Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Soul Dimensional Storage

Then Vincent stepped on the emerald crystal looking grass with great curiosity. His foot anxiously landed on the pointy emerald spikes, but they easily bent like real grass upon the faintest touch.

The spikes seemed hard and sharp, but as it felt the owner’s touch, the grass suddenly became flexible and soft, almost like how the layer of mutated blood skin worked. The emerald grass knew who its owner was.

[How is it? You made me worry when you stepped on the crystals, but it appears to be soft like how the hardened mutated blood responds with Overheat form.]

“You can try if you want. ” Vincent said with a curious gaze. He wanted to see if Kazumi would feel the hard looking emerald grass like a normal flexible soft grass.

Kazumi carefully landed her dim wisp body on the grass. Upon the faintest touch, the grass bent to touch as well. What happened next surprised Vincent silly.

[Wee!. This is fun, haha.]

Kazumi rolled on the grass like an innocent child. It was a sight Vincent never thought the teasing Kazumi would ever do.


“Ahem... now let me take a good look at my storage chest.” Vincent approached the Dimensional Storage chest with great curiosity. He touched it, knocked on it, and then tried to lift it.

“Hmm... it has a smooth and hard surface. It makes the sound of being empty, but I can’t lift it as if it’s stuck. The shape is also very basic for my tastes. It’s like a block of emerald jewel cut in the form of a large square.” Vincent described what he thought of the storage chest.

[Thank you for making this place look different, but I have to send you back and rest on this soft grass.]

“See you next time, my cute wisp.” Vincent lifted Kazumi, giving her a warm embrace. This was all possible because of her; she was his cheat to acquire such a strong beneficial ability.

Vincent could feel his conscious fading as his surroundings were getting engulfed in darkness. He gently lowered Kazumi on the grass and said, “See you next time.”

[Ye, this was long overdue.]

Kazumi felt a bit sad about not enjoying a long hug. She was also left alone once again, resting on the soft grass created just for her. At least the Soul Domain wasn’t all dark and empty now.

Vincent opened his eyes, noticing he returned to the living world. He raised his gaze at the waving moon as is vision suddenly became blurry, and his head started to hurt.

“Ugh...” Vincent felt like his head was about to split open. His eyes felt heavy, and his shoulders felt like a pair of heavyweights rested on them.


“Have I exhausted my self again?... ” Vincent said before he fainted from overexerting himself or what happened inside his Soul Domain to create the ability.

*Day 17 Morning

Morning arrived with the dawn of the sun.

Ester and Lupa opened their eyes, feeling a bit strange from not getting waken up. Both looked at each other, but none of them had the answer. Then their gaze went on Vincent, who was sleeping next to an extinguished campfire.

The two girls approached with a worried frown but soon chuckled after they heard Vincent snore. He was sleeping in a strange pose while rubbing his stomach, causing Ester and Lupa to giggle that this sight.

Kazumi noticed Ester and Lupa had woken up. She felt relieved to finally rest since she had to spend the night awake to stay guard.

Kazumi raised the Dimensional Storage progress from eighty-percent to ninety-five percent when the day started. Then she pulled Vincent into his Soul Domain. She wanted to sleep on the soft emerald crystal grass, but Vincent fainted afterword.

Vincent opened his eyes a few hours later at the smell of fire and a familiar smell of food. He pulled himself up and noticed how Ester sat beside the chef Lupa, who had a bit of drool dripping from her mouth.

Vincent raised his hands and inspected himself. He was still surprised by what happened that morning. He possibly learned a one of a kind ability that per Ester words, no one probably has.


[Name] Vincent Agius

[Condition] Healthy

[Soul Power] 0sp

[Class] Soul Hero

[Class] Soul Mutation


[Class Soul Hero]

*Retainer Bond (Blessed)


*Soul Spells – Minor Heal

*Soul Dimensional Storage 1xCubed


-Hey Kazumi, you there?-

Vincent sent a telepathic message to Kazumi, but there was no response. He remembered how she would get tired from using Soul Visit. So he stopped trying to wake her up and let her rest.

“Sister, Vincent has woken up. ” Lupa quickly said. Her eyes remained on the three fish, slowly cooking to perfection. Only Ester turned her gaze at him while looked at them.

“I’m sorry if I worried you, but I learned a new ability.” Vincent tapped his chest to show how there was no need to worry. However, he did this action while thinking of his new storage ability.

Suddenly, the shirt glowed green. It quickly started to disintegrate from tiny pieces to particles, starting from the edges until reaching the shirt’s center.

Like dust in the wind, the particles collectively flew around him until these mystical green glowing fragments entered his palm like a vacuum cleaner.


[1x Sleeveless Shirt (Common Quality) gained.]


His shirt disintegrated in a few seconds while it entered into his hand. A small notification window soon appeared when no trace of the sleeveless shirt could be seen.

