Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 1: Mind Control

Chapter 1: Mind Control

SBT Chapter 001 : Mind Control

In a room of Sanjiang Municipal Public Hospital, a guy named Wu Hao was lying on a bed. At this very moment, both his eyes opened. He mindlessly stared at the dust particles floating on the glass cup in front of him. To his amazement, the supposedly pain on his body had mostly disappear.

Whats going on here?! Dont tell me that after hitting my head hard from the fall, my brain starts to mutate? I was just thirsty and wanted to drink some water. All of sudden the glass cup which originally placed nicely on the table started floating and arrived in front of me.

Actually Wu Hao who just woke up from coma was feeling thirsty. Because of his body and head injury, nearly whole body of his was wrapped in gauze and plaster. That was the reason why he couldnt move. Even the ward nurses were not in the room

He did not expect that just with his thought that he wanted to eliminate his thirst, the glass cup on the table next to him would float towards him.

Luckily, there were no other patients in the room and the nurses had left too. If not, anyone who see such incident will surely get scared to death.

The injury on Wu Hao could be considered work related. However, the main reason was still because of his own carelessness.

Actually the real situation was like this. Last night Wu Hao received a message from his girlfriend who currently works at a nearby city. They had dated for 3 years since university and eventually she wanted to break up now.

The reason was very simple. After both graduated, they found their work in different cities. Even though they were separated from each other not even more than 3 months. their relationship was getting worse. Until last night, his girlfriend finally asked him to break up officially.

This morning, Wu Hao whom his broken heart still havent recovered, went to work absent mindedly. That was why when he went together with his colleague to the construction site for inspection, he accidentally slipped from the steel frame. From 2 floor height high steel frame, he fell. His body and head hit back and forth like a pinball between the steel frame before landed. As soon as the landing occurred, he instantly fainted.

After the shocking accident, his colleague rushed him to the nearest public hospital. A detailed and complete examination of whole body had been done. It seemed that Wu Hao only suffered from minor concussion. Besides those injuries on his limbs, there was nothing else worth mentioning. After ensuring that he was not in any danger, his colleague left him there.

The company and hospital notified Wu Haos family regarding this. It was just that Wu Hao came to Sanjiang city not too long ago. Thus, he had no friends and family in the city. All family members of his stayed at the rural area of Sichuan. His parents were just ordinary farmers. Even if his parents receive the news now and start to rush over to Sanjiang city, it will take at least two days to arrive.

Lying on the bed, Wu Hao started experimenting. His original shock turned into amazement instead.

Escaping a great calamity and you will find yourself a fortune. Because he was now a mutant, this seemed to confirm the rumor. After the accident, he surprisingly could use his thought to control object. The legendary telekinesis.

Not only that, when he closed his eyes, he was able to see anything ahead within radius of five meters. Coincidentally, five meters was the range of his mind control too.

O shit! Is it because I used my mind control too long? After a few minutes of continuous usage of mind control, the originally amazed Wu Hao now felt weak suddenly. He felt a pain inside his head that wanted to burst.

This pain was not from his head injury but rather from a certain region deep in his brain. This sudden pain immediately made Wu Hao to stop having any idea to continue using this ability.

In addition to his earlier experiment of manipulating the cup and also those small objects which were readily available on the table, he vaguely felt that controlling those large objects wont work though. Thus, he did not have any desire to test that out.

His sixth sense told him that he currently could only control up to about 100 catties weight item. If the range is too large, for example 1000 catties, logically this wont work.

Moreover, Wu Hao was still getting used to mind control. This ability seemed weak and very limiting. Even controlling small objects for just a few minutes already made him so weak and painful in his head.

Soon Wu Hao just lay down on his bed with eyes close. After closing both eyes, he took deep breath for few minutes to rest himself. Sense of tingling pain in his brain gradually weaken.

Seems that my mental strength is really weak, just such a short duration and I could already feel the strain on my head. With these changes, Wu Hao somehow started to understand more of his ability.

While he was concentrating on his breathing, that moment he sensed his mind was now in a unique place. This region has an endless night sky with stars sparkling beautifully. It then started to form thread of some particle which then condensed into a violet airflow.

