Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 70: Weirdest Interview

Chapter 70: Weirdest Interview

***For my old readers, as of 11/8/2021, I have rewritten some parts of the story. So if you want to reread it, this is probably the best time to do so***

"I don't think I will ever get used to this view."

Yun Hao was now back at Echo Hills Academy for the 2nd time, and the scenery was still as memorable as the first time he saw it.

The sea of clouds that fogged the ground he was walking on; the almost hundred towering hills that each housed their own pagoda on top of them; the long and tantalizing bridges that connected them-- truly, a sight one would not forget.

"Eh, trust me. It'll die down after a few hours."


And if Yun Hao didn't notice the stares he was getting before, he did now. Some of them were even trying to take photos of him, if it wasn't for Jia Su expertly blocking them away while they were walking, then Yun Hao would probably have thousands of photos circulating around InstaPound by now.

"...Are you some kind of bodyguard?" Yun Hao could not help but mutter as Jia Su even went to the point of covering him with robes, "You do know doing this attracts more attention, right?"

Yun Hao was not a stranger to fame, so it didn't really bother him that much. And since he was planning on enrolling himself in the Academy, these people will get tired of him sooner or later.

"B brother, maybe you should listen to him," Jia Ning was also trying her best to cover her face. She knows all of the students that were staring at them were actually just trying to peek a look at Yun Hao, but she still could not help but be somewhat embarrassed from all the eyes pointed in their direction. "L let's just hurry up!"

And with that, Jia Ning pushed Yun Hao, Sun Fang, and her brother away until they reached their destination-- the Registrar's office.

"Go ahead, we will be in our classes while you take the tests."

"...Tests?" Yun Hao was about to enter the office, but as soon as he heard Jia Su's words, he could not help but take a step back, "I thought you said there weren't any exams? I didn't review for this."

"Pft, what? Big celebrity afraid of some small letters?" Sun Fang quickly took this chance to assert his dominance; crossing his arms as he tiptoed so that he would have the same eye level as Yun Hao but alas, he was still a few inches short.

"There's no written exam," Jia Su quickly waved his hand, "It's just a test for the Academy to gauge where you currently are in terms of cultivation level, skill, and combat awareness."

"...Shouldn't they know that already since I almost died the last time I was here?" Yun Hao breathed out.

"It It's really all just an elaborate interview," this time, it was Jia Ning who answered Yun Hao, "As long as you present your Cultivator License, the school has pretty much accepted you."

"Pft, it would be funny if you're the first one they refuse to accept."

"..." Yun Hao squinted his eye as he continued to listen to the others, but after a few more seconds, he let out a small but deep breath and said, "Well if you're going to penetrate, then penetrate hard," before entering the office.

"...Does anyone know what that actually fucking means yet?"



Yun Hao was expecting a small office similar to the one they had in Tsinghai Highschool, but as soon as he entered Echo Hills Academy's registrar office, his eye was quickly showered by the bright white light that the walls of the room seemed to exude.

And right in the very center of the spacious white room, was a single desk.

"...Hello?" Yun Hao once again repeated his greeting as he approached the old man sitting at the desk; the old man, however, seemed to have not noticed Yun Hao as he continued to write whatever it was he was writing on a large book, stroking his long, white glorious beard as he did so.

"I came here to enroll in the Academy," Yun Hao slightly raised his voice to get the old man's attention, "I was told that you were going to interview me first and--"


And before Yun Hao could say another word, the man stopped writing and quickly stretched his hand towards him, his eyes, however, were still plastered on the book.

"..." Seeing as the old man didn't seem to be that much of a talker, Yun Hao just decided to give him the license without saying another word. For all Yun Hao knows, the old man might be doing some cultivator ritual he didn't know about.

"..." The old man placed Yun Hao's license on the table, not even looking at it before he proceeded to once again write in his book.




But finally, after what seemed like almost half an hour of waiting, the old man finally closed his book and looked at Yun Hao's license.

"Immersion?" The old man then scratched his beard, "I see you only acquired the license this month."

"Yes, sir."

"Call me Wang Gang," the old man then stood up from his seat as he turned to look at Yun Hao, "...You're already the Middle-stage of the Mortal Realm?"

"I I think so, sir Wang," Yun Hao could not help but take in a small gulp. Judging by the looks that Wang Gang was giving him, it would seem that his Cultivation level was rising a little bit too fast.

It was a good thing he had not yet started duplicating and absorbing the Level 3 Beast Core he got from the Grey-claw Mole. If not, then the people in the Academy might just start dissecting him instead.


But it would seem that he was worrying for nothing, as Wang Gang only stroked his beard before handing him back his license. But as he was about to grab it from Wang Gang's hand, he quickly leaned his head to the side.

"What the fuck!?" Yun Hao then said as he leaped a few steps back, "Are you crazy!?"

"Blind in one eye but still able to dodge a strike coming from your left," Wang Gang then said as he once again stretched his arms, as if trying to tell Yun Hao to get his license, "Impressive."

"You--" Yun Hao was about to say more, but then he remembered what Jia Su said about the tests. Was this it?

"..." And so, with that thought, Yun Hao quickly took in a long and deep breath before getting into a stance.

"A Pugilist?" Wang Gang then raised an eyebrow as he let out a small hum, "An odd choice of--"

And without even letting Wang Gang finish his words, Yun Hao's feet exploded from the ground as he rushed towards the old man.

"Not bad," Wang Gang then said as he looked at Yun Hao's opened palm, which was only a foot away from taking the license card he was casually holding in his hand. And as Yun Hao's hand was only a few inches away, Wang Gang swiftly moved to the side, raising his hand in the air to completely avoid Yun Hao.


What he did not expect, however, was Yun Hao suddenly shifting the path of his strike mid-way-- already going straight to the new position of the card.

"Ho?" And without even realizing it, Wang Gang grabbed Yun Hao's wrist.

"Tch," Yun Hao quickly tried to pull his arm away but found that he was not even able to budge the old man's hand for even a millimeter. He was about to punch Wang Gang in the face, but before he could do so

...Wang Gang suddenly placed the card in his hand.

"You truly are quite the impressive one, aren't you?" Wang Gang then breathed out as he let go of Yun Hao's wrist.

"So we're done here?" Yun Hao said before letting out a small sigh of relief; checking if his wrist was not broken.

"We were done as soon as you entered the room, Mr. Hao."

"What are you doing?" Although Yun Hao was truly relieved at hearing Wang Gang's words, he could not help but slightly take a step back as Wang Gang suddenly took off his robes, revealing the raging muscles hidden beneath.

"But it would be a waste to leave just like this..." Wang Gang then got into a stance, his muscles almost threatening to rip his skin as he contracted them, 

"...Don't you think so too, young man?"

"...What?" Yun Hao muttered. This... probably the weirdest interview he will ever be a part of.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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