Ester stared in disbelief while Lupa had to peek at the light interrupting her precious cooking.

“Wha-what happened? Did you really learn an ability similar to a Bag Of Holding?... impossible!” Ester stuttered from getting caught off guard by this surprising feat.

“Where’s your shirt? The food is almost ready, hehe.” Lupa peeked while wagging her tail at the smell of almost ready food.

[What did you do? The chest shone for a few seconds, and it woke me up. Your shirt! Did you use Soul Storge?]

-Yes. Can you help me get it back?-

[Just do the reverse of what you did. The notification showed received, so all you need is to withdraw the item.]

Vincent opened his hand, but nothing happened. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on retrieving the shirt, but nothing happened yet again.

[Try to think. How do you control your hands with Overheat form when you don’t feel them? Maybe you need to send some kind of signal.]

Vincent understood the theory; it was worth a shot. After he thought ‘Summon one common Sleeveless Shirt.’ Green particles exited from his palm, which quickly started to form his shirt back.


[1x Sleeveless Shirt (Common Quality) summoned. x0 remaining.]


“Yep, I have learned Soul Dimensional Storage, Soul Storage for short. The items get stored into my soul after becoming mana particles, it seems.” Vincent wore his shirt. Then with great enthusiasm, headed over to the cart.


[66x Sage Apple Seeds (Unkown Quality) gained.]

[1x Small Pouch (Numb Paste – Uncommon Quality) gained.]

[1x Small Bag Mutated Ash – Unkown Quality) gained.]

[1x Pink Pearl (Rare Quality) gained.]

[1x Infant Freshwater Mudcrab Corpse (Uncommon Quality) (Frozen Status) gained.]

[1x Wooden Spear (Common Quality) gained.]

[1x Horn of Horned Rabbit (Uncommon Quality) gained.]

[1x Small Air Core (Rare Quality) gained.]

[1x Small Fire Core (Rare Quality) gained.]

[1x Oily Acorn (Uncommon Quality) gained.]

[3x Red Plum Mushroom (Uncommon Quality) gained.]


[Are you thinking what I’m thinking? I estimate the size is in cubic meters since the square in your Soul Domain isn’t small.]

[Well, I’m going to rest now.]

Vincent nodded with a curious grin. He Approached Lupa and asked, “Is the fish ready? Ohh, can you leave the mudcrab leg to cook afterward?”

Lupa nodded after the show of light piqued her interest. She remembered how much fun turning the red flames into green was.


Vincent gave Lupa a frozen fish to cook while storing the freshly cooked fish in his Soul Storage. He wanted to check if the warmth of food could be kept for a long duration.


[1x Cooked Freshwater Fish (Common Quality) (Warm Status) gained.]


“Why?” Lupa asked as she would’ve wanted it if he didn’t.

“A test to see if it will stay hot at the end of the day.” Vincent was curious to see if both his and Kazumi’s thoughts could come true. To store cooked food and summon freshly cooked food on the go.

“Then you cook yours. ” Lupa took the two cooked fish with a frown and went to eat it with Ester. She didn’t want to give him her fish to try his ability on it.

Vincent had to cook his fish and the mudcrab leg while Ester and Lupa ate theirs. After both items were cooked and then ate the cooked fish, Vincent decided to leave.


[1x Cooked Freshwater Mudcrab Leg (Uncommon Quality) (Warm Status) gained.]


Vincent pulled the cart with a frown and a sour mood. He tried to store the mudcrab’s large and heavy shell, but a warning notification window declining his intention appeared.



[Soul Dimensional Storage reached its limit. Upgrade for more space.]

[Automatic upgrade failed. 0/20 Soul Power for next upgrade required.]


Vincent had to use Soul Power to upgrade his space, a vital stat he couldn’t use frugally. His Inspection ability also needed to get increased to be more useful. A never-ending cycle of upgrading skills he creates using his Hero power.

Vincent had to pull the heavy mudcrab shell until deciding to upgrade the Soul Storage space. He didn’t mind that much since it provided more training in the daily cart pulling.

“Vincent, I have been meaning to ask but, how much can you store inside your Bag Of Holding?... I mean your Soul Storage?” Ester asked with a curious expression painted on her face. Vincent surprised her left, right, and center after they met.

“I think around one cubic meter or one meter from all sides. I can also spend my Soul Power to increase the size it seems.” Vincent could see Ester raise her brows in surprise. It felt like he broke all logic of this world by her reaction alone.

“Heh... I thought I became immune to your surprises, but it seems impossible.” Ester sighed with a faint smile, then she continued, “My father told me how the cheapest small Bag Of Holding has the space of around one to two meters from all sides. As I already told you, it costs a lot, even for the smallest one.”

“Is it weird to know this ability?” Vincent wanted to know the honest truth from a resident of this magical world.


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