Wu Hao was actually using a breathing technique at that moment. When he was still in college, he stumbled upon it from Internet. This breathing technique is a way of practicing Qigong.

It was absolutely simple to practice. Whether sitting or lying down, he could still practice it effortlessly. This type of deep breathing technique can actually enhance internal organs and strength.

Too bad Wu Hao did not have much perseverance. When he came into contact with this method, everyday he would practice it during morning and evening for two consecutive months. Then the next few years in university, he would just practice it randomly without any schedule. Whenever he thought of it, then only he would practice it for a few minutes.

Even though this breathing technique did not grant him any extreme qigong skill, at least his body and health did indeed improve compared to last time. As long as you use this technique, even when encountering small cold or body feel uncomfortable, tomorrow you will surely recover.

In Wu Haos opinion, even if he disliked those people who try to learn all those nonsense magic or achieving whatever soul realm in internet, learning some skill to improve his body health was already sufficient for him.

After all the breathing technique which he gotten from internet, with all those benefits verified by a Taoist monk, he did not believe them entirely. Even so, it was not like he could practice continuously everyday.

However, this technique had been proven that it could quickly restore his weaken mind. By practicing it everyday, such problem should have been solved then.

When you have the power, the telekinesis power which is so imbalance, if you do not diligently train on how to use it, then such ability on that person is really unjustified.

I did not expect with such method, the thread forming the airflow in the brain at such great speed. Just about 10 minutes, I already near full recovery.

Dont tell me this accident on my head had any relation with the breathing technique? Why previously I couldnt feel a damn thing? The violet thread in his brain at this moment had started to form quite a bunch. They almost reached the point of saturation. Wu Hao started pondering about the origin of the violet airflow.

Unfortunately, even cracking his brain million times wont get him to find any answer. It was better he just put it aside instead of stressing on such matter. He allowed himself to continue the recovery before using his ability again on the small objects in the room.

However, this time Wu Hao did not use it like before carelessly by flying the objects around here and there. After all this was still a hospital ward. Even though the bed beside him was empty, who knows when the doctor or nurses will come and open the door suddenly!

Thus, Wu Hao hid himself at the corner of the bed to prevent himself from being seen by anyone who enter into the room.

This time he not only tested the manipulation of object to float but also the maximum weight of item he could control. Finally now he could control up to three different objects simultaneously. Weight was about five kg while the control range was about five meters.

After continuous usage for two minutes, the violet airflow in his brain nearly depleted. His head started to swell slightly. Obviously now was the limit point.

If Wu Hao was to continue using his ability, he was certain that previous weakening will happen again. By experienced it himself, of course he wont repeat the same mistake again.

Anyway, as long as he practiced the breathing technique, he would recover back in roughly ten minutes. Then, he would continue practicing his ability. Wu Hao closed his eyes like before and breathed deeply using the technique.

At this very moment, the door was pushed open. With a medical trolley, a twenty plus year old young nurse with face covered by mask came in.

You regained your consciousness? Anything uncomfortable? It was a young nurse doing her routine inspection. Wu Hao with his eyes opened widely started to evaluate her.

Looking at the nurse, although with a mask and Wu Hao couldnt observe full feature of her face, he could still estimate that her beauty level was not really that high. Her looks can only be considered ordinary. After all, in reality, those high standard nurses are still rare.

Although this hospital did indeed have those kind of nurses, maybe they were responsible in those VIP room. Since he was currently staying in general ward, of course he wont have such privilege.

Also he did not think that he could attract any attention from the nurses here. After all, he was not a guy who earn a living with his face. His height was only about 1.75m nor having any good body figure with eight abs. Even worst, he was a nobody without any rank.

The only thing he had? Something very common, a degree in construction management. A few months before he graduated, he found a construction company with extreme difficulties to do his internship. Now, a few more days left before the internship ends. Whether he could stay in the company or not, it was still unknown.

Nope, everything is fine. I am feeling quite good. Wu Hao smiled. Of course he was in a good mood. In the past 20 years he had never been in such a cloud nine before.


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