Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 40: Is this You?

Chapter 40: Is this You?

"Welcome to the cultivation world."


Yun Hao felt like he was inside one of those fantasy movies they kept releasing now that were adapted to light novels. He had already been "welcomed to the cultivation world" by 3 people now, but this was the first time it started to sink in to him.

Flying people, people that were 3 meters tall, and maybe he would even meet those people he had heard so much about that could destroy mountains with just a single flick of their finger. With that thought arising in his mind, Yun Hao instinctively lowered his head down, trying to gauge who amongst these cultivators was capable of doing that.

"May I take your orders?"

Yun Hao slightly flinched back as the waiter that Huang Yi called finally went to their table. Seeing the waiter looking at him like he was some kind of idiot, Yun Hao finally snapped out of his thoughts and proceeded to sit straight. But even after that, the waiter still seemed to be staring at him.

The waiter looked like he wanted to ask him something, but after a few seconds of them staring at each other, he let out a smile and repeated his words,

"Are you ready to order?"

"...Oh," Yun Hao didn't really look at the menu since he was too busy fantasizing about stuff, so instead, he looked at Huang Yi and told her to order for him.

"Are you sure? Isn't there anything you like in particular?" Huang Yi said before taking a sip of her water.

"...I don't really know what cultivators eat yet," Yun Hao let out a sigh, "Is there like dragon meat here or something?"


As soon as Yun Hao said that, Huang Yi almost spat out the water inside her mouth. She quickly tapped her chest a couple of times to calm herself down before finally being able to swallow everything.

"...Unfortunately not," Huang Yi said as she wiped her mouth, "I am afraid we just eat the same thing as normal humans."

"You don't eat dragons?"

"Well some do," Huang Yi slightly chuckled, "But those restaurants are usually in the Danger Zones and they usually cost a lot."

"Like how much?" There was a certain tone of resolve slowly growing inside Yun Hao's voice.

"I have no idea, but I think they no longer accept yuan there, only Beast Cores since dragons have magical properties that can increase your strength."

"I see."

They use beast cores as payment in the Danger Zone? Right now, he only had 2 Beast Cores with him, and it took almost everything he had just to duplicate the lowest class. It would seem that he had a very long road ahead of him if he wanted to taste dragon meat. Just how exactly do they taste?

"Sorry to intrude in your conversation, but may I offer a good alternative that we offer?"

The waiter grabbed a separate menu hidden in his apron, "Right now, we still have the meat of a Level 1 Six-legged Goat, we can have it prepared to your liking."

"Oh, no. The one from the regular menu is--"

"We'll have it as a stew, seasoned to the chef's recommendation." Before Yun Hao could finish his words, Huang Yi interrupted him.


"It is alright, I am the one who invited you. This is my treat."

"Nice, thanks." Yun Hao quickly said as he relaxed in his seat.

"..." Huang Yi was expecting Yun Hao to at least offer to split the bill, but to think he would just agree without even batting an eye. Huang Yi did not really mind since she was actually here under orders from her family-- meaning she could spend as much as she wanted.

But although her clan did tell her to invite Yun Hao, she also wanted to see him again since he did leave quite an impression on her when they first met-- a very strong impression. And so, she proceeded to order more food from the regular menu since she remembered that Yun Hao had quite the amazing appetite.

"It truly was a shock to see that you actually became a cultivator. It was just like yesterday that we talked about you becoming one."

"I am a man of my words, I suppose," Yun Hao chuckled.

"Hm. Just how did you manage to pull it off? And it wasn't enough that you became one, you even managed to be a hot topic."

"...A hot topic?"

"Almost everyone near us is staring at you."

As soon as Huang Yi said that, Yun Hao finally noticed that the people seated near their table was taking glances at him. Was that also why the waiter was staring at him earlier? He should probably watch that video as soon as he gets home, but for now, he would enjoy that meal that was graciously offered to him.

"So what exactly was that all about, why did you throw your uniform?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I dropped out of school."

"I see. That makes sense... are you going to enroll in one of the cultivation schools?"

"There are cultivation schools?"

"Yes, where do you think people like me who were born in cultivation families study?" Huang Yi let out a slight chuckle, but afterward, a melancholic tone escaped her voice, "We couldn't really... mingle with the other children, so the Confederation set up a school for us. Song Jian has actually been my classmate since I was 6... you know her, right?"

"...A bit."

"If you want, my family could endorse you to attend one?" Huang Yi said as she nervously took a sip of her water.

"Nah," Yun Hao quickly shook his head, "I'm tired of schools for now, but let's go there on our 2nd date?"

"Why are you getting ahead of yourself?"

"It's my new motto, if you're going to penetrate, then penetrate hard."

"That's... interesting," Huang Yi didn't really know what to make of Yun Hao's... interesting motto. If Song Jian were to know that she and Yun Hao were going on dates, then there would surely be trouble. She was aware of Song Jian's little crush for Yun Hao, but what can she do if she and Yun Hao actually start developing feelings for each other?

Yun Hao was quite the looker, and his scar even further emphasized that. He was also headstrong and didn't stop at his goal once he set his mind to it, Huang Yi would be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to him.

"...You're starting to fall for me, aren't you?" Yun Hao said as he noticed that Huang Yi was staring at him.

"Shut up," if only he was more perceptive of other people's feelings. Finally, after a few more small talks, their food arrived. But alas, before she and Yun Hao could grab their chopsticks, a man wearing a navy blue robe approached their table.

"This is you, right?"

The man suddenly placed a phone straight in front of Yun Hao's face. Yun Hao tilted his head back to see whatever it was that the stranger wanted to show him, only to see his photo with Hannah again.

"I suppo--"


"Yun Hao!"

Before Yun Hao could finish his words, Huang Yi quickly flipped the table and rushed towards him as she saw him being kicked straight in the face.


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