Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 134 Old Book

The third day of the 10th Month of Cold, Apprentice Town No. 8.

On this day, Angel got up early, groomed himself and dressed in a well fitted tailored black gentleman’s outfit.

In the mirror, the young boy in a blink of an eye turned into an elegant aristocrat. With a tall nose, thin lips, and eyes as deep as the blue sea. Aside from his slightly strange-looking messy short golden-hair. With today’s aesthetic standards, Angel is an absolutely first-rate handsome man. Usually, he does not dress very neatly. Even then, he is still able to attract everyone’s attention. When he began to pay attention to his appearance. He became even more handsome and eye-catching.

“It always feels as if I am missing something.” If there are outsiders here, they must have already felt he was perfect. With his temperament and outfit, his whole appearance is already top-notch. But Angel himself was somewhat unsatisfied.

At this time, there was a chirping sound outside on the ground-floor window. Angel went over to open the window and the fresh air drifted into the room. Along with the outside air came a seabird dressed in a black gentlemen’s outfit, it was Toby.

Toby circled Angel’s room, and then the familiar seabird fell on Angel’s head.

One big and one small, both are facing the mirror, four pair of eyes are facing each other.

The same outfit, the same ignorant expression, the same posture…

“I know what I’m missing. I don’t have a hat!” Angel looked in the mirror at Toby’s little body. When he landed on his golden head of hair, he immediately recalled the fear of Toby dominating his hair on the Cloud White.

There was a market in Apprentice Town, and vendors in the nearby villages and towns had been stationed at the market for a long time. Angel soon bought a completely black high-top oval-brimmed hat from a special hat stall.

Angel hurried home against Toby’s protest…

Along the way, Angel garnered a lot of attention. The combination of appearance, outfit and equally cute Toby was very eye-catching. But this is limited to attention from ordinary people. To Wizard Apprentices, Angel does not blend in as one of them at all. Normally, these apprentices rarely go out. It can be guessed that they are nested in their basements while doing experiments.

Driving Toby out of his hair, Angel wears the black high hat with elegantly. With a dark red bowtie and a white silk lining, Angel has added a mysterious flavour to his elegant and handsome looks.

He is going to be that person today.

As a sign of respect, Angel naturally wishes he could meet people giving his best impression.

Moreover, Flora also told Angel about Old Book: “He is a very wise old man, but a bit too rigid while acting like a very well-behaved person. If you want to see him, remember to dress up formally.”

Even if Flora doesn’t mention it, Angel will correct his behaviour. He doesn’t want to forget the glory of the lion’s heart carved into his bones because he had indulged in power.

“Lion Heart Fire, Never Extinguish.” The button on the gentleman’s outfit uses the Pat family emblem: The Lion Heart. Angel is actually wearing this outfit for the first time. Originally, it was custom made to be worn when his brother was awarded his title. He did not expect that before Leona’s inherited his title. He would turn the corner and depart from Old Land, Big 6 to travel alone to the legendary Big 6 mainland.

Angel silently recites the clan precepts. At this moment, the youth in the mirror seems to have gained more of a temperament, which exuded responsibility and leniency.

“Come on Toby. It’s has been rumoured that the elder is the most knowledgeable person in the Southern Region. Maybe he can help you find a way to grow.” Angel went out this time not only for his own sake but also for Toby’s.

Although Gloria only asked him to take care of Toby. Toby has been together on the road with him for a long time. Angel and Toby have forged a deep bond in the past few months, so Angel wants to take this opportunity and hopes to find a way to help Toby grow.

Not long after stepping out of Apprentice Town No. 8, Angel did not walk much before he saw a green vine ladder coming down from the sky. It was connected to a leaf platform at a height of ten meters.

After Angel climbed onto the platform, it didn’t take long for a Treevine Bus to slow down and stop.

On the bus, Angel quietly pondered the main points of “mental force” induction in his mind.

When he senses mental force, he will really take his first steps in transcendence.

There are three steps to take. The first step is to sense the mental force, the second step is to manipulate the mental force, and the third step is to build a mental force model. Once the mental force model has been built, one can be called a First Level Apprentice. Aubrey is currently at this stage.

After a while of contemplation, Angel was awakened by a burst of cheers.

Looking out of the carriage. the sounds came from the middle of Tree Spirit Court. A huge square was suddenly illuminated by sunlight.

The Tree of Eternity has huge branches and broad leaves that completely block out the sun. The Tree Spirit Court is located below the Tree of Eternity. Occasionally, the sunshine sprinkles through from the gaps, but it is usually dark all year round.

Today, the central square which covers an area of several kilometres is completely exposed to the sun. The golden sunshine illuminates the surface like glittering golden sand.

