Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 31: Elevator (1)

Chapter 31: Elevator (1)

"How did you get that scar on your face?"


Yun Hao could not help but slightly raise his eyebrows at Hannah's questions. She said that it was only going to be very light questions. How on earth is something this personal a light question?

"I said, where did you get that huge-ass scar on your face? It's not every day that we see a Normie with a scar on his face."

"That guy Sun Fang also has a scar on his face."

"You call that thing on his face a scar? I thought it was a loose strand of hair. Have you seen yourself in the mirror?"

"...Almost every day," Yun Hao let out a long and deep sigh, "I'd rather not answer that if I could."

"Hm" Hannah could not help but roll her eyes. But after a few seconds, she grabbed something from her pocket, "You don't want this?"

"I got it from fighting with a Cultivator," Yun Hao quickly replied as he saw the Beast Core in Hannah's hand. He could always buy one with the remaining money he had still in the bank and the coins that were still left inside his house, but having one now would allow him to try and duplicate it as soon as possible, maybe even tonight when he gets home. Besides, if one digs deep enough, they could find Yun Hao's story in googoru.

Although it had been more than a year since he last fought in the ring, he could still be considered as somewhat famous with the kids of the Normal population who liked boxing. After all, he was still a star athlete before everything went to hell.

And so, Yun Hao told the story of what happened. Perhaps this would also be a good platform to release what truly happened to him as there seemed to be a lot of false rumors that spread about him including allegations of him being involved with a drug gang.

Hannah did not really interrupt Yun Hao as he told his altercation with a cultivator.

"That's basically it. And although I said a fight, it was more like a beating."

"...So you were able to last that long fighting a cultivator? Even if he was just at the earliest stage, you shouldn't have even been able to fight back."

"Well, I was with my ex-girlfriend, I thought I had to protect her however I can even if it costs me my life."

"Ho," Hannah could not help but fan herself with her hand as soon as she heard Yun Hao's words, slightly revealing her cleavage as she pulled her clothes, "That girl was lucky to have you. But you said she's an ex-girlfriend now? What happened?"

"That's a story for another time," Yun Hao let out a slight chuckle as he winked at the camera with his only working eye.

"Alright, I'm sure the viewers would be interested, but I am sure we'll be seeing a lot of you in the future. What about your left eye? Is it completely blind?"

"Sadly so. If it was still alive, then I am sure it would surely be jealous of my right eye."

"Oh, why so?"

"Because it's currently seeing a beauty such as you right now."

"...Cringe," Hannah could not help but slightly snarl from Yun Hao's attempt at flattery. But still, there was a slight stutter in her voice and a flicker in her eyes that was completely visible from the camera. It also captured how her face slightly turned red before she started speaking again,

"N next question."

Yun Hao continued to answer some other questions about himself for a few minutes, but they seemed completely mundane compared to her very first question. Finally, after what seemed like more than 30 questions, Hannah's questions ran out.

Yun Hao was about to bow and head out to get his license, but it would seem that they were still not quite done yet.

"Alright, now time for a good thumbnail!" Hannah then gestured to Yun Hao to go to the corner of the private testing hall where she placed some of the other furniture that came from her interspatial ring.

So that's what they were for, Yun Hao thought as Hannah tried to find them a good spot. But after what seemed like 3 minutes, Hannah can't seem to find a good angle.

"Why do you have to be so fucking tall? What are you, half European or something?" Hannah clicked her tongue as she kneeled on the sofa, trying to get the height of their eyes to be at the same eye level.

"Can't you use your tripod?"

"No, it doesn't look authentic that way! Why are you even telling me what to do?"

"..." Yun Hao could only let out a sigh before trying to grab the phone from Hannah's hand.

"...What are you doing?"

But alas, he couldn't even budge it.

"My arms are longer, let me take the photo."

"...Alright," Hannah could only let go of the photo as she realized that their faces were almost sticking to each other. Like most girls and women that were born from Cultivator clans, Hannah was quite foreign to the concept of relationships and such. It just wasn't as obvious due to her already being an adult in her late 20s.

"So, I just press this?"

"Yes! Have you never held a phone before!?"

"...I haven't used my phone's camera yet."

"Just press it and smile, you imbecile!"

"Alright, alright. Why are you cultivators always acting so rude, is that like some kind of inside joke I'm not getting?"

"Press it."

Yun Hao once again let out a sigh as he looked at the screen of the phone. With his new stylish haircut, the scar on his face had become more visible and it was made quite obvious from the screen. He was going to tilt his head to the side first to hide his scar, but in the end

...he chose not to do so.


"...You guys are still here?"

"We wanted to wait for you so we could exchange information."

"...You too?"

"Tch, didn't want to at first."

Yun Hao was quite surprised to see that Sun Fang, Jia Ning, as well as her brother, were still in the lobby, seemingly waiting for him.

"Congratulations on becoming a cultivator, brother Yun Hao," Jia Ning's brother saluted Yun Hao. And although there was a bit of bitterness in his tone, his eyes were still clear as they looked Yun Hao straight in the eyes.

"Thank you, brother"

"Jia Su," Jia Ning's brother once again bowed his head as he introduced himself to Yun Hao, "Your performance truly was a thing to behold. I am sure even the top disciples of our clan will not have been able to measure up to you when they opened their meridians."

"...Right, thank you," Yun Hao could only awkwardly bow his head as he wasn't used to being treated this formally, "So, about this exchange of information you mean our contact numbers?" Yun Hao then turned his head towards Jia Ning.

"Y yes," Jia Ning nodded, "My brother suggested it. It would be cool to have f friends outside of our clan."

The stutter in Jia Ning's voice was quite obvious to hear. But it would seem that none minded as they all exchanged contact information even Sun Fang. Jia Ning's eyes glittered as she saw two names in her contacts that weren't from her clan.

"We will go now, brothers Yun Hao and Sun Fang. Let us meet again some other time to discuss pointers," Jia Su once again saluted, "I will be a cultivator as well the next time we meet."

"Alright, stay fresh," Yun Hao waved his hand.

"Farewell, brother," while Sun Fang imitated Jia Su and gave a salute of his own.

There was a slight reluctance on Jia Ning's face. But alas, she had no choice but to also bid her farewells as their mother was already waiting for them in the car outside.

And so, the only two left were Sun Fang and Yun Hao. The two didn't really say anything to each other, with Yun Hao going to the receptionist and getting his license.

"This is it?" Yun Hao flipped the card that was given to her by the receptionist. It just looked like a driver's license, with a serial on the lower-left corner.

"Yes. And please don't lose it, it will take a while before we can issue you another one. It would be best if you store it inside an interspatial storage"

The receptionist continued to explain to Yun Hao of the certain uses of the cards for a few minutes. But after she was done, she quickly bowed her head towards him and thanked him for standing up for her colleague earlier.

"Don't mention it," Yun Hao nonchalantly waved his hand before walking away. Surprisingly, the young man that caused the commotion was still in front of the elevator.

"...What are you still doing here?"

"Waiting for the elevator, what else? This is a tall building, I wasn't waiting for you."




The two awkwardly waited for the elevator to come, but seeing as it has been on the 32nd floor for quite a while now, they were going to wait for a long time.

"Fuck this, I am taking the stairs," Sun Fang said before clicking his tongue. But before he could take 3 steps, Yun Hao opened his mouth.

"Wait," Yun Hao said.

"What What do you want? You want to fight?"


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