Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 34: Alma Mater...

Chapter 34: Alma Mater...

Yun Hao was currently on the train, on his way to Tsinghai High School so that he could make a grand exit. He knew it was somewhat petty to want to shove his withdrawal form on the face of the people there, but just once, he wanted to show them that he could now make it even without their help.

But that wasn't really why he was currently lost in thought and just looking at the floor of the train, no. He was thinking of the fact that he was able to duplicate a Beast Core. Sure, it was the lowest rank of the lowest level, but he was able to do so even if he had to faint to make it happen.

He was going to try and duplicate another one after he got home to see if he was going to faint again, if he managed to stay awake, then Yun Hao would now have another idea about his power works-- it was like a muscle.

The more he uses it and stretches it to its limits, the stronger it would become. And it wasn't only that, if that really was the case, then that would prove one other thing, his power won't have a limit of uses.

Why would it become stronger the more you use it in the first place if it had a limit, right? What would be the sense in that? It would be like dying before reaching one's full potential which could actually happen.

So which is it?

Yun Hao could not help but groan in frustration as the complicated thoughts started to cloud his mind. The other people that were already trying to avoid him all started to go to the other car, as some of them thought that Yun Hao was some kind of hooligan.

"..." He thought these kinds of misunderstandings were going to disappear since he had already groomed himself and got a haircut. Maybe because his scar and his blind grey eye were now for everyone to see?

But I guess there was an improvement, as some of the girls and ladies didn't seem to mind him, with some obviously even taking a photo of him. He didn't really mind, though, as he was already used to it when he was still in the limelight.

Yun Hao could not help but sigh as he once again imagined what his life would have been if he didn't get involved in that "accident", maybe he would have been famous in the whole country by now or maybe even the world.

"Pft," Yun Hao shook his head from the thoughts. Those days were and have been long over, his life is completely different now, and it will continue to stray even farther away from what it once was and the first step to that was shoving his dropout form in the faces of the people in Tsinghai High School.


Fits of heavy gasps then interrupted Yun Hao's thoughts as the women left in the car all started to stare at him or more specifically, towards the broken handle he was holding.

"...Fuck," Yun Hao could not help but whisper a curse as the grab handle slightly crumbled in his hand. He was still getting used to his newfound strength, maybe perhaps shoving the form on the faces of the people in school wasn't such a good idea after all.

After a few more minutes, he finally arrived at his stop, still holding pieces of the broken handle as he got out of the train. He felt it was right to just leave it like that so he quickly found a staff, asking her if he needed to pay for it.

"You crumbled it with your hand?" The female inspector could not help but look back and forth between the broken handle in her hand and Yun Hao.

"...Yes, sorry," Yun Hao let out an awkward chuckle, "I can really pay for it if I need to."

"N no, it's alright," the female inspector also let out an awkward chuckle. But after a few moments of looking at Yun Hao, she squinted her eyes and asked, "Are you perhaps a cultivator?"

"...Hm," Yun Hao hesitated for a while before nodding his head, "I'm still getting used--"

"I thought so!" The female inspector then took out a notebook, "Can I see your license?"

"...What for?"

"So that I can log it here and let the Confederation answer the costs? It happens all the time, don't worry. It's faster this way so you won't have to do any nasty paperwork."

"Oh right, of course."

The woman quickly jotted down Yun Hao's name and his license number into her logbook.

"Also, I know it's your choice and all" The female inspector then let out a short breath before handing back the license to Yun Hao, "...but I suggest you start wearing an armband when you're out sharing the space with us Normies."

"I thank you for the advice, ma'am," Yun Hao bowed his head before heading out. A Cultivator's Armband, it's to show that one is a cultivator. Some use it as a sign of superiority, and some use it for security purposes so that the normal population would be aware of their presence.

Huang Yi was wearing one, and obviously for the latter purpose.

Some normal humans also use them to pretend, but there was usually a heavy fine for doing so one is being jailed in the same prison as cultivators.

Yun Hao didn't really want to wear one, he was already attracting enough attention as it is with his dastardly dashingly good looks, he didn't want to add it to the flair. Maybe perhaps in the future, but now, he didn't really see any benefit in it.

And as if in queue to his thoughts, the woman he just thought of was calling her.

"..." Yun Hao stared at Huang Yi's name on his phone for a few seconds. She was the first contact in it, but aside from the 1st day, the two haven't really exchanged even as much as a hello to one another.

But then again, he didn't really see any reason not to answer she was indeed a bit cute plus she also somewhat helped him in a way, Yun Hao thought as he finally answered her call.

[You're a cultivator now!?]

Yun Hao almost threw his phone away as Huang Yi's voice pierced his ear almost literally.

"Hello to you too, friend," Yun Hao replied as he continued to walk to school.

[H hi, but where are you right now?]


[We need to talk!]

"Is this about recruiting me into your family clan whatever your group is? If so, it's already too late, I am already registered as a Rogue Cultivator," Yun Hao let out a long and deep sigh, making sure that Huang Yi could hear it from her side. There was only one way that Huang Yi could have found out about him being a Cultivator-- Sun Fang.

[That's just hear me out, please? I'll be in your school in a few hours!]

"...How'd you know I was going to school?"

[Where where else would you be? Just wait for me there, okay?]

"...Okay, it's a date, then?"

[Yes, see you What do you mean a date?]

"Might as well, right?"

[That's Let's talk about that later.]

"Alright, looking forward to it. Be careful on your way here."

[...Thanks, you too.]

Yun Hao let out a small breath as he put his phone back into his pocket. He then looked at the gate in front of him before once again letting out another small breath, but this time, it was partnered with a smirk.

This was probably the last time he was passing through this gate-- the gates of Tsinghai High school. He had spent years here and would have graduated in less than a year from now, but those are all over now. Now was time to make a proper exit and say goodbye to his alma materfucker.


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