him at all, he pulled his hand back. The bird who ignored his coaxing circled around in the air and landed on Angel’s hand.

When the teenager saw Toby’s affection for Angel, he wondered, “Did you raise this spoiled pet?”

“Spoiled pet? No, he’s not a pet. He’s my friend. He’s called Toby.” Angel put Toby on his shoulder and pointed at himself: “My name is Angel, a new talent who just joined the Savage Grottoes this year.”

When the teenager heard the introduction from the man and bird. He shyly took off his goggles and revealed his freckled face. “My name is David, about one year older than you. I’ve been in the Savage Grottoes for five years. I’m sixteen years old now. Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t want to do anything to Toby. I just want him to help me with an experimental aircraft I had just built.”

David pulls out a metal screw rod that looks a bit like a propeller from a small oblique bag.

“I work as an assistant at Promi Alchemy Shop. This is my first alchemy creation. I call it a spiral aircraft.” David held the small screw rod in his hand and with a look of frustration on his face, he said: “Because of the lack of materials, I can only make a miniature aircraft. I couldn’t test it myself. I just wanted to find a small creature to test it out, so when I saw this bird…”

“Oh, I see.” Angel suddenly realized: “But birds can already fly by themselves, right?”

David froze for a moment and suddenly sensed something wrong with his argument: “That’s right! How could I forget that birds can fly! ”

David looked sad. “Oh well, I’d better go to the stream and catch a rabbit to test my creation out…”

“It’s all right, just let Toby try it. I’ll let him fly because he has wings. Toby should be relatively safe with his wings. In this way, even if it fails, Toby will not fall off because he can still fly.” Angel was also interested in this aircraft.

He remembers that in the alchemy book recorded in the Nightmare Plane, there were several aircraft diagrams with different power sources. He didn’t know what kind of power device David was using.

After a while, Toby was placed on the back of the spiral aircraft.

“You can do it, Toby!” Angel encourages as he approaches.

Toby glanced at Angel with disdain. As Angel approached, Toby clawed at his face. Angel’s face would have been left with four bloody holes, but thanks to Toby’s lack of sharp claws, that wasn’t the case. Even so, his handsome face still had red marks to show he’d been scratched.

“Take off! Take off!” David said while looking at the beautiful aircraft. He put all of his hopes on Toby.

David sticks out his finger and silently injects a spell into the energy source of the spiral aircraft.

“It’s too wasteful to use magic crystals as an energy source. So, for the time being, I’ll use magic instead as an energy source.” David explained.

With the injection of magic, the alchemy device began starting. The red light on the lever lights up, and then the spiral wing starts to spin and fly up. In Toby’s confused state, the spiral wing blasted off. Constantly lifting higher and higher. Continuing to rise, rise, and rise…

Looking at the little black spot moving farther and farther away.

Angel turned his head and looked at David: “Is there no steering gear?”

David laughed innocently and said, “I haven’t learned that yet.”

There was a fire in Angel’s eyes: “Then what’s the use of the flying machine you’ve built?” Immediately, he raised his head and shouted anxiously, “To…Tob… Toby!! Lose the aircraft!”

Toby is in the clouds thinking about his bird’s life. Does he continue flying, or does he dismantle the aircraft? At that moment, he vaguely heard Angel’s cry and immediately responded.

With a wave of his wings, the aircraft fell behind his back.

Then Toby hovered down and landed on Angel’s shoulder.

On the other side, David came over with his head held down. Holding the two broken halves of his aircraft.

Angel thought David was depressed about his aircraft and was waiting to come forward to apologize to Toby. After all, he made Toby crash it.

But when Angel approached, where could he see David’s sadness? The corners of his mouth could not stop hooking up: “Yahoo, the aircraft is flying, this is great! I have succeeded in making something fly!”

Succeeded in making something flying? Angel looked at David with pity on his face. This child’s vision was too small.

But the next second, Angel’s pity turned into resentment.

—Can you make it clear when you are testing this defective product? If Toby hadn’t understood human language and could fly on his own. He would have been left hopeless.

This is not a fortunate event, but a murder plot!


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