Angel looks up into the air, and hundreds of meters of leaves were now all rolled up, uncovering the large square.

“It seems that Lord Tree Spirit is very merciful today and is ready to show the light for people below.” Angel said this dark passage from the bottom of his heart.

But is it worth such a cheer? If one wants to bask in the sun, just take the Treevine Bus on the branches of the Tree of Eternity.

When Angel looked back again. Strangely, he did not see a gap over the central square in the Tree Spirit Court. And the cheering from apprentices that had poured out one after another for the gap had also stopped.

Twenty minutes later, Angel arrived at the platform of his destination.

On the small platform, Angel stood alone, and below the platform was a three-meter high metal sign with the words “High Cloud Library Platform” written on it.

The bottom of the metal sign stands on top of a cloud.

Yeah, it was really placed on top of a cloud.

The platform he was standing on was not made of leaves or branches but a thick cloud. Angel stepped on the white cloud, and the feeling transmitted from the soles of his feet felt a little like he was stepping on soft mud.

This is called “Cloud Soil”, a product made from a reaction between special materials and clouds.

This piece of Cloud Soil has very broad uses. Angel is on a platform made of this material. Far away from the platform, he can see a golden light shining brilliantly from an enormous library!

The elder Angel is searching for is in the largest library of the Savage Grottoes!

The library is huge and crowded. Compared with a regular library, the people here are as dense as ants.

Angel was the only one left on the empty platform because everyone else was just flying. Just as Angel was stunned, a middle-aged Witch wearing a blue witch robe and a star-moon on the end of a witch hat flew past him on a broom.

When Angel approached the library. He could feel the splendour and grandeur coming from the library. Like a church worshipping a true god, it makes one cannot help but want to express awe and worship. But Angel knows that the temperament from the High Cloud Library was not awe from religious rituals, but reverence from knowledge and truth.

Along the way, everyone had a touch of respect on their faces, and no one spoke at all.

Angel walked into the library with this solemn mood.

The interior space of the library is very large. It is obvious that magic patterns of space expansion are used. The library collection is divided in areas. Angel sees it on the map at the entrance. It has 8,329 areas. According to his own needs, he can use the teleport array to go to different areas.

Of course, the principle of equivalent exchange is also followed here. Whether it is teleporting or renting a book. It takes contribution points. Basically, an apprentices hard-earned contribution points are spent here.

Angel remembers Flora saying that the elder recently seemed to be studying some kind of energy conversion in area 7920-7930.

Angel chose an unattended teleport array to teleport to area 7920. Aimlessly, he decided to search one area after another for the Elder.

When the bone card brushes the teleport array, a number pops up: 100 Contribution Points.

Angel stared at the amount of contribution point required. Instantly his eyes popped open. He just watched an apprentice transfer to a certain area. Obviously, only 1 contribution point was used. How did his points jump 100 times more, ah?!

Angel was about to cry out tears when someone behind him urged him to leave.

There are 30 teleport arrays in the library, and they are all full at the moment. Angel was too embarrassed to delay. Gnashing his teeth, he spent some of his contribution points to teleport.

When he arrived at area 7920, Angel was still very concerned about the contribution points he spent.

Angel thought that an area was at most ten meters in size, but what he did not expect was that the inner space of the area was enormous. It seemed to be over 100 meters long and wide and completely filled up with bookshelves. At a glance, it had more than a hundred times more books than Sanders Library!

Angel casually glanced at a book on a nearby shelf: < Experience on the Use of Magnetic Cannons >.

Angel puts his bone card on the groove next to the book and a rental fee immediately pops up: 300,000 Contribution Points.

300,000 contribution points…

Angel only has 10,000 contribution points and here is a book that costs 300,000 contribution points to rent! This is comparable to 3,000 Magic Crystals! This is a sky-high price, and it can be estimated that few apprentices have such huge savings.

It can be guessed that the audience for this area is only official Wizards.

If this is a formal Wizard area, then Angel somewhat understands why the teleportation fee is 100 contribution points. This is set up as a tollgate for Wizard Apprentices. In terms of profitability for Wizard Apprentices, there is absolutely no way to waste contributions on this level of knowledge.

No wonder when Angel saw this area at a glance. It was empty and with no one around to speak of.

Angel walked along the middle lane of the area while looking all the way around. He was hoping to find the Elder that Flora spoke of in here.

However, after looking through area 7920. Angel did not see anyone.

Angel can only walk back to the transfer station and get ready to take a look at area 7921.

The teleport fee for area 7921 remains at 100 contribution points.

