Summoned Again?

Chapter 210: More Of The Truth

Chapter 210: More Of The Truth

I laid there in a surprisingly comfortable bed and thought about the situation I was in. Sandra was the programming scientist that had pretty much flipped from being terrified of me, to wanting to have my babies, in the span of about ten hours. She was also deliriously happily after having the best sex of her life and she fell asleep as she cuddled into my side.

The problem I had, once again, was learning about exactly why I had been brought to a specific world. Normally, it was a quick thing when I wasn't too hasty to get on with things. After quick explanation by the summoning deity, we were usually dropped into the world to handle the problem. This time? Nothing. It did not bode well when the deity remained silent.

As for the people we were currently working with, we were given the complete runaround. No one, not even the big boss of TechnoWorks, would say anything more than to tell us to learn whatever we could for our classes to level up as quickly as possible. It was almost maddening that their ignorance didn't bother them and threats would no longer work to get information that they claimed they didn't have.

So, in a fit of inspiration, I used the personal communication device I was given to tell the other three summoned heroes that as long as they believed something would help them with their class and the task we were summoned for, they could learn it, even if it wasn't obvious how it would help.

I just hoped that they took my words to heart and learned everything they could and not just the specific things their instructors wanted them to learn for the jobs they were summoned for. The best part was that I had no idea what my role was supposed to be and was pretty much winging it as a Techno-programmer. Because of the ease at which I learned how to do it, Sandra believed it, too.

Surprisingly, even after going several rounds with Sandra in bed, I wasn't tired. In fact, I felt no fatigue at all. I had no muscle soreness, no lingering aches or pains, and I hadn't cast any healing spells or used any of my spell rings. It was almost funny that no one questioned me about the rings I wore on my fingers, not even the other summoned heroes.

I wasn't going to point it out to them, though. I wasn't an idiot to bring attention to something that everyone was actively ignoring, unless it would benefit them or show them the truth. I would just need to be careful about using my other skills with witnesses around. Then again, I could pretend to make a few gadgets that only my fake class could use to simulate what I wanted.

I needed to think about that, so that's what I did for the rest of the night and part of the morning. When it was time for breakfast, I had come up with nothing. Only having programming as part of my class, did not give me any leeway in creating the effects I wanted, no matter what the fake device was. That meant I needed access to some kind of database to research everything that this world's technology had created.

Would Sandra accept that I wanted to see an example of everything, just so I could look at the programming of everything I could have access to? Probably. Would she be able to have one of each thing delivered? I doubted it. Ignoring the expense, there was nowhere around that could house that much technology.

They didn't have sports arenas or anything close to a large field for outside activities. It was both odd and understandable, since they had no experience with conflict and were pacifistic. If they ever did have a sport start up, the teams would probably meet up on the field beforehand to greet each other, then both surrender and call it a good game, because no one was hurt.

I almost laughed with that image in my head and climbed out of bed. Sandra didn't stir and I smiled at her contented face. I had pretty much blew her mind with my skills in bed. Since they had no drive to fight and always resolved their disputes with arbitration and mutual agreements, there was no such thing as passionate make-up sex and Sandra had loved being introduced to what that meant.

I went to the kitchen and it was a futuristic version of everything I knew... and I wanted all of it. I wanted to tear it all apart and figure out how it worked. The thing that looked like a microwave was actually a cooker that reconstituted extremely dehydrated food into an eatable meal. The tiny containers were the size of a compact disc and they were purchased in stacks of ten.

I flipped through the rack of choices that Sandra had and picked pancakes and banana slices. I placed it on a plate and put it into the microwave and hit the only button on the thing. There was no timer, no settings, and no control over how hot or cold things should be when served. It dinged after 30 seconds and I opened it to pull out a steaming plate of pancakes with sliced bananas on it. There was even butter and syrup on it, which didn't make logical sense at all.

I put in another and set up a tray to carry over to the bed, went to the two foot tall box on the counter that was both a condenser and dispenser. Inside was several spouts for orange juice, coffee, tea, carbonated soda, milk, and water.

Yes, I definitely want everything in the kitchen. I thought and used two small glasses to fill with milk and orange juice, then the cooker dinged and I added the second plate to the tray and grabbed some utensils beside the cooker.

With breakfast prepared in just over a minute, I walked back across the tiny apartment and set the tray beside the bed. I barely touched Sandra's shoulder to wake her and she lazily opened her eyes and stared up at me with love and adoration on her face.

I wasn't dreaming? You're really here? Sandra asked.

I also made breakfast for us to share. I said and picked up the tray and placed it on her lap.

Oh, no! You shouldn't have done that! Sandra exclaimed and blushed to a deep red.

I thought her reaction was odd about me preparing a simple meal. What is it?

It... it's nothing. Sandra whispered. L-let's just eat and f-forget about it.

I put my hand on hers and smiled at her. You know I'm not from here. Did I make a social mistake or something?

Sandra looked at my hand and mumbled something. I heard what she said and sighed. I had apparently stepped into a major taboo about traditional gender roles and degraded my social standing. I had inadvertently lowered myself by doing a menial custodian's job.

Before I could comment on it, the door to the apartment opened and a young woman with a smiling face walked in, went to the kitchen, and prepared two breakfasts. She kept the same smile on her face as she set the breakfasts up on the small kitchen table and left without looking at us or saying a single word.

I see. I said and picked up the tray I had prepared. I apologize for my mistake.

Damon... Sandra started to say.

I shook my head and turned away from her. I went to the kitchen and instead of putting the food into the disposal, I stored the plates and put everything else into the washer, except for the tray. That I put back on the shelf by the cooker. I didn't say anything as I went to the small table and sat down to wait.

