Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 46: My, My...

Chapter 46: My, My...

"What the fuck, you got in!?"

Song Jian's eyes could not help but widen as her moment of serenity with Yun Hao was broken by a very annoying voice. She also could not help but let out a silent and stuttered gasp as Yun Hao suddenly let go of her hand.

She honestly thought that Yun Hao would hold her hand throughout the tour, but to think it would be broken just like this. Her eyes twitched as she slowly looked towards the direction of the voice, only to see a man that also had a scar on his face, albeit like a pinkie compared to Yun Hao.

"Who is this budget version of yours, Yun Hao?"

Song Jian's cold words pierced Sun Fang's ears like a knife. Although Sun Fang looked somewhat familiar, Song Jian could not determine where she had seen him before, but considering he was wearing the Echo Hill's uniform, she had probably seen him walking around here from time to time.

"B budget version!?" Sun Fang could not help but quickly react to her words. However, as soon as his eyes met Song Jian's eyes, Sun Fang quickly shut his mouth and saluted, "This junior greets Master Song!"

After that, he quickly walked away, but not before clicking his tongue towards Yun Hao.

"...What was that all about?" Yun Hao squinted his eyes as he watched Sun Fang scampering away. Come to think of it, even though they have been standing here for quite some time because of his sudden euphoria, none of the other students seemed to be minding them.

As a matter of fact, they even seemed to be adamantly avoiding the two of them, some even walking back to the other side of the bridge as soon as their eyes met.

"It's nothing, I am of a higher grade, so it's normal to be greeted as such," Song Jian just waved her hand nonchalantly, "Shall I give you the tour, then? Which place do you want to go first?"

"Wait, don't you have any classes?"

"I do," Song Jian nodded, "But it's just a refresher class, there isn't really a point deducted if I miss it."

"Let's go there, then."

"...Are you sure? We have a beautiful garden as well as the stables where we kept the magical beasts."

"Hm. Since I am touring your school, I might as well experience your classes as well

...or am I not allowed to see since I'm not enrolled?"

"No, of course not. Come on, let's go!"

Song Jian excitedly nodded her head as she gestured to Yun Hao to follow her. Yun Hao, however, could not help but stop in his tracks without even taking 10 steps.

"...Yun Hao?"

"..." Yun Hao blinked a couple of times as he looked at Song Jian, who was cutely bouncing on the abnormally long rope bridge. It looked cool from afar, but now that it was right in front of him, the only thing that Yun Hao could think of was what would happen if he fell down.

His eyes could not help but widen as he looked below the cliff, only to see fog covering the ground. Just how high up were they? And how was it even possible that there was a place like this only a few hours away from the city?

"...Maybe we should check on the garden? Which way-- never mind."

As soon as Yun Hao saw Song Jian pointing slightly upwards, he quickly shook his head, "Maybe later."

"Are you perhaps scared of heights?" Song Jian said as she finally realized what was happening.

"I am now," Yun Hao awkwardly chuckled. Did this rope bridge even pass the department of safety? Yun Hao thought as he once again heard the rope slightly make a cracking sound as Song Jian walked towards him.

"H here," and with this, Song Jian's face could not help but let out a small smile as she once again had the chance to hold Yun Hao's hand, "You don't have to worry, this bridge is enhanced by magic, it won't--"

Alas, as soon as she said that, Yun Hao immediately stepped onto the bridge without holding her hand.

Yun Hao let out a hum as he wiped the sweat that built up on his forehead, he then hopped a couple of times, as if trying to test the rope's sturdiness, "Oh shit, you're right, it's not even budging!"


"Look! Even if I--"

"Let's just go."

"Ah, wait for me!"

And so, Song Jian stomped her way to the other side of the bridge, clearly disappointed that she missed her chance. But after a while, she just let out a slight sigh. It was enough that Yun Hao was with her now, she shouldn't be too greedy.

"So you have never really been to a cultivation school before?"

"No. I didn't even think that there was one."

"There are, but in Xin, there's only 2 in the whole country."

"Quite prestigious then?"

"I guess? I didn't really think of it that way," Song Jian let out a soft chuckle. The two crossed over two more bridges before Song Jian gestured Yun Hao to follow her inside one of the tallest pagodas in the Academy.

"This is where we hold all of the mixed classes, where all students of all levels merge. It's all usually refresher courses and classes, so I do not really come here often."

"So, you're like an honor student then?"

"Y yes," Song Jian could not help but meekly nod her head as she saw the smile on Yun Hao's face, "Are you proud of me?"

"...Uh," Yun Hao slightly widened his eyes from the sudden question, but after a few breaths and Song Jian's expectant eyes, he could only nod his head and smile, "Of course."

A wide smile then slowly crept onto Song Jian's face as she heard Yun Hao's words. She wanted to jump in joy, but since there might be other people suddenly popping out of nowhere, she chose not to do so.

"It's here, my class is here." And finally, after a few more walks and a few more stairs, they arrived in front of a huge door. And seeing as there were already noises inside, it would seem that the class was indeed already ongoing.

"...You're sure I am allowed to sit in?"

"No problem," Song Jian said as she quickly opened the door, causing all the commotion inside to focus on them. And as soon as they saw who it was that entered, the unusually spacious room quickly quieted down.

"There's an empty seat there, let's go," Song Jian quickly waved her hand towards Yun Hao, ignoring all the stares she was getting. And since Song Jian didn't seem to mind, Yun Hao just shrugged his shoulders and followed him.

But just what kind of class was this? Yun Hao thought as his eyes scanned the room. No, perhaps it was better to say that this was some kind of arena. It reminded him of the first time he tried out for amateur boxing, where there were 4 boxing rings for all of the applicants to get tested. Except here, there were even seats surrounding the four platforms for other people to publicly watch the students' performances.

If his estimate was right, then there should be about a hundred students here, and some were already fighting on the stage.

"This is a refresher on how to control the flow of your qi," Song Jian finally answered his questions as she saw the confused look on his face, "I learned how to do this when I was 6, so I don't really attend it anymore."

"...6? You were already a cultivator at that age?"


Song Jian just nodded casually as if it wasn't that big of a deal. Yun Hao, however, was extremely bewildered. For normal people, the minimum age to go through Immersion was 18. Considering all the dangers and training one had to go through just to go through the process, one needed at least that many years to even think of taking it.

But to think Song Jian was already one at such a young age People from cultivation clans truly were of a different breed.

"Glad you decided to join us for once, Ms. Song Jian."

Yun Hao almost slapped his ears as a loud but somewhat sedated voice suddenly echoed throughout the entire room, almost as if it was whispering straight into his ears.

"And you even brought a very interesting boy to class."

"...We should go, I didn't think it would be her that would be teaching today," Song Jian quickly urged Yun Hao to stand up and leave. But as soon as Yun Hao stood up and walked out of the bleachers, a woman or perhaps a man blocked his path,

"My, my... sweetie. You just got here...

...where do you think you're going?"


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