However, Angel bit his lips with tears ready to stream down and paid the 100 contribution points. However, in exchange for the fee, the end result was nothing again.

Then he teleported to 7922, 7923 and 7924. Spending another 300 contribution points. Three more areas were visited in succession. Each time the contribution points were the same. Not to mention seeing the Elder, he did not even see the shadow of another person.

When Angel was ready to head to area 7925, the teleportation fee went up to 300 points!

Angel just felt dizzy and wanted to leave immediately. But he also feels unwilling at his results and finally grits his teeth while spreading his in a mournful expression as he teleports to area 7925.

After arriving in this area. Angel searched for another soul, the same as before. Halfway through the search, Angel suddenly noticed a bookshelf at the end of his right that was different from the others. It had a faint silver glow.

Curious about it, Angel walked over.

The books on the shelf are all alchemy-related?!

< Alchemy Manuscript—Energy Stabilizer >.

This is a book titled “Energy Stabilizer”, an Alchemy Manuscript. Angel remembers that in the Hanging Prison Stairs prison warden’s secret room. He once recorded a book titled, < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy >. When he saw the method of production for an “Energy Stabilizer.” It seemed to be a very basic alchemy device.

Why is the colour of this bookshelf silver-white. Is it just because there are alchemy-related books? Angel scratched his head at the < Alchemy Manuscript—Energy Stabilizer > book and scanned it with the bone card. His heart jumped out of his chest when he saw the number displayed.

“Rental Fee: 1.1 million Contribution Points.”

1.1 million contribution points?! That’s a scary sum!

In the < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy > book recorded by Angel. There are nearly a thousand different alchemy devices and many different ways to make them. Energy Stabilizer is only one of the most basic ones.

And this production for the most basic one shows a rental price of more than one million contribution points. This is tens of thousands of magic crystal! Angel could hardly believe his eyes.

At this price, shouldn’t the < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy > book have a contribution of more than 100 million points?

The < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy > is just one of the alchemy books recorded by Angel. The others were about intermediate alchemy, advanced alchemy and even some special alchemy related knowledge. If he brings them out, he’s afraid the price paid will be really astronomical!

“I didn’t expect the alchemy books to be so precious.” Angel muttered in a low voice. He was actually an invisibly wealthy person… However, he was afraid to sell the alchemy books he had recorded. As mentor Jon taught him, “The pauper is both innocent and guilty.” Before his wings have hardened. If he were to really sell the alchemy books. It would be like cutting himself with his own blade.

“Selling is not a good option, but I can learn it.” Angel thought, there are ready-made textbooks and teaching materials. He can learn it step by step. If he does not want to learn it, then he really is a waste of oxygen.

However, the study of alchemy still has to be left for later. His main task now is to enter the circle of transcendence and successfully advance to Junior Wizard Apprentice. The rest can be tabled for later.

Angel left the silver bookshelf and continued on his search.

Just when Angel thought the area was empty. All of a sudden, in a corner. He noticed there was an old man. He was like a soul sitting in front of a journal. Writing and drawing something in it.

Looking at the strange old man, Angel’s eyes lit up.


The Savage Grottoes has Three Great Ancestors: The Tree of Eternity’s Tree Spirit, the Mirror World’s Mirror Ji, and one more. The only man who was in front of him.

—The Southern Region’s most knowledgeable, the Sage of the High Cloud Library, Old Book.

Old Book is also an ancient phantom. He is wise and calm. More than 50% of the books in High Cloud Library have been written or edited by Old Book. Legend has it. He was a true spirit born from an ancient book so his most consulted and loved ones are books.

He has never left the Mirror World or even rarely left High Cloud Library… Even so, he still earned the title of “Most Erudite in the South.”

However, being erudite and specialized are two different things. Being erudite can also mean to know many things. Specialization is the constant and in-depth search for advancement in a certain field. There is no difference between the two, but for a Wizard, they must be specialized.

Old Book knows a wide range of knowledge, and many of the Wizard’s with special skills received them from Old Book. Old book even gave pointers to a legendary Wizard before. Therefore, Flora recommended Old Book to Angel.

After Angel approached Old Book, he saw that he had been writing down something so he did not easily disturb him. He wanted to stand to the side and wait until he was finished.

This was ten hours ago.

Angel’s feet are now numb… Old Book still had no intention of stopping.

Toby squatted on Angel’s left shoulder, then switched to his right, then ran under his hat. Finally, he fell asleep and was placed in Angel’s chest pocket.

It was getting dark outside, and Angel tried getting the Elder’s attention by whispering, “Old Book?”

Old Book was still buried in his writing, and his face flashed with thought and consideration from time to time. There was no means of taking notice of Angel.


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