Sandra sighed loudly and climbed out of bed, slipped on a robe, and walked over to the table and sat across from me. We both ate in complete silence. When the food was gone, the smiling custodian entered the apartment again and cleared the dishes, added them to the washer, and left without saying anything.

I suppose I should get dressed. I said and stood. That had been another thing that showed me that something was seriously wrong with the nanobot programming, because the young woman that was Sandra's custodian hadn't once looked at my nakedness or reacted to me at all.

Damon. Sandra said and opened her mouth to try and explain.

Are you going in to work today? I interrupted her and walked to the bedroom.

I've been assigned as your liaison while you're here. Sandra said.

I nodded and picked up my clothing, then thought about a shower. Before I make another mistake, how do I wash myself? Is it a bath, shower, or...

The apartment door opened again and the young woman custodian entered and walked across the apartment, took my hand, and led me to the wall of the bedroom. It split open and revealed a 6 foot by 6 foot square area and she led me inside. The wall closed and a shelf opened up. She took my clothes, pulled off the grey unitard she wore, and put all of it into the shelf.

It closed and another shelf opened with controls. She hit three of them and reached up to cover my eyes and covered her own. I closed my eyes and felt a splash of something that tingled, then I felt her breasts and hands scrub me. It was then that I realized she was naked and was using herself to wash me. It was honestly pretty sexy and felt great, so my body reacted.

I felt her hands on me as she scrubbed me there, then she put her hand over my eyes again just before another wave of tingly something covered me. I felt a towel wipe at my face and I opened my eyes to see her happy smile. I was about to ask her why she always smiled like that and then she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself up onto my body.

Before I could do more than open my mouth to protest, I was sheathed inside her warm depths and damn near blew my load right away. Whatever she was doing down there felt absolutely amazing and I stared into her eyes as she rode me standing up. It was then I saw her eyes. Unlike her smile that hadn't changed, her eyes were very expressive.

I had seen similar eyes when with the women I've clicked with, so I knew she was enjoying herself a lot more than she probably normally would. I reached down and grabbed her ass, took a step to press her against the wall, and I railed into her at an indecent speed. She make a squeak sound and I took that as a challenge. She would be making more sounds or my name wasn't Damon Smith.


Sandra sat at her kitchen table and she felt terrible. She hadn't realized Damon's ignorance of the social structure of their society would cause his value to drop after a single morning with her. The worst art was that his actions were automatically recorded and uploaded to the Network. Everyone would know when they received the general morning update that he had performed a menial's job.

For half an hour, she waited with a feeling of dread for the general update at the set time. It would cause a lot of problems when the people learned that one of their heroes could easily do a custodian's job. She felt a tear form and wiped it away before it fell.

OHHHHH! A woman's voice yelled with pleasure.

Sandra startled and lifted her head to look at her bedroom. She remembered that Damon went to take a shower quite some time ago and that her custodian had gone with him to show him how things worked.

It took another fifteen minutes before the wall opened up and Damon and the custodian stepped out of the cleaning room fully dressed. Damon had a hand around the custodian's waist, as if he was supporting her, and they walked across the apartment to the door.

Are you sure you're okay to get to your room by yourself? Damon asked.

The custodian shocked Sandra by nodding, for the first time ever, then the custodian kissed Damon's cheek and left with a wobbly walk that made her look like she had consumed copious amounts of alcohol.

Damon watched the custodian enter her room and stepped back to let the apartment's door close. He walked over to Sandra and she looked up at his smug smile. I have a few things I need to research. Is there a personal terminal I can access to get onto the Network or do I need to return to the transport facility and use the mainframe there?

Sandra thought about her directives and wanted to lie about them. Instead, she sighed. Your access is to be monitored from the transport facility, under the purview of the owner and the manager of TechnoWorks.

Damon gave her a slightly tilted head in response. They aren't the same person?

Sandra shook her head. They are together and live on the top floor of the building.

Damon looked thoughtful and nodded. All right. There's nothing really sensitive about what I'm going to be looking up, so after you get changed, we can go.

Sandra knew he meant that she would have no assistance if she decided to shower first. She took the hint and went to her closet and changed into her work outfit, with the lab coat and everything. She met him by the door of the apartment and they left to go to work, or what she was going to assume was work.

She knew Damon was picking up programming like he was a genius and she thought that it was his nanobots that were pushing him to learn as much as he could. She couldn't have been more wrong. If she had access to them and the progress of them fulfilling their programming, she would quickly discover that they hadn't made any progress at all.


In the custodian's room, the young woman laid on her bed without moving. The default smile on her face would have been unnerving, if it wasn't for the slight twitches and minuscule movements at the corners of her lips. Her eyes were also quite expressive as an internal battle was raged.

Inside her brain, her nanobots were scrambling to balance her emotions and her mental faculties. They had nearly been overloaded by whatever their host had gone through and they had no experience with it. It wasn't until the general update occurred and a particular data packet was delivered with two very important things contained within.

The first thing was Sandra's experience with the new and non-quantifiable variable named 'Demon'. It settled the custodian's nanobots down and they now knew how to handle the excess adrenaline, chemical changes, body adjustments, and the emotional upheaval that the custodian had gone through.

The second thing was that the 'Demon' variable had performed the custodian's duties within normal operating parameters and it was logged into the system. It gave the nanobots a logical explanation as to how the variable had affected the custodian so much in so short of a time, because they must have shared similar programming, and that was also logged into the system.

The 'Demon' variable was renamed 'Demon Custodian' and registered into the Network.


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